Flyover photos. Truly sickening.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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If that isn’t Hell what is?
Show some evidence of failed reclamation of the lands and look up some statistics of how many birds (including golden eagles) are killed by wind turbines every year and get back to us.
I wonder how toxic the runoff is from that exposed tar? It’s more than just birds at risk.
There’s an awesome video, not really, frankly it’s depressing, on You Tube that interviews the natives in that area.
One elder that was interviewed said the fish they catch now, for their livelihood and food are deformed, and they are eating the fish, and cancer rates are rising.
Education is everything!
Ignorance is not, Anon.
Check out the Tar Sands on Google Earth. Now that’s depressing. Bird kills are the first thing that comes to mind when I see this. Land reclamation? Where is that happening at? I don’t think Industry even knows what that means.
You need to do some more research on the requirements of land reclamation.
Holy Fracking Shit! There’s actually requirements for land reclamation. Real requirements? Wow, do the drillers know about this? I drive back and forth between our no drilling zone home in Pilot Point to Decatur twice a week, and everywhere I look, there’s rusting and leaking condensate tanks, and even on the newer drill sites, the land around the drill site is mostly bare and has been. This is what land farming and spills and leaks do. Let’s pretend (and I do mean pretend) that ‘produced water’ is just ‘salt water’, although we all know that there are plenty of other chemicals in that. But just for a moment, let’s assume it really is just salt. Do you think this ‘salt water’ being dumped and spilled and never ever cleaned up kills all vegetation? Could this be the reason why nothing but a few weeds grows out in these once green pastures?
Land reclamation. That’s a fracking joke. Exactly where does this supposed land reclamation occur at, because it sure as frack doesn’t happen in Texas.
I’m still waiting for that lengthy list of ‘good operators’ from our Land Man friend, who also opened his mouth on this blog and let a whole lot of stupid fall out.
Based on your comments, I’d say you’re either a Fracker or one of the Fracker’s BFF’s, those clowns at the TRRC.
There are a lot of laws but no one enforces them. Might as well be toilet paper.
Last time I scrolled up, the green text says “Horrifying photos of tar sands”. The reason that land reclamation is required in the tar sands is pretty obvious. Tar sands, isn’t that what was being discussed?
Rusting and “leaking”, as if you can drive down 380 and determine if a condensate tank is leaking. That’s good.