…that our president who was elected by a wide majority should have to display his birth certificate because someone like Donald Trump makes a circus out of a non issue.
Shame on the media for participating!
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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What's the big deal? Show it and it will be a non-issue and over.
Who Cares!
Maybe he wants it to be an issue. None of us EVER know the true strategy of any politician.
In my opinion, if you believe you do, you are naive.
The big deal is that he already showed his birth certificate long ago, the same one all the other presidents show. But that wasn't good enough for all the racist, Tea Party Birthers lunatics. So he had to have one of his staff fly to Hawaii to get the long form of his birth certificate, something that has not been required of any other US president. That he is the first black president is purely coincidence.
You will never be able to convince the birthers, because you can't argue with crazy.
Censorship is lame TxSharon. I think this blog is great!
May I point out, also, that to assume that those who are skeptical of the birth certificate are racist is in and of itself racist. By assuming that white people must hate the president because he's black is at the very least a racially prejudiced statement. How can you know what motivates their skepticism? You can't so you judge them to be racist, and reveal instead that you are the racist. And for anyone who slept through their lesson on logical fallacies here's one brought to you by wikipedia
"An ad hominem (Latin: "to the man"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to link the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise"
Therefore, when you dismiss their arguments because you call them racist you are committing a logical fallacy.
Anything to distract from the real issues. Fear is so old school, it may backfire to be an
advantage in the future.
I have not censored anyone.
I have watched this unfold for 2 years or more now. I've watched the protests and researched the groups. I agree with the anonymous commenter that this is racially motivated based on the FACTS of what the groups say, their protest signs and research of the groups.
If Obama were a white man with a name like Frederick James, no one would demand to see his birth certificate.
I would appreciate my original comments (mostly on obamas record not his birth certificate) being posted. But this is your blog so put up what you want. I just put alot of energy into it and was disappointed it was never posted. I have no association with anyone in the "birther" movement, but you dont have to in order to at the very least question the most recent certificate of live birth.
Whether or not Obama was born in America is not really the issue. The globalist cabal of CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderbergers that make up his cabinet and advisors say enough about how anti-American he is as a president. Honestly Im shocked you even care about this considering Obama has totally abandoned any semblance of an environmental agenda and simply bends over backwards to serve corporate interests. (Also you dont have to post this comment either. And sorry my comments come out confrontational, I really do like this blog alot.)
Tad, I swear I did not censure any comments. This is a free Blogger blog and there are often times glitches with the comments. Especially the past 2 months they have been completely haywire. I used to get notices in my inbox that there was a comment but now only comments from Tim Ruggiero and Susan come to my inbox. All others go to a comment page where I have to log in and approve them. Last week several comments ended up in the spam folder (I'll check to see if yours is there) so I clicked on "not spam" and the program deleted them! When the commenters reposted them and they again ended up in the spam folder, I retyped each one in the comment field, which was a pain because they were very long comments. AND I did NOT agree with them! In fact, I vehemently disagreed with them and some where personally attacking me. So, I don't censure people on here unless it's just way over the top.
The fact that I may not agree with everything Obama has done has nothing to do with what I believe is unfair treatment.
Tad, I checked the spam folder and the only thing there was a link to Chinese porn. Sometimes Blogger rejects comments that are too long. Otherwise, I have no clue what happened to it.
Although I do not always agree with you, I value you as a part of this community. I would not refuse to post your comments without, at the very least, letting you know why I found them unacceptable.
Yeah it was really long. Probably was rejected on those grounds. So my bad. Now I just feel silly for getting all flustered. And I really want to meet you and interview you someday in the future. I just need to replace the battery on my Sony Pd150 camera. Cause I have nothing but respect for you and what you do, because if I had been interested in this topic as long as you have I would have quit already from pure frustration.
Not a problem. No worries at all. I'm in the process of getting a brand new blog so maybe that will fix the problems.