This morning, even before coffee, I learn from Don Young:
OMG! Julie Wilson, The Most Hated Woman in Fort Worth, has been elected to the Chair of the United Way Campaign in Tarrant County (Fort Worth) for 2010. That’s right, the Joseph Goebbels of Chesapeake Energy, has bought her into the top charity in the USA.
If this makes you mad as Hell you may want to email, Tim McKinney, President and CEO of United Way of Tarrant County:
United Way won’t get another penny from me and I will refuse to administer the United Way campaign where I work as I have in the past. I’m off now to send Tim an email.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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I just sent him an email letting him know this is a nothing more than a weak attempt by Chesapeake to dress up their pig, and UW will not see a dime from me. Julie Wilson is the same one who thought she was being clever by using a fictitious name at NCTCA meeting a few months ago. As if we wouldn't notice.
This is really, really sad for United Way.
Julie Wilson, Chesapeake vice president for corporate development, says she understands there's skepticism about the objectivity of Shale TV, but she insists it's no different than the rest of corporate media.
"Well, I think we pay those journalists–whether on Channel 8 or Channel 11 or the Star-Telegram–in terms of advertising support," Wilson says. "We see this as pretty much instead of running the ads on the program, we're just writing the check direct."
Why would you say an executive with Chesapeak Energy is the most hated wowan in Fort Worth? The energy company is helping provide part of a worldwide demand of 15 trillion watts for a worldwide population of seven billion people.
In forty years, the worldwide population is predicted to be nine billion. To provide a decent living for the increase in population, our energy needs will have to triple. Where will we get the energy?
Natural gas is helping meet the need and an executive for an energy company is the most logical pick to raise funds for the United Way.
Hum… That last comment sounds just like the dir of mktg for Chesapeake, just like him. Uncanny…
Once again, most people here are not anti-drilling. I wish the drilling companies would quit painting us that way.
We are for responsible drilling. Since responsible drilling cuts into the financial bottom line of drilling companies, we are villified as "communists", "enviro-whackos", etc.
Here's what a whacko-leftist I am – I quit giving to United Way years ago because of their support of Planned Parenthood and stance against the Boy Scouts for their ban on gay scout leaders. I'm a piss-poor leftist, aren't I?
United Way only 'supports' Planned Parenthood because they are mandated by law to forward the donor's gift to that agency if that is the agency the donor chooses. Planned Parenthood is not a Partner Agency of the United Way, and does not receive funding not specifically designated by donors (again, it's the law).
The Boy Scouts however, are a Partner Agency and have been for many years. Get your facts straight before you defame an agency that contributes so much to the well being of our community.
If UW wants to contribute to the well-being of the community then they would not align themselves with a dirty industry that harms human health and a particular company that refuses to use best practices and bullies the little people. UW should insist that CHK clean up their act, stop the environmental injustice in poor neighborhoods and use the best available control technologies for starters.
If you align yourself with the devil, then the scrunity that falls upon you is 100 percent self-inflected.
The point is there were thousands of qualified candidates who would have been much less controversial.
Sure, there were other more qualified and less controversial candidates but CHK bought this for Julie. If Julie wants it, Julie gets it.
That's right, this was a calculated move on Aubrey's part. He's trying in vain to put lipstick on this pig he created in east Ft Worth, and he'll throw a few sheckels to the fools at United Way and Aubrey will be a hero. Next thing we;ll see full page ads in the papers with Julie's mug on them about how much time, love and devotion she has for United Way, "and those poor, poor people…well, not the ones who we pissed all over or stole their land, or ruined their property values, or dropped a pipeline through their front yards, or pumped nitrogen oxide at for months at a time or spilled chemicals on, or contaminated their ground water…no, not those folks."
Good point there by Anonymous at 8:35 PM. There are definitely thousands of other qualified candidates for this position.
It makes me sick to think that our communities will now have to look to someone who represents an industry intent on hurting us all.
I doubt the money will flow in. And it will be a double whammy just when so many need services.
Julie Wilson was given a job which she is not mature enough to handle. She was a mediocrity before and suddenly she found herself in a position of power and she has used that power in the most unconscionable ways imaginable. She engages in common thuggery and will not hesitate to plumb any depth. She uses intimidation, coercion and outright bullying. She is a liar. She cares nothing for this community and it is a travesty that she be put in such a position. Julie Wilson cares about money and power. She will drag anyone to the sewer with her if they get in the way of this agenda. But then Chesapeake has always lived in the sewer so she fits right in with the corporate culture.
When I read that statement calling her "the most hated woman in Ft. Worth" I thought to myself how stark that looked on paper and yet it was absolutely the truth about her. I have yet to meet someone who has anything nice to say about Julie. And these are people she is working with in the community on a daily basis. They all see through the bullying and the bravado. What a pathetic legacy. What a pathetic human being.
Hey maybe this was planned. Julie can do for UW just as she has done for CHK. She can lie and threaten people's livelihoods and generally keep her foot on the throats of all the contributors until she rings every last drop of blood from them. She's brilliant at it!!!
Actually now that I think about, she's a great fit.
I had the same initial reaction to that statement–YIKES! But then I tried to recall anyone who has ever thought anything other than exactly what that sentence said. NADA one, even amongst the industry folks.
OMG, is there no end to the BS? Our contributions to United Way end here and now!!!