In February of 2007, Calvin Tillman, former mayor of Dish, Texas, was a fan of the natural gas industry because, like many people, he didn’t know any better. His experience was limited to the old-time drilling methods and not the new fracking kind of drilling. It took less than two years of living next door to this good neighbor this rogue, irresponsible industry to turn Tillman into a detractor. Less than two years!
That’s my takeaway message from the latest hit piece from Energy In Depth (EID). Their latest blog post is so full of it… As Ruby would say: “Oh, he’s so full of manure, that man! We could lay him in the dirt and grow another one just like him.”
I’m not going to waste my time trying to rake through all the manure they threw out on that page. But I do have two things to say to you guys at EID:
- If you’re going to link to me, then–dammit–I should get some traffic out of the deal. So far, I’ve gotten 4 measly click throughs and one of those was from me. That’s pathetic.
- You wise guys have to stop lying about what the state found with the Dish blood and urine study. I’m not going to let that stand.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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I’d be more interested if you had “wasted some time raking through the manure”. As it is, I’ve got very little to deal with. I _am_ very sympathetic, but need facts to flesh things out.
If you can’t find the facts you need on this blog, then you aren’t looking very hard. Keep reading. Or were you just leaving that comment are a lure?
No one reads their blogs, anyway. I didn’t even know there was an ‘Ohio’ EID until I saw the article posted on FB. Calvin pointed out that we’re actually creating jobs, because when we first started, EID was just the three useful idiots. Now they’ve branched out to having an EID in every state where the shales are. So I Googled EID Texas, and found a few interesting links; One was the original EID link where ‘Bill’ ‘secretly’ videotaped us, took words out of context and couldn’t even spell my name correctly, but he claimed he ‘fact checked’ everything. But that was last April. Today, they’ve corrected the spelling of my name, and not only removed my comments, but removed everyone’s comments, leaving them with…no comments at all. So either their ‘readers’ never bothered to comment or they have no readers.
They get traffic when we post links to their bullshit on Facebook and in emails. That’s why I don’t post links. Just copy and paste the blog post into an email if you want others to read it for entertainment purposes.
Google is great, or Bing, or hmm, whatever search engine one actually engages in.
In the last 18 months,
I have learned about every chemical used in fracking,
the health risks,
Gas Industry CEO’s annual incomes,
the movement of the Texas Aquifers,
how many public documented cases of water contamination in the Barnett Shale and all over the country
how much the politicians were paid by industry,
how and why each chemical is used in drilling and fracking
the corrosiveness of the drilling chemicals on the metal casing
the radiation used and released in drilling and fracking
how the industry is ordering casing from China, and it’s cheap
and substandard similar to Chinese Dry Wall
How the Casing cracks and perforates when the casing goes
How TCEQ has lied about radium in TX water for 20 years
How TCEQ has lied about the Forth Worth air results back in FEB
of 2010
There’s a lot out there when one actually takes the time to do the research, connect the dots, and learn the TRUTH.
You haven’t learned about every chemical because you don’t know every chemical. Trust me on that.
I am a conservative and I used to vote Republican. I always supported drilling because all I knew about it was what they wanted me to know. Then they started drilling all around me where I live in Parker County and I got educated real quick. At first I thought it was great. It didn’t take me 2 years.
We all know EID was created for one reason…to blow smoke up our @$$. Thanks to those that dealt with this in the early years, it took me about 2 clicks on the computer and a drive out to West Flower Mound to get educated.
Those two clicks were TXSharon and FWCando. Thanks to both Sharon and Don for the heads up.
EID, IED, DIE, they are all the same: Destructive forces that are unwanted and despised. What they need at EID is a LIFE.
I checked this morning and they didn’t post my comment. =) It’s so funny when they try to blog and use social media. EPIC Fail.
Good work TxSharson. Keep up the good work. That EID is nothing but a Gas Mafia PR machine. Just BS.
Here’s EID detailed at Sourcewatch:
It get event more interesting from there. EID shares the SAME phone number as The Institute for Energy Research (IER). IER at Sourcewatch:”…founded in 1989 from a predecessor non-profit organization, advocates positions on environmental issues including deregulation of utilities, climate change denial, and claims that conventional energy sources are virtually limitless.”
“According to the ExxonMobils Corporate Giving Reports the IER received 307.000 US$ from the oil company or its foundation between 2003 and 2007. The institute also received 175.000 US$ from Koch Industries according to a Greenpeace report.”
I so dig Sourcewatch.