UPDATE: Will the Hallowich fracking non-disclosure duck tape come undone?
UPDATE: The Hallowich children were also silenced for life under the gag.
Get the popcorn ready.
This may come as a big surprise to you if you have been living under a rock for the past couple of years but Range Resources tells lies. A lot.
You might remember that I had a friend whose American Dream was totally smashed by Range Resources.You can see in the photo below how they surrounded her and you can read on the National Geographic site how they dashed her family’s dreams. Her personal story is HERE.
Finally, after contaminating their water and making the children sick, the only way my friend could get her children out of harms way was to sign a gag order. That means the Hallowich family can never again talk about what Range Resources did to them and all legal documents are sealed so we can’t know either. But, Range Resources is bound by that same order to never again discuss what they did to the Hallowich family.
Edited for clarity: The Hallowichs are suing Range Resources because they breached that agreement! And, not only did they breach the confidentiality agreement, they told a big fat lie in the process.
Range Resources has violated the confidential settlement agreement by falsely stating it paid $550,000 for the 10-acre property in Hickory, Washington County.
Range Resources didn’t even come close to paying $550,000 for the Hallowich property according to the story in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. They paid a whole $100.
UPDATE: Here is what the petition states:
The petition states that Range Resources intentionally and fraudulently filed a Realty Transfer Tax Statement of Value with the state Department of Revenue tax bureau to publicly embarrass Stephanie and Chris Hallowich, inflate the family’s tax obligations on the sale of their home and “garner a public relations windfall” because the company had paid more than the full market, appraised value of the property.
I wonder who came up with that brilliant PR scheme.
And look what Mr. Matt PSYOP Pitzarella, head mouth piece for Range Resources had to say.
Matt Pitzarella, a Range spokesman, wrote in response to a request for comment: “We have a legal obligation to accurately record property transactions to ensure we pay the two-percent tax to the school district, county and Commonwealth.”
He deflects and misdirects in his answer. He admits nothing and deflects. He presents a simple fact about Range Resources’ legal obligation.
Here is another fact: Range Resources did not fullfill their legal obligation to accurately record property transactions. Range Resources lied. What this means for the gag order is yet to be determined.
Family’s lawsuit claims gas driller lied about property value
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
One day there will be a movie about Range Resources and Matt PSYOP Pitzarella will be played by Pee Wee Herman.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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The resemblance is uncanny. Both are equally smarmy.
Now that the NDA is breached, that should remove the other party’s obligation to remain silent. Let the fun begin.
About O&G—-when their lips are moving they are lying!!
Also, my advise is to never sign one of those “shut-up” clauses from O&G.
Holy crap! How will Range spin their way out of this one? Better yet, how much longer they can continue to tolerate Pizza Man.
I think this will have to go before the judge to decide if the breach renders the gag order null and void. heh
Caught with his pants down and his hand on his bologna!
Incorrect facts…again. The County Records showed Range paid way more than $100 for the property. If you are spout about what victims the Hallowich’s are, please print all the FACTS……not just what suits your opinion. I don’t have a horse in this race but this level of misinformation is beyond belief….
Okay. Then all the news reporting on this must be wrong and you must be the only person who knows the truth. Thanks for setting us straight.
Here is a link to the news story http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/local/breaking/familys-lawsuit-claims-gas-driller-lied-about-property-value-323923/
Here is the reporter’s information: Don Hopey: dhopey@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1983. Call him and set him straight on the FACTS. I’m sure he would love to talk to you since you have no horse… and all.
Aside from the fact that you’re 6 months late in the conversation, the most important facts of this case isn’t the dollar amount that the gasholes paid for the Hallowich’s home, just the plain simple fact that they did period.
If Stephanie Hallowich is indeed a ‘phony’ and none of what she and Chris claimed were true, why did Range settle with them? After all, if Range Frackin Resources is such a good operator and so concerned apparently about their self-appointed ‘good name’, (See Range Resources v. Anyone Who Says Bad Things About Us That Are True) why didn’t they see this through all the way to court?
All these lawsuits piling up against Range Resources, all with very familiar themes and issues, all being settled. Maybe it’s time for Range to get their act together.
Drill Better, Suck Less.
pam lacey does too have a horse in this race. i saw the name in the comment gallery and was interested to see what wisdom pam would impart here. pam is an attorney for the american gas assoc.
i remember that pam posted a comment about the hallowich case in calling stephanie hallowich a “phony.” http://pafaces.wordpress.com/2010/04/23/stephanie-hallowich-speaks-out/
facts pam?
Check County Records. Transfer tax tells the tale of the tape…..since when is the news media the mecca of truth?
I know how we can settle this disagreement: Unseal the records and make it all public. Since you are a lover of FACTS, Pam, I’m sure you won’t mind if the public has all the FACTS.
Thank you for commenting.
Tax Records are available for public inspection at the court house. Unsealing the agreement means nothing to me. I wasn’t against it in the first place. I simply want you to present all the facts concerning the Hallowich’s including inconsistencies in their story from day one. If you show all sides of this story you won’t have a complaint from me. Attacking Range’s people by mocking them on a website seems below what should be intelligent discourse on the matter. Again present all the facts on the matter…..
