Sea Turtle Restoration Project is giving up on turtle rescue because BP is hindering their efforts too much. It’s so much easier to burn the turtles alive than to rescue them.
Death by fire in the gulf
So-called burn boxes are torching oil from the water’s surface at the sacrifice of turtles, crabs, sea slugs and other sea life.
I don’t know how to label this. Psychopathic oil & gas mentality? Open to suggestions.
I’m updating this post with the graphic below especially for the ridiculous commenter who blames the turtle burning on environmentalists.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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How about a good Biblical word like, Evil.
psyco sounds about right.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. I think BP covers just about everything. Big Polluter, Bad Premonition.
If radical envirnomentalists on the hard left would back off from filing law suits and political pressure, the government could open up areas not populated for drilling and do oversight on regulation safety, this could have been prevented!
Obama cannot legislate or throw enough money to invent a clean energy source to replace fossil fuels. No one is willing to go back and live without cars, air-conditioning, jet planes and household appliances.
The hard left are dreamers and a green economy is no where in the immediate future. Until then, natural gas is the best source for us.
Would you rather send your money to the Middle East, Iran or Russia? Countries that treat women with no respect or value liberty?
speechless. i just can't believe it.
WTF??? Now you are blaming the BP spill on Environmentalists? The truth is that without Environmentalists, we would all have drilling rigs sticking out of our ears. You people never, EVER take responsibility for your actions.
Tutrles get burned and it's the Environmentalists fault??
Wait a minute, Anonymous..are you really suggetsing that the Industry behaves the way it does because of lawsuits and political pressure? This is one of the most egregious and stupidist statements I've ever heard!
No one expects Obama or any other president to 'thrwo money at' or 'legislate' any energy source.
Aren't you and the rest of the Industry already complaining about how 'restricted' and 'regulated' the Industry already are?
In other words, if you weren't so heavily regulated, BP and the other polluters might actually spend some time and money on an actual coningency plan instead of taking unnecesary risks and short cuts to save money?
I will point out again that it's been discussed recently in Congress when Tony 'Yacht Club' Hayward testified that BP dedicated 4 (that's FOUR) whole pages to dealing with Oil Spill Containment and 80 (EIGHTY) pages dedicated to dealing with the Press. Glad to see BP has it's priorities straight.
While our fearless leader is on his 7th golf outing since the spill, BP's Hayward is Yacht Clubbing it back in England. Both Obama and Hayward must be just exahausted from having to deal with the spill.
I also resent the fact that once again, Industry is taking an all or nothing apporoach to energy sources- we either completely contaminate the air, land and water and use trillions of water we enevr get back to obtain natural gas, or we have to buy oil from terrorist countries.
I think we had an enormous opportunity with the bailout of GM and Chrysler, and we missed it. Instead of giving these companies billions to just keep doing what they've been doing, we could have taken that opportunity to push for a line of not only much more economical vehicles, we could have also pushed for a line of electric cars, even natural gas powered vehicles, and spent some of those billions on setting up an infrastructure to support these vehicles and bug tax breaks for those willing to purchase one.
We are never going to get off of oil, regardless of the source, and we're never going to get solar, wind generated power without a good incentive and we're never going to see natural gas powered vehicles and electric vehicles go mainstream without support.
Big Energy has way too much money invested in Oil and Gas, and there's way too much money at stake to bother with even trying anything else.
AND what about Anadarko? Anadarko owns some 25% of the leaking well in the Gulf. Anadarko is really laying low, and blaming other people for their problems to detract attention from their ownership of the Gulf Well!!! Typical of O&G!
Yes, it's the environmentalists' fault, and you are too limited in your mental capacity Sharon to understand. Let's see if you can cope with a simpler truth: Rachel Carson is one of the greatest mass killers in history. Can you possibly understand that assertion?
You should try to have mercy on us poor, mentally challenged folks.
Rachel Carson, founder of contemporary environmental movement, author of Silent Spring, advocate of nature and environmental ethics, …
Anon: You've been drinking the Frac Fluid again, havne't you?
If you destroy the environment, you destroy yourself. But hey, it's all about jobs, the economy and profits.
Sincerely, Tim Ruggiero, Reagan Conservative.
Tim, you lie, you are no conservative. Rachael Carson lied in her research, junk science you know (like man made global warming), which caused many small-minded eco freaks to buy into her lies. For some reason liberals (fascists really) only see the bad or possible bad in all things. Based on her fake research, DDT, a very good eco friendly pesticide was banned. It was the number one controller of malaria carrying mosquitos. Millions around the world have suffered horribly and died because of her hatred for businesses, you know capitalism. Her “research” was faked to attack capitalists, she was a big time socialist. I hope she burns in Hell. The lies about dirty water and dirty air are there to make short-sighted stupid liberals like you dance, yes, dance you puppets. You are too stupid to realize that Mexico had a larger oil spill several years earlier and over 500 barrels of oil leaks into the gulf each year, naturally. Conveniently forgot that one, didn’t you? Timber companies don’t rape the forests, they grow them as crops. Oil companies drill in precarious places (with added danger) because rich liberals don’t want to see the rigs. Instead of buying into the socialist, anti-capitalist lies, try doing a little research yourself, don’t be so lazy and stupid. When you find out you have been used (Lenin called you useful idiots) I hope you spread the word.
Yeah, if it weren't for Rachel, we could still be dousing ourselves with DDT. Dang her hide.
Rachel's book targeting DDT unquestionably lead to the deaths of millions of people from malaria and yellow fever. To borrow an expression from the brilliant Tim, it was one of the "stupidist" things ever written. Serious and legitimate question: which writer contributed directly or indirectly to more deaths – the author of Silent Spring or the author of Mein Kampf? If you are intellectually incapable of debating that question (Sharon and Tim, for example), please do not respond.
Ahm, you are telling me not to respond on MY own blog???
Hubris much?
Sharon, your arrogance in your ignorance is astounding. You exemplify why socialist liberals so eagerly spew manure when they are so absolutely wrong. So willing to attack with lies anything not socialist, so willing to parrot back the most astounding lines of B.S. You know nothing of DDT or the hideous pain and suffering caused by Rachel Carson’s lies. You don’t have enough presence of mind to even conceive of the possibility there may be facts other than yours and that you may be wrong.
I can't stop laughing at this guy. In just a few email exchnages, he's already reduced himself to personal attacks.
I had no idea who Rachel Carson was until you mentioned her name. I guess there hasn't been millions of deaths from starvation, war, a million other diseases, such as greed everywhere where malaria still exists. Blame it all on the lack of DDT.
Anonymous is just another Industry coward. You can see these guys coming-have a snappy answer for everything, deflect responsibility for anything they do and point the finger of blame at someone else-and they almost always hide behind Anonymous. They are so proud of what they do, yet are rarely brave enough to do something as simple as use their name.
It certainly does not surprise me that you have no idea who Rachel Carson was, or the death and misery she brought to the tropic and sub-tropic world. Stick with your irrational rants against your supposed enemies, you do not have the intellectual bandwith or knowledge for this specific debate.
Rachel Carson is no more responsible for the tragic deaths of people from malaria due to her bringing the serious dangers of DDT to attention than Einstein is for Herishima. People invent things every day that could be dangerous. People provide studies all the time upon which decision makers base decisions. Information providers are not responsible for the way information is used.
I guess your premise is that we should never do any studies or learn anything new. INFORMATION IS BAD.
Erm, low bandwidth genius, DDT was never banned for use against malaria. That's straight from the LaRouche Republicans.
Aren't you republicans all about God? What about that bearing false witness deal?
Sharon: This Anonomous coward reminds me of one of those guys who gets sexually excited torturing small animals. I think the torched sea turtles got him going….
Anon: Now we're having an intellectual debate? We can't- at least you can't- seem to have even a conversation, much more a debate. Now you're stating that the world's worst ecological disaster wasn't caused by the negligent operator enocuraged by the corrupt MMS, but rather Rachel Scott.
