The bigger picture of the aggressive tactics industry is using to silence critics is finally geting more coverage.
Oil and Gas Industry Moving Aggressively to Silence Critics
For years, the oil and gas industry has adopted a war-like mentality towards its critics. When confronted with problems caused by drilling and fracking, instead of acknowledging them and working to prevent more, their approach has too often been to cover up the issues while attacking any critics who make problems known publicly.
This pattern has sharply accelerated in recent months.
Another part of this bigger picture is how the industry dog-whistled to the GOP members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and they responded by wasting taxpayer’s money in a sham hearing meant to further intimidate an already cowed EPA. In Texas we say you’ve got to Dance with the One That Brought You and that is exactly what these committee members are doing.
Two of the most vocal committee members calling for this hearing are also the recipients of the most money from the oil and gas industry.
Jim Inhofe has received $1,298,450. You can see his dance partners HERE.
Joe Barton has received $1,981,183. You can see his dance parthers HERE. For a flashback on “Smokey Joe’s” apology to BP, click HERE.
I would like to offer up this dance tune for the hearing.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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U.S. oil production is on the rise entirely because of shale oil, it’s the same situation with natural gas production.
In 2035, to meet U.S. natural gas demand, shale gas production will have to quadruple.
In 2035, to replace depleted oil fields, shale oil production will have to triple.
In 2035, in order to produce as much oil as in 1970 (10 million barrels per day), shale oil production will have to quintuple.
have to… have to….consumable energy is a dead end, renewable(solar, wind) is the only answer for the ‘have to quadruple,triple,quintuple’ syndrome
“Renewables” are not ANY answer to fuel usage, my friend. Solar & wind are INTERMITTENT electricity sources that have to be backed by conventional power generation (coal, nuclear or natural gas) until large scale battery storage can be fully realized on our power grid. Even with the battery challenge solved, these sources may never account for any more than 30% of our power generation based on any creditable estimates. “Consumable” energy is NOT a dead end. It is a means to transition over the coming decades into longer term solutions. Energy consumption in this country will continue to increase as our population grows. Conservation (alone) will not fully solve that problem and LOTS of R & D will be required to get REAL alternatives that can supply the SCALE of energy we need to drive a modern economy. There is a bigger picture out there that most Americans just don’t seem to grasp. I am beginning to think, unfortunately, that our country has become a bunch of mathematical & scientific illiterates. It’s PHYSICS, not emotion & pablum…
Whatever you say dear.
Worthless politicians—–nearly 100% of them. They are of no help to us that have been ruined by the Big Gas mafia, and the shale bonanza–they win, we are ruined!
Senator James Inhofe (R-Ok) Says the Bible Refutes Climate Change
Another climate change denier -Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, talks about the UN climate conference from Copenhagen.
When did bribery become legal?
Time for Lisa Jackson to bring in another strong advocate for the environment. Ron Curry the former Secretary of Environment in New Mexico would be a good choice.
No matter how Range Resources fares in the Lawsuit, they are making more enemies as word about them grows:
Gas Company Goes After Fire-Breathing-Hose Blogger
Will RRC sue Mother Jones for this?