Pam, I can tell this is a matter that is very important to you. This is an open, public forum so feel free to look up that information and present it here since you are the one concerned about it.
When you say this: “…present all the facts on the matter…” it cracks me up. Since when is anyone who works for the fracking industry the mecca of truth?
Matt called me a liar and made all kinds of accusations about me. His company has involved me in an elaborate fabrication and distortion of FACTS.
This post is really old so it’s puzzling to me what your sudden interest is. Thanks again for your comment. It helps to highlight the disconnect your industry has with reality.
I don’t understand one person states it isn’t important what the facts are simply that Range paid is important. Another claims Range misrepresented what they paid. All I am pointing out is the Transfer Tax document clearly shows what Range paid for the property.
In terms of my late joining of this post this is first I have seen of it, didn’t realize there was statue of limitations. Is every claim against Range valid? Time and time again we see people take advantage of situation and lawyer up. Doesn’t mean Range is Saint of all companies it means that every situation should be looked at from points and all the information about both parties should be included for fair and unbiased reporting.
To state the Hallowich’s are innocent victims is a misrepresention of all the data presented. Insulting people is below all of us and if are true to our desire to get the truth then lets do that….the entire truth. I thought you would all the facts, but indicate what you need and will attempt to satisfy your concerns. Thanks.
I don’t understand. First you state: “I don’t have a horse in this race.” Then we learn that you are employed at an industry trade organization which exists to further fracking and is funded by industry.
You seem to have an intense interest in the FACTS as you see them, yet when offered the opportunity to supply those FACTS in a public forum you stall and deflect. As a public forum, we have many different viewpoints and we don’t all speak with one voice. Go ahead, don’t be shy, just lay the FACTS on us. Also, you might want to complain to Mr. Hopey or the ombudsman of the paper. I don’t understand why you would expend so much energy complaining to me and not demand that the writer of the original article supply a correction.
This is such an ironic statement: “Time and time again we see people take advantage of situation and lawyer up.” I have to admit that I got a good laugh from that one. Especially given recent events.
I am all about what you said here: “…all the information about both parties should be included for fair and unbiased reporting.” So you can start by supplying all the chemicals used to drill and frack on the Hallowich property. That would be a great good faith start.
So please stop teasing us and give us all your FACTS.
Will do, hope you accept the truth with as much vigor as you present your position. Will take a little time so be patient. If proven to be more factual than what you stated will you restate your position? If not we are debating a 1 sided discussion.
You are welcome to post your FACTS here. Again you provide a huge dose of burning irony because any FACTS you present here will be one sided. You clearly have a vested interest despite your statement in your first comment. As long as the other party remains completely gagged, it will forever be a one sided discussion.
First of many contradictions involving the Hallowichs.
The Hallowich’s have contridicted themselves by first telling the Altoona Mirror they didn’t know about the lease, and then admitting they knew about the lease before they closed on the property in an interview with National Geographic. http://www.altoonamirror.com/page/content.detail/id/543123/Clearville-residents-blame-reduc—.html
Also suspect are their health complaints. Local authorities claim they have no records of the calls Stephanie Hallowich says she made.
Aside from all the publicity what matters is the science. And the DEP, after extensive testing, has found no links between the contamination experienced by these activists and natural gas drilling. http://www.wicu12.com/news/index.vnss?newsid=10790
Their water has been tested 3 times and the only contaminant is Manganese, a commonly occurring natural pollutant.
That’s it? That is the sum total of your proof? Wow! I’ve got to hand it to you, Pam, you sure pack a mean punch. <--snicker-->
Now that we’ve seen your FACTS, let’s hear from the other side. Oh wait! They have a gag so we can’t ever see those FACTS.
Just a sample. So you are saying what? There is no inconsistency here? Are you refusing to address the issues presented by being sacrastic? I can provide more, but you appear to be not the least bit concerned that these people have no formal record of health complaints or that apparently they have changed their story at least once? I am all for industry accountability but these people are not the poster children.
Sad when you attack people on a website, and are presented with the at least some proof that your theory may have a few holes in it. But instead of reviewing and addressing the issue which an unbiased media/journalist (snicker) would you simply dismiss it because it doesn’t support your posting…..
Dear Pam or whomever you are:
You are not for industry accountability so don’t even pretend that. If you are really Pam Lacey the link provided above reveals that you are paid by industry so you have a vested interest in helping them with their spin. I have to wonder why someone who has a high level position like Pam Lacey would bother suddenly commenting here on this old post. I also note that you had the direct link to bring you straight to this post so you didn’t just stumble upon it by chance or through an internet search. You have invested a lot of time here for nothing.
FYI: All the records and FACTS are sealed in this case because of a non disclosure agreement. Unless those records are unsealed, we will never have the FACTS we need to determine what really happened.
Wrong on all accounts. But it that is what you choose to believe then so be it.
Have more detail if you wish but will require a fax or e-mail to send as attachment…..right from the DEP. Your call…..
My contact information is under “Contact Me.”
No fax number is listed there or direct e-mail….to send this as an attachment.