Before I directly experienced the walk through hell that is required to obtain an approved voter ID, I wondered: what is the big deal? Like the majority of Americans and especially Texans, I was uninformed.
Experience is the best teacher.
My son will vote for the first time in this election. Although he has a student photo ID issued by his college, that form of photo ID is not approved for voting. To obtain his student photo ID, we had to supply the following documentation to prove his identity:
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate
- Medical Shot Records
- Proof of Residency
- Educational Transcripts
But, that’s not good enough to vote in Texas.
We arrived at the Texas Department of Public Safety TDPS in Plano, Texas before noon late last June. The temperature was 109 degrees.
I was instantly irritated because the building was packed and I could hear “Time Suck” reverberating in my brain. We had to stand in a long line to take a number to be served.
In the line with us were mostly frail, confused elderly people, some of whom had a younger person to assist them, African Americans and Hispanics–mostly laborers–a few Asians and a very few of us white folks. The too few chairs lined up in the waiting area were filled with the same mix of humanity.
For over 30 minutes our line inched forward while I watched the frazzled TDPS worker turn away many people because they did not possess all the required documents to prove who they have been for many decades.
The elderly were distraught. For most, the driving days were over and they only needed the ID so they could vote. They had arranged for someone to take time out of their day to assist them. I wondered how many of them would be able to recreate this assistance and return with the proper required documents and how many would just give up.
Most of the the African Americans and Hispanics presented the required documents, were given their numbers and funneled to the waiting room. But I wondered how these workers could afford to take a half day off work for this. It was unlikely that their employers allowed the comp time that I was using. How many chose to work instead of spending half a day at the TDPS because their families depend on that half-day of income to keep eating?
When we were about half way through the get-your-number-here line, a TDPS employee was stationed at the door to tell people they would not be allowed in because the building was at capacity. They could line up along the sidewalk in the 109 degree heat and wait for a space inside to open up. The outside wait time was more than an hour.
We didn’t have all the documents needed although I brought the documents the TDPS online site said I would need. My state issued drivers license that shows my address was not enough to prove residency. Fortunately, I ran to the car to retrieved my insurance card. We took our number and waited.
Babies cried because they were hungry or thirsty. The elderly fretted and needed assistance with the public restroom. The workers stared with vacant eyes or plucked bits of the lawn they has just mowed off their clothing. It was hot and there were not nearly enough chairs. But we were inside in the semi air conditioning while the outside line grew longer and longer.
Four hours after we entered the building we had a temporary ID card with the promise that the permanent one would follow in the mail.
How many college students are away from home with no transportation to the DPS?
How many elderly have no one to drive them and assist them?
How many laborers cannot take off work for a half-day?
How many Americans cannot afford the cost?
How is this not voter suppression?
Republican Staffers Charged With 36 Counts of Election Fraud
The party of voter ID laws may need to clean up their own house first when it comes to election fraud.
By Augusta ChristensenSeptember 20, 2012
The cognitive dissonance bordering on willful delusion has become the hallmark of Republican policies and rhetoric. Expecting this heinous fraud to bring the GOP back to reality would be wishful thinking at this point, but at least one corrupt Congressman is now out of a job.
Another UPDATE: County Clerk’s office is trying to register only Romney voters.
Apparently this young woman might have been confused about who was paying her to register voters. Still, targeting voters of a certain party… wrong. Source
It’s widespread: Pa.’s new voter ID law sends non-drivers on a bureaucratic journey
Update: Colo. girl registering ‘only Romney’ voters tied to firm dumped by RNC over fraud
The fraud allegations have been confirmed. Don’t miss the comments below. =) So entertaining.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Whats most revealing to me is that they pull this months before the elections.
I wounder if the voter suppression is still going on after:
AS OF 08/30/2012
A federal court today struck Texas’s discriminatory voter ID law, which would have prevented many eligible citizens from exercising their fundamental right to vote.
The ACLU had intervened in the case in order to represent individuals and organizations who would be negatively impacted, and protect the right to vote. Today’s decision by a three-judge Washington, D.C. panel comes at a time when the right to vote is under attack nationwide.
“By blocking this law, the court reaffirmed the right of all people in this country to participate in our democracy,” said Nancy Abudu, senior staff attorney with the ACLU Voting Rights Project, which intervened in the case along with the ACLU of Texas.
How much longer will TEXANS be fooled by their ‘so called Representative’ in state government and realize they only represent the rich and powerful.
A demagogue (/ˈdɛməɡɒɡ/) or rabble-rouser is a political leader who appeals to the emotions, prejudices, and ignorance of the poorer and less-educated classes in order to gain power. Demagogues usually oppose deliberation and advocate immediate, violent action to address a national crisis; they accuse moderate and thoughtful opponents of weakness. Demagogues have appeared in democracies since 410 B.C. Athens. They exploit a fundamental weakness in democracy: because ultimate power is held by the people, nothing stops the people from giving that power to someone who appeals to the lowest common denominator of a large segment of the population.
That ruling was overturned by another court so voters are making an emergency appeal to the SCOTUS.
Voter ID is not going to be required in this election cycle.
Do you have a recent article that says that because I read one on the Texas Tribune this morning that said otherwise.