"Attention everyone! Greedy BP idiots didn't cause the spill in the Gulf, Rachel Scott did!"
"Who's Rachel Scott?"
"That's not important, just take my word for it. Actually, Rachel Scott did not cause the spill, but we're blaming it on her anyway, because we NEVER accept responsibility for our actions."
"I'm not following you."
"Never mind, I'm off to my yacht race."
Millions upon millions of oil pour into the Gulf because radical environmentalists MADE them do it, in spite of the millions of dollars in paid off politicians, laws that favor Industry and an exemption for every rule or law? Wow, I never knew people like me had this power.
I know you dig holes in other people's property for a living, so I understand you're having a tougher time of it lately, and that it's only going to get worse for your Industry.
People like me helped SHUT OUT XTO from drilling at all in Corinth, people like me caused repeated enforcement actions against bad operators, and people like me will be speaking at the TCEQ meeting on Thur night. I'm sure your boss will be there, he's very curious to know how strong the opposition is these days, especially since the EPA is about to take over the TCEQ. That's the kind of thing that make bad operators very nervous.
There's a growing army of people who have had more than enough crap from people like you.
I think we're done, here. At least I am.
So Sorry! It's Rachel Carson, not Scott. I'm in the middle of reading a book about another couple of sociopaths at Columbine High. Rachel Scott was one of the murdered teens. (But from what I gather from Anon Coward Boy, Rachel Carson might have had a hand in her death, too)
I remember reading something in Silent Spring where Carson said something about how there are cases where disease born insects need to be killed so in that instance we have to make the choice to use pesticides to save lives.
I seriously doubt that Anon has even read Silent Spring. That's why you people are so easily manipulated with the talking heads. You just parrot back what they tell you to think. Like the "death tax," you probably bought that one hook, line and sinker.
Yeah, I was right. Here it is:
No responsible person contends that insect-borne disease should be ignored. The question that has now urgently presented itself is whether it is either wise or responsible to attack the problem by methods that are rapidly making it worse. The world has heard much of the triumphant war against disease through the control of insect vectors of infection, but it has heard little of the other side of the story—the defeats, the short-lived triumphs that now strongly support the alarming view that the insect enemy has been made actually stronger by our efforts. Even worse, we may have destroyed our very means of fighting. (p. 266)
She noted that "Malaria programmes are threatened by resistance among mosquitoes" (p. 267) and emphasized the advice given by the director of Holland's Plant Protection Service: "Practical advice should be 'Spray as little as you possibly can' rather than 'Spray to the limit of your capacity'…Pressure on the pest population should always be as slight as possible." (p. 275)
She said that because mosquitoes were becoming resistant to DDT.
This is a myth that big agribusinesses like Monsanto use to manipulate the fringe into frothing at the mouth and enabling them to continue their business as usual. Just as the Hiltons and 16 other uber wealthy people manipulated Bubba into believing he would have to pay an inheritance tax when his parents passed and left him their doublewide.
Read. A lot. Learn to think for yourself. Then come back and argue with us.
Wow you people are incredibly stupid:
Tell me Sharon, what, exactly, is a "Herishima"? And yes, I have read Silent Spring. Earlier in my career I was responsible for development of specialty pesticides, including mosquito control products, so I am quite familiar with Rachel and the terrible impact her book had on humanity.
Anon 7:52 – DDT was used to exterminate dengue mosquitos, which transmit malaria and yellow fever in humans. It was not used a treatment for malaria (that is beyond stupid).
Tim – you seem to be confusing me with other posters and perhaps other imaginary enemies, and perhaps you're even more intellectually challenged than I thought. What do you do for a living?
You know you've lost the argument when you resort to ad hominem attacks rather than arguing the facts.
There is nothing imaginary about the 4 leaking condensate tanks, leaking wells heads and igniting methane leak 300 feet outside my home. What is imaginary is the belief many have that the TCEQ and TRRC actually work to protect people. Also completely imaginary is the belief that energy companies give a flying shit about anything except making money at any cost. (except to themselves)
Placing blame on Rachel Carson for the epic fail of BP is absurd and irrational.
