Sockpuppets are nothing new.
Most people think sockpuppetry started with the internet but the practice has a long history. A famous sockpuppeteer, Benjamin Franklin, had several male and female sockpuppets. Elected officials, famous people, regular people and especially frackers all use sockpuppets. The Brits have called for sockpuppetry use for security reasons.
The U.S. Military has purchased software designed to create and control false online personas in an attempt to use social media and other websites to counter anti-U.S. messaging.
According to the contract between US Central Command (Centcom) and California company Ntrepid, the software would let each user control 10 personas, each “replete with background, history, supporting details, and cyber presences that are technically, culturally and geographically consistent.” The software would also be able to let personas “appear to originate in nearly any part of the world” and interact through “conventional online services and social media platforms,” while using a static IP address for each persona to maintain a consistent online identity.
These false online personas, also known as “sock puppets,” would be equipped to seem like real people while entering online discussion through blogs, message boards, chats, and more. With a false persona, a user could discredit opponents, or create the semblance of consensus.
However, IOIYAF (It’s okay if you’re a fracker) and IOIYAFAG (it’s okay if you’re a fracking astroturf group/EID).
Your sockpuppet indignation barely hides your delight
There has been a great deal of hoopla in Pennsylvania news lately about Rep. Jesse White using sockpuppetry, particularly to respond to frackers and industry apologists. Energy in Depth weighed in with indignation and accusations of bullying that barely hid their delight. And, oh oops! They must have forgotten about this sockpuppetry slip up.
I’m not saying what White did was okay but this calls to mind something I learned in vacation Bible school: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” But that was back in the “caveman days” as my son calls it and the teachings of Jesus have been repackaged into a new, shiny, self absorbed, gun toting, me first jesus.
Maybe White didn’t know that elected officials normally hire someone else to be the puppeteer so they can feign shock when the puppeteer is caught. They distance themselves and fire the puppeteer who probably finds one of those fat envelopes stuffed into their lunch box. Living and learning in the fast lane.
Sockpuppets I know and love.
On this little ole blog, I have caught executives of fracking companies using multiple identities to make comments and support their lies. I have caught fracking engineers, landmen, and employees and staff of the U.S. House of Representatives and many others practicing sockpuppetry.
It’s okay. Your secret is safe with me if I haven’t already called you out in the comments. But you know who you are and so do I.
Sockpuppet Euthanasia
I’m betting a peek into dumpsters right now will reveal a massive attempt by other elected officials, fracking employees and fracking apologists to discard their sockpuppets. Poor, lonely, abandoned sockpuppets who served their puppeteers faithfully peer into the darkness of the dumpster surrounded by dirty diapers, tampons and rotting food.
R.I.P. Dear Sockpuppets
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Right on, BlueDaze. Keep up the good work.
I miss the good ole days when people had the balls to stand behind their word and weren’t afraid to sign their name to what they wrote. But these aren’t the good ole days. We have the industry and their few paid apologists who have to create a multitude of fake personas to try to sway public opinion. I have so many new meanings for words and phrases now…sock puppets, echo chambers….blah, blah, blah. My head hurts, but that’s just the damn poison I breathe now. Soon, very, soon, I can’t wait to escape!
Why would you keep the identity of company executives, landmen, engineers, House of Representatives, etc. posting as other people a secret?
For the same reason I keep other people’s identities secret.
I hope you don’t think I’m one of those big executive people you named. Because I’m just a regular engineer. Healthy as could be and been around oil and gas for a long time! I remember when I commented one time that you wanted me to use my real name. Well, if you email me I will gladly sign my name. I don’t think our sides have to be at war, I just think there is a lot that you don’t know. You probably think the same about me, but that’s ok, different view points don’t have to create enemies. If you have the funds, I think it would be very beneficial for you to attend some petroleum engineering courses. I’ve attended courses on both sides (some anti oil and gas and some pro oil and gas), and that’s what has brought me to my viewpoints today. I like to hear both ends of the spectrum then decide which proves their point and which doesn’t. Feel free to email me for any suggestions or questions:
And I think there is a lot YOU don’t know or won’t admit.
I’m curious to know what you think I don’t know or won’t admit. I’ve been taught a lot through the years, especially through HSE programs.
It’s hard to get a man to understand something when his paycheck depends on him not understanding. ~Upton Sinclair.
And I really am sorry I haven’t been able to read all of your posts lately; you sure do post a lot of things. I’ve been working in the field lately (about 12-20 hour days), and will continue to do so, but I will read and respond when I can!
