People don’t seem to learn.
Youngstown, Ohio thinks they have a get rich quick scheme called “frackmolishing.” From an NPR report that started with an ANGA commercial:
A century ago, when fiery steel mills were roaring to life in Youngstown, Ohio, builders were racing to put up homes, storefronts, barbershops and more.
Today, many of those buildings sit empty and rotting. With the mills mostly gone and the population down 60 percent from 1960, to just 67,000, the city needs millions of dollars to tear down roughly 4,000 vacant structures.
It was a boom town and then it went bust. That’s what happens with boom towns. Take a drive through Decatur, TX where the Barnett Shale fracking gas boom started then went bust and you will see the crumbling motels, some that never quite got finished. The promises of shale are nothing but spin.
So Youngstown plans to create “vibrant neighborhoods” with heavy industry in the parks. No one is going to by homes in neighborhoods near those parks because no one wants to live near fracking.
Here’s a video of a park in Fort Worth where Chesapeake Energy is being a poor neighbor.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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What hotels in Decatur have not been finished? May not be full but they are definitely complete!
You miss the point. I moved from Decatur 4 years ago because of the unregulated and uncontrolled drilling and I will never go back. Decatur is no better off because of the drilling. Yeah maybe Devon bought the town off with a few playgrounds and some political contributions but just look at the Waggoner Ranch on the corner of 380 and FM 51. Acres and acres of land that can NEVER be developed because of the drilling and the pipelines. This will keep Decatur from ever developing anything east of town. For what? Some royalty money for people who don’t even live in Texas anymore.
The county commissioners had some nice driveways when I was there.
The last time I was in Decatur–I avoid the place these days–there was a several story hotel back a few blocks off 287 and it was still unfinished and had been that way for a long time. The hotels there were cheaply built and now they are horribly, nasty places that are unkept and crumbling. Decatur has changed from a nice country town to a greasy pit.
It’s a La Quinta & it looks like it’s not finished because the retail strip mall in front has no tenants appears unfinished. I guess we’ll have to chalk this up to scare tactics like Cathy’s prediction that no one would build next to the Rayzor well!
Your Neighbor, do you live near a drilling site?
It’s funny how the Gasholes who stalk Sharon never live near these sites themselves.
He is a landman who lives in Denton, TX. He has been stalking me for MANY years and revealing personal information about me in an attempt to intimidate me.
Back then, there weren’t very many people who were against fracking. Then they fracked and people who have a direct experience of it learned. Now look at what’s happened. Fracking is a household word and polls are showing that people are against it.
Despite the fact that they are not winning the hearts and minds of the people with their nasty, bullying tactics, they know no other way.
No, it’s not a La Quinta and there is no strip mall in front of the hotel I’m talking about. Or there wasn’t the last time I was there.
No one has built next to the Razyor Ranch gas well site, so yes please chalk one up for me. They have built on the north side of 380 but the cancer hospital, children’s hospital, and retirement center have not built in their proposed sites next door to the gas well site. Range built a large pipeline which runs right thru where these hospital were supposed to go so,smart money would not build a children’s hospital 10 feet from a pipeline. That is not a scare tactic that is the truth. Your neighbor sounds like a name an arrogant person from ANGA would give themselves. Probably see that name used on the next propaganda commercial from the induatry. Maybe, Ed Ireland is trolling you site Sharon. Either way you maybe “my neighbor” but you certainly are not a good neighbor Gashole.
Cathy – you never restricted your prognostication to building next to the wellsite! There is a new eye care center south of 380, a new dentist office south of 380 & 2 new medical offices on the corner of Bonnie Brae & 35 that were built after the well was drilled.
And I am your neighbor! I lived on Scripture & made lots of money selling my house despite your claims that all houses in OUR neighborhood were under water. I have spoken at City Council meetings you have attended. Guess you were to busy memorizing the speech Adam Briggle wrote for you to notice!
Ben, you are pushing your luck here. I have been very generous in allowing you to post your crazy opinion despite the fact that you hounded me for years trying to intimidate me. You posted my personal information in comments on news sites and made, false and threatening comments about my employment situation.
Cathy can answer for herself but I do want to straighten you out on one thing: She was making her own speeches LONG LONG before Adam knew anything about fracking and before he was involved in this issue. She has always made her own speeches and will continue to do so. She has BY FAR a better grasp of this issue than Adam ever has or ever will partially because she has direct experience and partially because she is damn smart and resourceful. She is equally as tenacious as I am and we will be here long after you have slithered away to somewhere else.
Sharon – your name came straight off your own website where you stated you were affiliated w. the Wise County Democratic Party. Wise County lease w. Braden is public information & something I use everyday as part of my job. So I guess I am also resourceful!
Ben, I have never hidden anything about Braden. It’s on my website along with my name. What I”m talking about way more than stuff that is available on my one blog.
Don’t play coy. You know you have been a snake and I have always graciously allowed you to comment here.
Thanks Sharon, done wih Benjammin. No matter the stage name still the same old BS.
So Benjammin you sold and moved away from the gas well? Under water is a whole lot different than devalued so which did I say? If you knew half as much as you pretend to know you would know I was speaking before the city council 2 years before Mr. Briggle came into the picture.
I do remember you speaking before the city council because there were so few asshole wanting to allow drilling next door to home, hospital, and parks that both of you stuck in my memory.
Did you move to Southridge away from drilling and closer to your buddy JS? Never mind don’t care where you went, what you are doing, or what you think.
But, but, but, look what O&G did for the Ft Worth “Science” Museum! And our roads! And our property values! And um…….
Oh, wait … never mind. Good luck with that, Ohio.
