This testing done at 1700′ from the facility shows setbacks are insufficient to protect public.
Independent test results show fracking flowback emissions are dangerous toxics, not *steam*
April 24, 2012
Texas town ignores own test results to allow fracking to continue
in violation of city ordinances, endangering local residents
Colleyville, TX, April 24 — Today Colleyville and Southlake residents, and Earthworks’ Oil & Gas Accountability Project released results from local residents’ privately-funded air testing of Titan Operations’ “mini-frack” on the border of both communities. The tests, performed by GD Air Testing Inc. of Richardson, TX, prove emissions released during fracking and flowback contain dangerous levels of toxic chemicals.
Entire press release HERE
UPDATE: In the news…
Randy Loftis blog: Citizens contend fracking polluted air in Southlake, Colleyville
DRC: Doctors begin speaking up
Colleyville Debates Independent Findings Of Toxic Emissions At Gas Well
Colleyville residents claim independent study shows fracking emissions dangerous, city refutes
“One site where the levels were highest was 1700 feet away, so that is beyond the setback and important for public safety.”
Maybe someone smart can explain this quote to me:
“They have the right to be concerned, but the data they collected doesn’t show any health risk beyond the norm,” Kenneth Tramm, city inspector, said.
Tramm questions how the residents data was collected and says it doesn’t reflect anything above normal, everyday encounters.
“Operating weed wackers and traffic, those are all emissions. We certainly don’t want to add to that with a pad site, so this will be monitoed.”
Did he just say we are right to be concerned but fahgit about it? I’m pretty sure my weed wacker doesn’t expose me to carbon disulfide, benzene and naphthalene over safe limits.
Welcome to Colleyville, Home of the Most Scrutinized Fracking Site in North Texas
Tests find air emissions of toxic chemicals from a gas well, environmental group says
Residents’ tests detect benzene at well site, but Colleyville disagrees
Some additional information:
Due to the many complaints in Arlington during Chesapeake fracking and flowback operations starting back in December, and the experience Flower Mound residents had from Titan fracking and flowback operations there (VIDEO), residents of Colleyville and Southlake had questions for Titan before they did a “mini-frack” or single stage frack on the border of their towns.
Arlington residents had a few questions for Chesapeake but they never received an answer.
I knew Chesapeake would soon be fracking the Bruder well in Arlington so I thought it might be worth a shot to request the TCEQ do extra monitoring during that time. I sent them the following email:
<>,Dear All,
When we had a meeting in the TCEQ offices a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned the ongoing complaints we have received from Arlington residents during completion operations by Chesapeake Energy. I have several videos posted on my blog that document these emissions. The emissions are crossing the fenceline into the neighborhoods and causing stress and health complaints.
If you need to see videos, they are posted on my blog That blog post includes links to former postings that include video.
Air sampling needs to happen while these emission are occurring. This is a perfect time for that because Chesapeake will be doing completion at this wellsite for several days.
As my sons can tell you, I’m not much of a cook. But the one thing I do know is steaming water has no odor. There have been a few times my cooking caused my heart to race but, again, that wasn’t from hot water.
No one from the TCEQ responded to my email.
Southlake and Colleyville residents contacted me for help. They didn’t want to end up like Arlington. I explained the importance of documenting the monumental failure of our state regulators as I always do but many people have no faith in the state and do not want to waste their time. I also advised them to do their own testing. They pooled their resources and did their own testing.
When we received the results, I immediately called the Arlington Fire Department because they were repeating Julie Wilson’s line about the steam. I carefully explained to Michael Naydan that I needed Randy Schmelz to call me because we had test results showing that dangerous toxins and not just steam are in the vapors during fracking and flowback. In fact, I called twice and left that message but Randy Schmelz never called me back. This is particularly disturbing to me.
Tonight Arlington council has several new gas well permits on their agenda. All eyes are on Arlington.
Another update: Do you want to hear something funny? TCEQ and Colleyville’s consultants have questioned the residents’ methodology. Here is the funneh countdown:
- GD Air is the lab the residents used.
- GD Air is the lab certified by TCEQ uses.
- GD Air uses EPA methodology. (TO14)
- TCEQ often leaves summa canisters for residents to deploy on their own.
I called GD Air. They are certified by TCEQ but TCEQ does not use them for their lab. TCEQ has their own lab.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Are you sure that it’s the methodology that’s being questioned and not the equipment? It wouldn’t be the first time that the TCEQ got alarming testing results, then decided their equipment was faulty. As a matter of fact, the TCEQ is getting pretty good at blaming their equipment. Correct method, just bad equipment. (and no plans to fix/calibrate/replace the so-called ‘faulty’ equipment)
Remember, this is the same group of wonderful people that is wanting to now not get involved in any ‘contested property issues’. My question that I never got an answer to was “And if this decision goes through, what exactly will change at the TCEQ? You guys don’t get involved in much of anything to begin with.
Has Dr. Kenneth Tramm PhD PG CHMM worked for your city?
If so I would be very concerned about the consulting he provided!
(Vice President of Kleinfelder,Principal at Modern Geosciences, Owner Trammgroup)
weed wackers my ass! He is sounding like a Geostitute.
“They have the right to be concerned, but the data they collected doesn’t show any health risk beyond the norm,” Kenneth Tramm, city inspector, said.
That is probably one of the most ironic things that he said. I mean, why would we be concerned if the data doesn’t show any risk, right? Good updates you have here!
Thanks for sharing!
-Harold Y.
Truly, in Texas, an agency with leadership appointed by the apparently very forgetful Rick Perry ~ called the “Texas Commission on Environmental Quality” is how they get it done.
We are not a “clean” state no matter how many of our municipalities have environmental services departments and statements about “being green,” on websites. We are the “Mecca” for the oil and gas industry ~ an industry that controls our state politics and now has a stranglehold on our cities in North Texas.
All the bluebonnets in the world can’t change that. The Bush family didn’t come to Texas decades ago for the fun of it. Keeping political power in the Texas Republican Party ~ the party of “conservative,” rural Texans who don’t like anyone telling them what to do; keeping Rick Perry in place as the governor with all the power of appointments to state-run agencies; and keeping in place state agencies that give the “appearance” of providing “safety” for our communities…it’s the only way to keep this Fossil Fuel operation going.
These are the same chemicals, in our air sample.
Greater concentrations however, because our samples were taken 1.5 miles from the fracking source.
Breaks my heart that people are putting greed over public health.
Dont’ worry about it because the Food Industry is doing the same thing. Just trying to make a quick buck vs, actually having integrity to provide a good product to the American Citizen.
Good Luck to everyone who is/has been/or will be fracked.
Keep strong, and let’s continue to stay unified on facts.
Thank you Sharon, EPA, and Earthwork’s Accountbility Project for your continued support.