I have a statcounter that tells me the FBI is very interested in what is happening in the Barnett Shale. At first I thought it might be me (Overblown sense of importance…). But now I know they are watching certain cities and certain cases.
It’s fun to watch. It’s thrilling.
Edit: While you’re here, you might find this interesting: Meet Judge Trey Loftin who ruled in favor of serial polluter Range Resources in Parker County water contamination case.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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I know I’ve contacted the FBI about some stuff.
Slow as the tortoise.
The activity is picking up quite a bit.
I’d like to see the SEC & EPA get some wiretaps of their own on some frackers, since there’s violations under the jurisdiction of both of those Agencies going on.
The FBI was in our site as well. Seems they are fishing for something. It’s about time. Perhaps the citizens on the shale will see justice served. We have suffered long enough.
If they are looking for criminals, they are on the right track.
FBI criminal division was also on our blog. We’ve been sending up an SOS signal from the toxic fumes in our backyards.
I have photographs of those SOS signals. I hope someone comes to rescue us before we die of cancer.
Our judicial and state government agencies cannot and should not be allow to be bought and paid for by big oil and gas. Texas governor, state agencies, and most judges have sold their minds and soul to big oil and gas with the expectation there would be adverse consequences. After all Texas, being the Red state that it is, seems to ” just lays back and enjoys it” as Clayton Williams once said of rape.
What is happening in the gas patch is a crime and our state agencies and judges are complicit in most of those crimes. It is time for the Feds to start keeping a closer eye on the money and influence the oils and gas industry has over our state judges, Attorney General, RRC, and Governor.
They searched for information about Denton specifically. Maybe they are interested in why the gas inspector was transferred from Arlington to Denton and what that had to do with the makeup of the current task force.
Wow! Let’s hope. I noted similar search terms that landed them on posts about the Denton task force. I’ve always been curious about how the task force members were chosen. Who recommended Ed Ireland?
Go to the Denton Drilling Task Force on Monday nights at city hall and see man love in action. Every time Ed Ireland opens his pie hole the gas well inspector from Denton, originally Arlington, Darren Groth hangs on every word Eddie has to say as if Ed were preaching the gospel. I cannot tell if the looks are admiration or if a Mr. groth is hopefully looking for a well paying industry job reference from Mr. Ireland.
Groth is looking for that golden revolving door he was promised if he would ease the way for the drillers in Denton like he did in Arlington.
He admitted it to the Denton paper. “Groth said his experience in the public and private sectors – especially his last 3 1/2 years with the city of Arlington – prepared him for the Denton job.
“What they’re trying to set up is basically the way we have it set up in Arlington,” he said.”
I’m sure Denton wants to be just like Arlington.
I have emailed the FBI twice and asked for their intervention in allowing drilling so near the Cowboy Stadium. It is too close to people within the 600 ft buffer, it is too close to the the gasoline station across the street and too close to the train tracks where fire station #1 would be responding from the south, it is too close to the largest and busiest intersection at Collins and Division. Vechicular grid lock would jeopardize an evacuation effort for my low income neighborhood (in a city with no real public transportation).
I have PUT myself out there and emailed the FBI and have nothing to hide as I am seeking their protection. So if they are on our blog sites, they may be looking for anti-fracking criminals. I bet they are NOT looking for evidence to take action against big oil and gas because very few entities like the RRC and TCEQ do in my opinion. I’m jus sayn’ if the FDA is allegedly politicized, then the FBI could be too. Don’t think they are visiting our blogs to find fracking criminals…that would be wishful thinking.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation, they don’t care if Arlington puts a gas well next to Jerry World. They don’t investigate traffic at busy intersection. You would have better luck with FEMA if you are contacting a federal agency about an emergency evacuation plan. Now, if you think there is a terrorism plot against the gas station or the train track you probably should call the FBI.
The FBI would be investigating corruption of public officials, like they did in Dallas.
True, they could be just searching the sites because of the word insurgent, only time will tell, but if I was a judge or a politician in Texas whose influence is being bought by big oil and gas in back door deals I would be worried.
There is a reason politician want the EPA out of Texas and it has nothing to do with states rights.
EXACTLY! They were not searching for insurgents. Dirty judges, public officials and regulators should be concerned.
Those who live on the shale are ‘eyes and ears’ for our government investigators. We are doing a public service. We are like the neighborhood crime watch only we are watching corporate criminals. Just as one would shine the light on small-time crooks, we are just shining a light on the big gas mafia.
You forgot the part about how well paid you are being the ‘eyes and ears’, not to mention the benefits.
Jobs, jobs, jobs…