Correction: I meant “Photo” Voter ID is not going to be required. The only reason any ID (photo or otherwise) is required in TX elections in this upcoming election (November 2012) is if you don’t have your current Voter Registration Card with you.
You may be talking about Attorney General Abbott’s attempts to lift the ‘dead voter’ injunction. He and his friends are trying to purge all the dead voters by sending out letters and requiring them to be returned before the alive voter can vote.
Late Wednesday, state District Judge Tim Sulak issued a temporary restraining order halting efforts to enforce a rule, adopted by Andrade, that ordered counties to send letters asking about 80,000 voters to verify that they are alive.
They are clearly determined to suppress the voters dead or alive. I do wonder if any dead Republicans will be purged? Our AG Greg Abbott tweets about it, regularly.
Here’s the earlier article on the Tribune about the Voter ID issue:
Not sure what article you mean on the Tribune today about Voter ID? All I find is the one about the ‘dead’ voter purge. Amen.
Well, if anyone would know, it would be you. Still, it was a horrible experience for so many trying to make sure we could vote. Greg Abbott is a hypocrite and a disgrace.
He’s creating voter confusion. And all of that makes it harder to vote.
Don’t trust your gubment at any level–including all three of the branches!
We’ve let it happen. We are the government. There just aren’t enough people paying enough attention. We’ve learned that the hard way with seeing our local governments running our cities by making deals without public input. Or very little. People are so disinterested and hardly even vote in municipal elections.
Sharon’s dilemma is not uncommon. I too had to waste half a day to get my drivers license changed. I live in Denton County. There are exactly 2 offices– one in Denton and one in Lewisville. This serves almost 700,000 people? I went in July to change my name on my license and gave up standing outside in Denton in the 100+ heat so we tried Lewisville. They had the same line outside but at least had a tree to provide some shade. 55 minutes outside in the line before we could go inside. This is what you get for your Republican version of small government.
Remember, the objective is to disenfranchise any that might vote Democratic! Just another barrier in the way of folks voting. On election day, there will be “random” traffic stops choking the paths to the voting booths.
Yep. In the days of old there was the Poll Tax to prohibit certain folks from voting–no money, no vote!!! In a way, things haven’t changed much???
I am probably in the minority here, but I think you should have to show a picture ID to vote. Obviously, though, the state should make it a lot easier to get these cards.
A whole lot easier and free. And it should not be implement until people have had ample time and opportunity to get the card.
I don’t have a problem with ID if it is easily assessable to all people, even the people who are immobile but who still want to vote absentee.
I agree.
Ah. But that actually creates a whole other layer. What if people show up with an ID card that doesn’t look anything like them….(people lose weight, people have bad hair days, people don’t always look like their photo). In that case, will the election worker ask the voter to step out of the line for questioning? Will the voter be denied voting based on a picture that no longer looks like them if it ever did?
Good question.
All to vote for an establishment candidate that will just be a stooge for globalist corporations. No thanks. This election is perhaps the most pointless in near memory. QE3 makes any and all policy decisions irrelevant. The house of cards will collapse soon enough. Both parties will invade Iran in 2013. Stick to fighting the good fight in gasland. Even though in Texas the deck is beyond stacked.
You badgered a poor kid into saying she was trying to sign up Romney supporters. You could have educated her and called her boss but instead you wanted to make a scene and then you probably ruined that poor girl’s career. Way to go tough guy.
I thought this blog was about fracking. Politicising “green” is sad. Unbelievable you would try to marginalize the majority of Americans when your on the ropes.
What happened Donna? Did someone borrow your phone? Or is Blake one of your kids that you traveled from Bowie to visit in Arlington, Virginia. Or are you a cross dresser Tom/Nancy/
And to whom are you speaking? I didn’t take that video. Also please explain who exactly is on the ropes and how.
What happened to Donna from Bowie who was commenting from this phone last week?
Donna is my alter. That’s whata the D stands for. Comment on the substance – you can try to divert attention by attacking me personally – illustrates the point. Yep, im in Arlington. God blessed me with a wonderful family and the means to travel. And yes, we own a ranch. Great place. And his has a few wells- and like i said i dont make any money off them but they dont bother me.
You are on the ropes Sharon. It’s clear by your demeanor. Stooping pretty low now. Blury line between environmentalism and politics eh? Like i said im a follower.
Sorry, but there is no substance in your comment.
“Like i said im a follower.”
I can’t find where you said that “Donna/Blake.” I found where “Sierra” said that but I can’t find anywhere where “Donna/Blake” said it.
Does it matter? Maybe you have a lot of followers. Why don’t you post the question?
Tell you what, let’s make it an independent post.
By the way, i am dying to hear your opinion on Dr. Al’s replacement, since we’re getting political.
Yes, it matters because Donna and Blake and Sierra are all the same. Say hello to the spam folder.
The industry troll and all her alter indentities has clocked out for the day at the energy in depth office. They are on the way to happy hour and we won’t hear from them again until tomorrow. To them this is only an 8 to 5 job. To us it is life or death.
Here’s an example of a web site that has INCORRECT information on it about “what to bring” when voting in Texas.
People should go to their own state’s web site for the accurate information for voting in their state. Here’s a link to the accurate information for voting in the upcoming Texas elections: