In a letter to Flower Mound Mayor and Council, Virginia Moore, oil and gas attorney and mediator for the Oil and Gas Advisory Board, asks that we consider the big picture regarding regulating oil and gas extraction in Flower Mound. Moore is unable to see the big picture because her vision is clouded by navel gazing.
Moore drags out the same old bogeyman: Middle East instability. According to some experts, the Middle East is progressing toward Democracy. No matter what the situation in the Middle East, our world will see increasing chaos as climate change brings more violent weather patterns.
She also reminds us of the last energy crisis when scarcity caused long lines at gas stations. Which reminds me that natural gas, like all fossil fuels is a finite resource. Why not make the switch sooner than later?
I’ll bite, Virginia, let’s talk about chaos and scarcity. The water used to extract natural gas is not sustainable! Despite what industry tells us, the water they use is not like the water used to irrigate golf courses. The water they use is permanently removed from our active hydrologic cycle. And, Industry is like a wolverine: what they don’t use up, they spoil. You have never seen chaos, Virginia, like what is coming when a bunch of Texans, armed to the max, get thirsty.
Personally, I don’t usually invite a bunch of lying thugs to my parties, but, if I did, I certainly wouldn’t let them make up their own party rules. Apparently Virginia thinks industry should help make the rules so compliance won’t cost them too much.
…there was no attempt to quantify costs of compliance with the changes being recommended.
This is a billion dollar industry that has reaped record breaking profits the past few years! Last year alone, taxpayers gave $46 billion in corporate welfare to the Big Gas Mafia. That’s 12 times the support given to renewable energy.
And, industry has broad exemptions to every one of our federal environmental laws meant to keep our water safe and our air clean.
This industry is a spoiled brat who has never played by the rules. Unlike other industries they haven’t been forced to innovate and find ways to conduct their business without harming peoples’ health and our vital resources. We are asked to sacrifice our childrens’ health, our air and water, our property value and our serenity as the cost of the Big Gas Mafia’s business practices.
You won’t see the big picture in your navel or in a wallet full of royalties so stop looking. Think about a picture where people come before corporate profits. You won’t see the big picture by doing the same old things and making the same mistakes. The big picture we need is a picture without any dirty fossil fuels.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Enbridge pipeline is now denying responsibility for some of the big crude oil spill's affects:
Ms. Moore has left out one important fact.
If a stranger knocked on your door and said, "We need to drill under your property. It is best for the country, and your childrens' children. Therefore, sign this piece of paper allowing us." Oh, but they are not paying you any money, not one dime. Would you sign this strangers paper? If landmen/drillers did not pay anyone any money to use their land, would anyone sign this strangers piece of paper? I seriously doubt it. There would not be one drilling rig anywhere if money was taken out of the equation.
One other item left out. Drillers in Flower Mound do not use vapor recovery systems.
I did stand in line during the "odd/even gas ration" days. It least the air and water was cleaner then. Furthermore, it was not that big of deal, nor did it make anyone sick, or decrease property values. We just had to plan ahead.
Yes, I too remember the gas rationing and it was not a big deal at all. The worst thing I remember was a fist fight when someone cut in line.
She forgot a lot of important things but I got tired so I left it where it is. That's the great thing about comments. =)
The big picture is how folks need to hope they signed ONLY for natural gas to be mined. "We drill for 30 days and U get royalties for 30 years" ….lies lies lies.
Of course it is safe"..lies lies.
"minus well sign-it will happen anyway"…truth in greed we're wired indeed! How to undo this when so many people signed that don't want to be labeled a hypocrite? False advertising voids the contract. CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS…MONEY GOT US INTO THIS MESS, MONEY WILL GET US OUT…BUT PROBABLY NOT BEFORE IT IS ALREADY TOO LATE.
It's funny how this Oil and Gas lawyer thinks "Flower Mound" is going to make or break the nation, or even this state. Now that is grandious thinking! I am still laughing over that one.
This is a prime example of consider the source of the statement. Oil and Gas is how that lawyer makes her money too.
What should anyone expect her to say…..
That is the true definition of navel gazing. Big picture thinking…not so much.
Plus, their sucking up the gas here and exporting it to China for a better price. How does that help energy independence?
Good point! I totally missed that despite the big story about LNG waiting in my inbox.
Exported LNG from the US should be heavily taxed. Heavy enough tax so as to be a disinsentive for LNG exports. Reason is that we will pay the pollution penality here in O&G friendly Texas for LNG production and export.
Ms Moore doesn't even live in Flower Mound. In fact, she doesn't give a flying frack what really happens to the town. She just wants to continue to rake in the $$$ and write those leases for gas drilling sites, centralized collection and compression facilities.
Legal notice in today's Denton RC – Flower Mound Gas Advisory Board public hearing:
PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Town of Flower Mound Oil and Gas Advisory Board will hold one public hearing on February 10, 2011, at 6:30 p.m. in the Flower Mound Central Fire Station – Fire Station 1, 3838 Forums Drive and a second public hearing on February 12, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. in the Flower Mound Town Hall Council Chambers – 2121 Cross Timbers Rd. The purpose of the public hearings is to receive citizen comment regarding the Oil & Gas Advisory Board's recommendations relative to amendments to the Town's oil and natural gas drilling and production regulations. Brandon Bammel Environmental Services Town of Flower Mound, TX DRC-01-31-11
I was waiting for 1 of your top 5 quotes…."It's hard to get someone to understand something, when their job depends upon them not understanding it".
Aw heck, y'all don't need me.
Yes Sharon, we DO need you!
SCE says Solar is cheaper than Natural Gas turbines over a 20 year period. Doesn't TX get more sun than CA?
I've never been one to follow any particular industry. While I'm certain that whether it's a paper mill, a steel plant, chemical plant, etc., there are no doubt some 'exemptions' they enjoy. However, I've never heard of any one industry, other than the natural gas industry, have virtually an exemption from virtually every law, regulation or ordinace as much as they do. Seems like for every law or regulation, there exists an exemption. To add insult to injury, we the people, give the industry tens of millions of dollars in subsidies alone, not to mention tax breaks.
Can anyone tell me of another business or industry that makes billions in profits, and also receives millions in subsidies and spends millions in lobbying to continue the cycle?