When I talk about the releases that happen with great frequency and how loud they are–stinky and toxic too–here is what I’m talking about. Notice how far away from the facility this video was taken then realize that some of these facilities are only about 100 feet from people’s homes.
This is one of the jobs that the Big Gas Mafia brings to communities. It’s the unpaid job of monitoring their activities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Instead of making home videos of your children and pets, you get to make videos of the heavy industry in your backyard.
UPDATE: And even more new employees of the Big Gas Mafia can be seen in this video:
View more videos at: http://nbcdfw.com.
When our decision makers decide to allow drilling in their cities and in neighborhoods, they might look at these videos and say: we would never allow a facility like that in our city. But, these type facilities are a required part of natural gas production and processing. While you might not allow this in your city, the gas that is extracted in your city and from which your city will profit will be processed somewhere. Somewhere a community will suffer because of the decisions you make.
Look what America’s Natural Gas did for you today.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Anywhere there is gas extraction, there will be gas plants–removing acid gas(mostly CO2, and H2S +plus other crap) and glycol dehydrators (removing mostly water with all kinds of BTEX compounds)—and into the air goes a bunch of stuff, more onto the land. You cannot live near a gas plant in Texas–they are permitted by the WCEQ under Permits By Rule (PBR)–very large emissions are allowed.
Oh, I forgot about the amine reboilers and glycol dehydrator reboilers, all using the dirty raw natural gas as fuel and more stuff spewed out to the air–including many Nox’s, Vox’ and Sox’s. Learn to love it or RUN.
So the sound is messed up on that 2nd video at the beginning and then at the end when the reporter starts talking about the operator. Go figure.
What does our current Governor and the President of the United States wannabe Rick Perry have to say about the poisoning of the good citizens of his state in Ponder, TX? Well, here we have it…as a matter of fact, he’s made that crystal clear.
And now,guess what? The great discovery of the Eagle Ford shale has taken place in South Central Texas, and all of the problems you guys in the Barnett shale have had we are now having. Too bad we didn’t know any better before we signed those leases 5 or 6 yrs ago.
Harvey, I need to help people in the EFS learn who to call for which issues, how to make complaints and how to document their health effects. We need to get started on this right away. If you collect enough data, we can make the industry do better.
Need to educate EFS (and whole group of others) how to document EVERYTHING. Pictures, videos, filing Public Info Requests, While we have multiple banker boxes full of documents, if I had the chnace to do this over, I would have invested in much more serious video camera-especially one that captures audio much better. For example, when I videotape the compressor station from my front porch, I can hear it in the audio portion, but it’s nothing like you hear live. I want to be able to demostrate an accurate and real picture of what it’s like from our home, not on the site itself.
Kinder Morgan has the big bucks and is about to get bigger.
You think they could spend some money to curb emissions….
You would think, huh, Tammi?
That’s the part that’s totally disgusting about this whole thing. They have the technology to emit less toxic chemicals and to make our aquifers safe.
Instead of making this safer for people through paying a little more on the pad site they would rather pay the CEO’s and the Politicians.
Excuse me while I go throw up, again.
I”m not sure what technology they have to make our aquifers safe. Fracking is a risk to water. Even Rex Tillerman admits that.
They can, in the very least replace the casing, in between frack jobs on a single bore head, at least lessening the chance…
Story about Kinder Morgan right now on NPR. Touting how Kinder left Enron in 1996 when things didn’t work out for him to lead Enron. It’s an ad for shale gas…saying the “code has been cracked.” How wonderful it all is. ♫♫Here they come again.♫♫
Oh, look. They have an Integrity Hotline. Maybe we should call on behalf of the good people of Ponder, TX.
(866) 293-2402