The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes everyone a happy and prosperous New Year as it brings you the first blog roundup of 2011.
Off the Kuff took another look at the coming fight over class size limits.
Who decides who suffers in the Barnett Shale? TXsharon ponders this question at Bluedaze: DRILLING REFORM FOR TEXAS. Unless you are a decider, you will eventually suffer.
With “Death Panels” being resurrected in 2011, Bay Area Houston has posted An Idiots Guide to Surviving Obama’s Death Panels”.
Reverend Manny at BlueBloggin takes an in depth look at Bankster Privilege and the Threat of Right Wing Terrorism in 2011-2012. Since the Bush Cabal was thrown out after 25 years of bankster profiteering and warmongering, and the centrist Obama put in his place to preside over a bankster-collapsed economy, there has been over a 250% increase in bankster-sponsored racist and/or separatist right wing groups that openly brandish their capability and willingness for violence. There is a convenience of more than just happenstance for the large corporations that dominate our society. For every “tea party” stance they support, for example, smaller school budgets, there is a huge profit margin for the large corporations. Those same corporations fund most of the paranoid right-wing politicians, who in turn cater to both their violent racist base AND to their banker sponsors.
CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes that the republicans will use any excuse to kill public education in Texas.
An update on the Keystone XL pipeline, the proposed nuclear waste dump in west Texas, and the prospects for DREAM in the next Congress are all part of this aggre-post by PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.
Neil at Texas Liberal marked the 165th anniversary of Texas statehood. This post includes links to a number of good reference sources so we may learn more about our state. Also included in this post is a picture of President Obama meant to indicate that Texas is just one state of 50 in our federal union. Let’s all get it through our heads—The federal government in Washington is the supreme governmental authority of the the land.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Am I the only one who is sick of having the DREAM act shoved down his throat? After the Washington Post wrote it's article unveiling America's Spy Grid that is used to reclassify political activists as domestic terrorists I seriously wonder about our priorities. Fusion centers that cost millions to run (half of the tab covered by states and local cities) and yet we are to believe that the 20 million illegal immigrants in this country can't be accounted for?! They are openly admitting citizens who have done nothing wrong are the targets of this billion dollar apparatus. But illegal immigrants should still be given scholarships to college and offered citizenship after they complete their degree? Whatever, they are kept in this country for La Raza's announced reconquista of the American Southwest after society collapses.