A coalition of nearly 75 environmental groups is lobbying Democratic leaders to include onshore oil and gas reforms in broad packages of offshore reforms the House and Senate could consider next week.
In a letter yesterday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), the groups stress the importance of improving safety regulations at onshore oil and gas wells.
And I am proud to say that the following Texas groups are part of the coalition.
- Denton Citizens for Responsible Urban Drilling – DCRUD
- Mineral Owners for Responsible Action and Land Safety – MORALS
- Texas Oil and Gas Accountability Project – Texas OGAP
- WE CAN (Working Effectively for Clean Air Now)
- Wise County Alliance for Responsible Drilling – WiseCARD
You can read the letter HERE.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Money Talks, Bullshit Walks. Industry figured out a long, long time ago that anytime they need to 'convince' someone, or get their permission for something, or to help cover up the truth, shut people up…have a checkbook in hand.
Identical to what's going in the Gulf right now- BP takes out full page ads in major newspapers and runs the same tv commerical talking about 'Clean up' and paying claims, and dressed up with all that bullshit about their employees live there, too.
What BP isn't talking about, and for good reason, is that those checks they are passing out to people come with a gag order. You talk tot he press, the checks stop.
Williams is no different. It's far easier to write a few checks to some affected familes than battle the court of public opionion, so when it does come before council or a public meeting of some kind, Williams gets to say that they are being 'good neighbors' and none of their new 'good neighbors' will say anything to the contrary.
Those checks might pay some of your bills, but you can't drink natural gas. Those checks also will not help you when your property value all but disappears as well.
We just had 2 people killed in a gas well explosion today:
I watched her yesterday on CSPAN regarding the off shore mess hearings. This letter is timely and a necessity. T Boone today is pushing to go "natural gas" because China (who now consumes more energy than the US)has locked in energy prices and we may experience outrageous foreign oil prices. Things R heatn' up THIS LETTER IS SO IMPORTANT!