Lest you forget: Koch Sock Puppets
Why is it:
When O&G people come here to post, they never have ONE example/fact/any proof to back their claims? Such as…..
“Drilling is safe.” How so? The chemicals don’t cause cancer and other illnesses? There are no deadly explosions at sites? Water is not contaminated? Etc, etc.
“Drilling is good for the economy.” Whose economy? The CEOs? How is it good for me to have our natural gas shipped to other countries?
“Natural gas is a clean fuel.” See my first question.
“Those against drilling have no proof it’s bad.” Except when they do … cancer, other illnesses, our Earth being destroyed, water taken away forever, water contaminated, pollution, roads damaged, homes damaged, deaths from explosions … need I continue?
Let’s see some stats backing up how great drilling is for anyone who isn’t an executive or politician.
From the article – “About one-third of the municipal tax base in Dish comes from mineral values; in Ponder, it’s about one-quarter. Similarly, more than one-quarter of the property values in the Krum school district, and more than half the values in the Ponder school district, come from minerals”
Ah, what’s your point here, Ben? Apparently you didn’t read the entire article because it’s not a rosy picture for mineral values. 2% of the county’s tax base and falling fast is not too impressive considering all the MASSIVE damage this industry does.
Ahm, anyone want a home in Dish or Ponder? I heard they are giving homes away in those areas and still there are no takers.
That’s all ya got, Ben? Taxes? (Speaking of taxes, my tax appraisal went down $18,000. this year because of the site behind me. Not good for my home value).
How about the health affects? Psychological torture of living next to an industrial site that runs operations 24/7, but isn’t zoned industrial? Water taken out of the table permanently? Water contaminated? Pollution?
Oh, and unless you have one of these sites next to your house, you just need to shut up. You have no clue what it’s like to wonder if you and your family are going to get blown up every time a thunderstorm moves in. Or someone makes a fatal mistake back there.
Tax base is pretty impressive when you consider it wasn’t there 10 years ago! Schools in Krum & Decatur sure seem new & well maintained. This is just more scare tactics along the lines of no one will build on Rayzor Ranch or visit Ft. Worth because of drilling!
Who pays for the roads?
Who pays for the health care? Nationwide heart attacks are the major killer but not in Denton where people die of cancer.
Who compensates landowners for lost property value?
Who pays when we are in non-attainment because of emissions from drilling and fracking?
Who will clean up all this toxic shit when you guys have declared bankruptcy and moved on?
Who pays when there are accidents?
I don’t see much building happening anywhere near the Rayzor Ranch gas well. Nada. And I was just there last week with a news crew from Holland. Same eyesore as always.
This is just the same rhetoric and lies told by the Tobacco Mafia. Got new material? We are on to you.
Do you live next to a site? Live with it 24/7?
That’s what I thought, since you didn’t have anything to say about my comments, other than, “Tax base in Krum! Wheee!”
No Mrs. Gasperson I don’t! Mainly because I live in a neighborhood without a lot of empty lots that people could use for things I don’t approve of. I do live next to a railroad which carries all sorts of nasty substances! Difference is I don’t spend my time worrying about railroad accidents or demanding that every train send a notice to Denton telling us what exactly they are carrying! Guess everyone needs a hobby.
Ben, are you seriously trying to compare living by a railroad to living surrounded with oil and gas facilities and infrastructure? Or, is this a joke?
Railroad accidents in the US in 2010 to present:
2010 – 4
2011 – 8
2012 – 13
Most of these were passenger trains but there were a couple of accidents were a neighborhood had to be evacuated.
Compare that to the list of pipeline accidents in the 21st century
Compare that to being exposed to toxins on a daily basis where you have to evacuate your home frequently.
There is no comparison, Ben. As always, your arguments don’t hold up.
Yes! We probably had 13 train accidents just in DFW this year. Don’t know where you got your information but as usual it’s highly subjective & not based on facts like Mrs. Gasperson wants!
The link you provide are accidents at railroad CROSSINGS. Those accidents are not based on where you live and the victims are not necessarily residents living near the railroad. The list I gave came from a list of railroad accidents where the train derails or collides with another train.
You example is like someone blaming a gas well for contamination when a water haller misses his turn and runs into their yard.
Nice try though.
Also, there is no Mrs. Gasperson commenting on this thread. Again, nice try.
Why is this Ben person calling me Mrs. Gasperson? Bizarre.
Comparing railroad tracks to a drilling site in production 24/7? Typical idiocy.
I hope someday you live right next to a gas site, “Ben”. Karma.