Chesapeake is just like the rest – profits over people, they could care less about people being poisoned and the Texas State Government is just a lap dog for industry.
This was taken at Delga Park in a older poor neighborhood. We filed a complaint with the TCEQ and sent the video to Julie Wilson. No surprise that neither she or anyone else at CHK bothered to even respond then or since.
We did, however, see a response from the subcontractor, who simply stated that the equipment in question was functioning just as it was designed to do, and the reason the emissions were vastly over EPA limits was because they had a permit to put out that much emissions.
You don’t have to read between the lines to realize that CHK knew prior to installation that this plant was going to be pumping out high levels of noxious, poisonous gases, 24/7 blowing in the direction of where small children play and their homes.
We didn’t expect CHK to publicly announce the error of their ways, although I did consider they might privately install a VRU. That didn’t happen, either.
Tim Ruggiero recently posted..2012 Environmental Justice Award
I think “your neighbor” needs to go to Scripture and read Revalations.
Revalation, no town in Texas is better off in the long run when drilling come to town, no town. All we are left with is a bunch of empty promises, large plats of land that can never be developed, aging pipelines, old cement casings in wells, and a never ending string of second rate drilling companies who try and squeeze out every last bit of natural gas from played out wells no matter the dangers to the people who live around theses old wells.
Example, the blowout in Denton, by Eagle Ridge, using a 10 year old well casing and expecting it to perform under huge amount of pressure like newly constructed casings.
Your Neighbor.
It sounds like you may have been taking in megadoses of Fire and Brimstone; and I suppose that’s fine for you. Too bad this isn’t an optional thing for your
neighbors though, as all those sulfur fumes may not be for everyone.
Your Neighbor, aka Landman (of course you are), I’m going to tell you something: I hope there’s a special place in hell for greedy people and companies who sacrifice lives for money. I hope that hell is full of toxic fumes and water, constant noise, and ugliness, for eternity. And when you scream to be released, you’re met with jeering and derision.
Wonder why I feel so strongly about it? Read my user name.
I see Sauron that you are now the one using Obama tactics trying to silence Your Neighbor. When he speaks truth to power that hurts does it not? I suppose when it was brought out you had signed a lease in Wise County you think that is private information. When it is recorded in the Public Records it is no longer private information. The problem is you have told so many untruths you cannot discern the lies anymore. You would fit in well with the BO administration just like the local ex EPA Administrator. Of course you have a few local village idiots that follow you but the further we get into the BO Change you cannot believe in, we find out the truth. You are all lies, deceit and frankly losing your mind. You best watch warning people to not push their luck like you just did Mommie Dearest. Perhaps the IRS should investigate your non-profit status dear.
Dear Dan,
Thank you for your comment.
Dan Your ramblings indicate dementia. Sharon disclosed her being taken in by the gas men long ago. But I guess your memory is kaput!
Wow Sharon, who knew this post would bring out the crazies. It seems Mr. Cunningham does not realize it is your blog and you graciously allow the nuts to post on it.
It is kind of fun to argue with them for a little while so thanks for the entertainment today but now their ignorance is boring me.
Your truly, the village idiot.
That is just fracking hilarious.
Where do these people come up with this stuff?
Faux News, API, Americans for Prosperity, Freedomworks?
Sharon, never a dull moment here, is there?
I went on a tour of OK today.
It was very interesting.
It is a gas patch, an oil patch.
1st I sneeze,
then, I get itchy,
then, my eyes feel dry and that there’s dozens of straight pens in them.
then, I can’t feel my legs,
then, I get unusual pains that shift around primarily in my arms and legs,
and dizzy,
lack of concentration, ability to process complex thoughts.
I begin to get a headache,
my kidney’s start to ache from going into overdrive,
I get ‘floppy head’ and movements that make me think of Parkinson’s Disease.
Today when I breathed, it felt like my lungs were bleeding(have to say that was a 1st), and my nasal passages were raw.
Most of it is Chesapeake Country.
Went by Fridays’ Tornado spot,
so sad to see the destruction,
and to smell the H2S from the local production areas, that more than likely were effected….it was strong, and so awful.
I stumbled more than a few times at the gas station while filling up,
was worried, I may lose consciousness.
Managed to make it out alive,
everything is back to normal,
still a little dizzy, 6 hours later,
now I just wait for the lesions to come out and then, heal, and maybe scar, some of them do, but not all of them. That will be 2 weeks.
But at least my eyes are lubricated now and I can blink.
Dan’s a funny, funny man.
I think they say, “well now, ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black.”
The best part,the misspelling of your name. Sharon, I don’t even think, he was talking about you, I think, he was talking about himself.
Too bad, my symptoms in the Gas/Oil patch are NOT in any way, shape or form, exaggerated. They are all truth.
Is there anyone else out there on this blog that has the same thing happen to them?
Oh, and a retired O and G guy from OK, told me there’s about 8 inches of petrolatum on top of the aquifer.
What do you say to those who tell you that emissions and chemicals from fracking are ok and are no worse than, say, cow patty emissions, which, by the way, are also hazardous in large amounts. Most people assume that the odors are from fog caused mostly by car emissions because DFW is so congested. They are not aware of fracking. Perhaps, a lot of what you are smelling is car emissions and fracking is just adding to it. How do you convince the average citizen that fracking is the major cause of the odors that are making people sick? Also, shouldn’t there be disclaimers on the natural gas fracking industry commercials? The natural gas commercials say gas is safer. The gas industry places ads on city buses that tout the ‘benefits’ of natural gas, although there really are no health benefits. Any kind of gas is not safe or healthy, but that is how the gas commercials come off.