Why do you care what I do for a living? What does it have to do with anything? You want to know what I do for a living, but you're so proud of what you do, you're too afraid to even use your name.
I'm done playing this stupid ganme with you, we're just going around in circles. If you happen to find yourself in Arlington tomorrow night at the TCEQ Meeting, I'll be the Conservative wearing the blue Jeff Weems for Texas Railroad Commissioner.
Slathering your weak arguments with insults doesn't make them any stronger.
So, a book about pesticides is responsible for all the malaria deaths. And that means that anyone who cares about the environment is responsible for the BP spill and thereby responsible for the turtles that are being burned. Oh, so that makes Rachel Carson a turtle killer.
No book is responsible for any malaria detahs. Lack of health care, poverty, political weakness, corruption, civil unrest and many other factors are the cause of people dying from malaria.
Corrupt MMS personnel and profits at any costs corporations such as BP is the cause of the worst ecological disaster.
You should check out Ed Ireland's blog, you'll find more of your kind there than here.
We're still waiting for that definition of Herishima, sweetie.
Tim – is I thought you were capable, I would suggest that you research the trends in deaths from malaria and yellow fever and compare them with the point in time when production of DDT effectively ended (due to pressure instigated by Carson's book). But you're not capable. All you bring to the discussion is your constant rants about how terribly you were treated by all your enemies. Are you employed, Tim?
You clowns just can't get your arms around the reality that one of your environmental "heros" was, in truth, largely responsible for millions of deaths.
Oh hon, you made a typo, again. Pot and Kettle???
But, I have to admit that your typing skills are far superior to your logic skills.
You what, Anon? I really have no interest in malaria, DDT, Rachel Carson or any of your other bullshit that has nothing to do with anything. Sharon is quite a lot more generous than I would have been with you. I would have just deleted you and blocked you from the blog since you aren't contributing anything.
Say whatever you want, you'll get no more response from me. I refuse to have a discussion with a sociopath.
Anon lunatic,
Your logic is flawed. Stop embarrassing yourself by attacking other people's intellect. You are so lacking in mental capacity that you are incapable of comprehending how irrational you are.
Seek help.
How about getting back on the subject of why BP is allowed to scoop up endangered species and burn them alive while Obama practices his golf game, Tony-baby's off yachting half way across the world and the Coast Guard is what????standing by?
Where's FEMA, and why are offers of help from everywhere being turned down to protect unions in a time of emergency? I mean really, is this president so far into the unions pocket that he'll let the Gulf go to hell, even though you don't see them with any plan of action either… or is it George Soros (who already got $2 Billion in loans from Obama, but that's not enough. Now Soros who wants those rigs moved to even deeper water off Brazil's coast for Petrobras and Obama's trying to make it happen by letting the spill go on, and on, and on….
Why else wouldn't we use ALL the 2,000 siphons to separate the oil and water instead just 24, and why on earth would they turn an oil spill into air pollution by burning it? Impeach Obama if he can't do the job and then impeach Biden if he can't and then Pelosi….. clean it up or get the hell out of office!
Look, I don't care if you are a Conservative, Liberal, homosexual or whatever. I DON'T CARE. But you simply MUST stop listening to Fox News because it is giving you brain damage!
Fox still making blatantly false claim that U.S. has "not accepted" international help in Gulf
Read. Use "teh Google." Look shit up from legitimate news sources. Be smarter.
That's right. Ignore the obvious incompetence of the Obama administration. Don't listen to those who criticize the Democrats and Obama. Only trust MSNBC, Huffington Post, etc. Keith Olbermann's show is especially effective because he does not allow guests that might have a different point of view, so no risk of confusing the faithful libs with alternative thought.
I just did a blog post on this issue and I did not use any of the sources you listed. I actually went straight to the Jones Act and read the damn thing! You might try that–READING–you will be surprised what you can learn.
Look, stop bothering me with your nonsense. Go mix with your own kind on the Bring Back DDT Facebook page.
Oh, and please hold your breath until they bring back DDT. Thanks.