According to Rex, we iz soooo dumb.
“Tillerson blamed a public that is “illiterate” in science and math, a “lazy” press, and advocacy groups that “manufacture fear” for energy misconceptions in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations.”
“The industry’s biggest challenge, he said, is “taking an illiterate public and try to help them understand why we can manage these risks.”
Tillerson acknowledged that burning of fossil fuels is warming the planet, but said society will be able to adapt.
Adapt peasants!
Update: I need to rant about this a little more.
Rex says that industry can mi-ti-gate the damage.
Let’s take a very quick look at how they are doing on that miti-GATE-ing and what they expect your children to adapt to:
- See the first Keystone spill and another similar spill, Part 1 has been posted here today. All three parts are available today as an e-book on Amazon.
This land is still barren today – I guess they forgot to mitigate that.
- Wonder when they plan to start that mitigating magic here: Legacy of UT’s oil wealth: a denuded landscape Decades after production began, saltwater contamination continues to poison West Texas land.
- Methane seeping up underground pathways caused concentrated plumes of gas in the air in Bradford County where the state and a natural gas drilling company are investigating the cause of stray methane bubbling in streams and water wells…
- Pennsylvania’s ‘reindustrailization’ will take a toll on health
- The Colorado wildfires have forced more than 32000 people to evacuate the region as smoke engulfed the area
- In 2011, Texas endured the worst single-year drought in its history. Now the state has to make some hard choices about how to prepare for future droughts and water shortages as its population and water demand grows.
- The Duluth area is in the midst of the worst flash-flood to hit the North Shore in at least 40 years. In fact, it may be the worst flash-flood the area has ever seen. PHOTOS
- Dying trees in Southwest set stage for erosion, water loss in Colorado River
- Adapt to not eating. Farmers are canceling their fall crops because they don’t have enough irrigation rights to make it through the season. But there is plenty of water for fracking.
to be continued… Please add your links in the comments.
This is why YOU MUST JOIN US IN DC 7.28.12 TO STOP THE FRACK ATTACK and let our Congress know that we want clean energy TODAY.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Hmm, Rex has a Bachelor’s (not in his field of employment). Where I live, Doctorate Degree 0.79%, Professional School Degree 1.22%,
Master’s Degree 12.85%, Bachelor’s Degree 39.19%. Over 54% have the same or MORE formal education than Rex. We rejected drilling with over 74% of the electorate, but Rex knows best.
I hold Rex’s home address close to my heart, if anybody wants to pay him a social visit or send him a letter. Maybe tens of thousands.
But don’t worry, he’s drinking the water too. And you should see what’s in it:
beta emitters in 2009 were 0
in 2010 6….above the EPA limit of 4.
strontium and some other fun stuff.
When I held a lighter to my water, no flames, just melted plastic.
Rex didn’t like it much when Bartonville wanted to put a water tower up near him. At a council meeting he said it would ruin his view as he sat on his back patio.
We were there to talk about how his fracking had impacted our lives. We had to pinch ourselves!
The Bartonville Council wanted to “mitigate” the water tower but Rex said that wasn’t good enough for him.
It would be highly entertaining should Range, or maybe, Aruba, set up shop nearby.
But then, it would be a shame to disrupt his farming operation:
(+) $877,706
Land Homesite Value
(+) $478,592
Land Non-Homesite Value
(+) $0
Agricultural Market Value
(+) $874,933
Timber Market Value
(+) $0
Total Market Value
(=) $2,231,231
Agricultural Use Reduction
(-) $873,804
Timber Use Reduction
(-) $0
Appraised Value
(=) $1,357,427
Homestead Cap What’s this?
(-) $48,693
Assessed Value
(=) $1,308,734
Funny stuff, huh?!?
Now the Water Company is suing the Town about the placement of the water tower.
I think, the Town should counter sue the Water Company for knowing the water was jacked and not doing anything about it.
I think, I should sue all 3.
The funniest part of it all, is that if Rex’s house catches on fire and the 32 condensation tanks in the Town blow up, there’s probably not enough water pressure to put the fire out.
I guess, when you’re bonus’ are in the tens of millions, you don’t worry about whether your house, or your Town blows up.
Rex is only the single most powerful man on this planet. He will just command all the peasants to line up and pee on the fire and tell them to adjust their volume of bodily fluids to meet the demand.
Sounds more like Wa-ter-gate to me.
Fracking is not a new technology. People would fall over if they knew the crude methods employed in previous decades. Exxon was throwing explosives in wells and then writing reports like “casing destroyed so results unknown.” Fracking used to be thought of as secondary recovery – not something that was done at the initially drilling of the well. The wells would produce when first drilled and then when the production dropped off later, the companies would come in and try all sorts of “fracking” experiments to see how they could stimulate the production by opening up the formation. Fracking gets a lot of media attention – but I think the produced water/waste injection is the real issue.
Yep, they did some crazy things to make wells produce in past years:
It’s amazing that some of us “illiterates” had read about nitro shooting of wells years ago. Shock.
Fracking gets a lot of attention because quite a number of people associate fracking with drilling operations as a whole, not just one stage or aspect of it.
I still remember when the operator shut down the well on my property because of the fracking of a new well nearby. The worker that came out to re-start the well told me the reason they shut it down was because they ‘Cannot control the frack.” “What do you mean you can’t control it?” “Just what I said-we can’t control how far the fissures go in any direction.” “You mean such as into my water well or the aquifer where my water comes from?” “Oh, your water is perfectly safe, it’s nowhere near the frack.” “But you just said you can’t control it, meaning how far it goes-in any direction.” “I have to get back to work now.”
Nothing would surprise me about what kind of experiments they have conducted in our backyards. Remember, I lived in Wise County for 16 years where they fiddled around and figured out how to frack gas and oil out of the shale.
Industry admits that their biggest issue is the massive amounts of waste–solid and liquid–this process generates. That problem is say bigger than fracking.
Fracking to most people means the entire process. I used to try and correct people but now I just roll with it.