Liberty Christian School has a natural gas compressor station right next to their athletic facilities. When your children are playing tennis or football or other sports they are gulping down all the emissions from that compressor station.
Parents of Liberty Christian students should read this:
Human Health Effects Associated with Chemicals Detected in the Air in Excess of TCEQ Short-term and Long-term Effects Screening Levels in DISH, Texas
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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On top of all that bad stuff they have in the air—there's the Low Frequency Noise (LFN) that is sometimes hard to hear, but it does damage anyway.
In all fairness, I have driven by that compressor station for the last 4 years. The athletic fields are new. The gas company did not build those fields. Just an observation.
No, I was not suggesting that the gas company built next to the athletic facility. BUT, they would NEVER hesitate for even a MOMENT to build had the facility already been in place.
If I were the parents, I would insist on vapor recovery devices and scrubbers.
But you were hoping everyone would think that. Shame on you.
Ahm. No, actually that's not true in the least. I was hoping that the parents would pressure the operator to install emission controls so no children would be harmed by breathing the toxins that are surely emitted from that facility.
I don't give a rat's ass who was there first. Why would that make any difference to those children who are being exposed to toxins?
I really don't get where you are coming from but you seem to be implying that I have some unknown to me ulterior motive. You seem to think there is something here that might be more important than the children's health. Shame on you!
I can't see anything in your blog post that would give any rational person a hint that you were trying to lead people to believe anything other than that their children's health might be at risk.
Thank you! Ignore the troll.
Why do you fail to mention the millions and billions of automobiles on the road everyday that are contributing to the air pollution? Or how about the millions of landfills that your trash and my trash are filling?? Why don't you point that infrared camera at cars driving on the highway and I'm sure you'll see plenty of toxins being emitted from those vehicles? How about checking the air quality at the landfills or water contamination at these landfills?
I'm sure you walk to work and use candles in your home instead of electricity. You probably live in a cave because you didn't want to have to cut down any trees to build the frame for your house.
Our daily living causes pollution you morons! Take the log out of your eye!
Comparing auto and diesel exhaust to the toxic emissions from gas and oil production and installations is like comparing a runaway barbcue fire to 9/11. From your reply, I take it you have a vested interested in oil and gas and fracking, i.e. are making your money from them.
Your argument seems to be this:
Because there are many other sources of pollution all around us, I'm a moron for working to regulate one of the main polluters. If one pollutes they should all get to pollute.
That's a fallacy of reasoning.
If you read the study by SMU, you will see that HALF of all our pollution, including all the vehicles and the airports comes from drilling activity. You will also see that there are cost effective solutions to the problem.
Emissions from Natural Gas Production in the Barnett Shale Area and Opportunities for Cost-Effective Improvements
Another fallacy of reasoning that you use is this:
Because I am an energy consumer, I'm a moron for trying to get energy sources to clean up their pollution
We can have it both! We can have the energy and make the energy producers clean up!
You seem to be especially troubled that I mentioned a source of dangerous toxins near a place where children play. What on earth is up with that?
Anonymous poster, you might want to check for logs in your own eye because your vision seems to be obscured.
You have toxins in your home, in our paint, in every aspect of our lives – there are dangers tragedies. You're pinpointing one industry as though they invented pollution. I agree that pollution needs to be managed but to say that gas drilling is the major cause is bunk! I've lived in this city for 15 years and we had serious pollution problems long before urban drilling showed up. Why is it okay for you to cause pollution and not someone else? Maybe you don't cause "as much" (which is still debatable) but you still contribute. And the billions of us who live on this planet. Until we find other energy sources to keep our lives convenient, natural gas will be produce. If the private companies don't produce it, the government will. And if they don't produce, we'll have to purchase it from foreign countries like we do oil.