In case you’re late to this party, here is some background:
Greed and Gas Divides Argyle Community
A funny thing happened at the Protest against Williams Petroleum in the Barnett Shale
You can see a video of Williams bulldozing old growth oak trees at the Argyle – Bartonville Communities Alliance blogspot. There’s also a “What can you do,” post.
The lovely and brave Runner Susan who stood fast with trucks only inches from her body, has commentary and pictures.
Here is the Denton Record Chronicle article about the protest:
Protesters temporarily block gas well site near Argyle
Monday, May 24, 2010
By Lowell Brown
Nice job Lowell!
I can name names. Oh wait! Runner Susan already did that.
Okay then, I’ll slice up Kelly Swan’s baloney from the article. (Kelly Swan is a graduate of the Williams Petroleum charm school.)
Swan said Williams isn’t considering wastewater recycling in Argyle, even though the company has employed recycling in other states, including Colorado.
“The logistics and the demographics we’re dealing with in terms of working in an urban area are vastly different from where we’ve employed recycling before,” he said. “Where we have done recycling, that’s where we have connected multiple well pads via pipelines laying on the surface, in very rural areas, where we bring that into a centralized water recycling center. Those same logistics would not be feasible, practical or welcomed where we’re operating in the northern end of the Barnett Shale.”
Whew! All that smoke and mirrors, I had to give Kelly the baloney on that one. Check out this sweet little unit:
That’s a portable desalination unit on location in Johnson County Texas. You can read about it on the US Department of Energy website.
The cost of treating produced water containing 15,000 ppm TDS and 200 ppm hydrocarbons to obtain agricultural water quality with less than 200 ppm TDS and 2 ppm hydrocarbons is $0.50-1.50/bbl.
It fits right on a trailer and a pick up can haul it around so Williams could buy a couple of these and everybody would be happy. We’re not unreasonable people.
Maybe they don’t learn about this technical stuff in the Williams charm school.
Another thing that Kelly said that raised my eyebrows:
Swan said moving the proposed tanks and compressors from the Jeter Road site to the Argyle drilling sites simply wasn’t an option, but he declined to say why.
“I prefer not to get into contractual arrangements in the press,” he said.
That means Williams made a contract with somebody who didn’t want that waste water anywhere around their homes or horses. See Runner Susan’s post above that names names.
Now Pictures!
A dog that does not want cancer again. (There are 11 dogs with cancer in the neighborhood.)
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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WTF? Recycling the water can't be much more expensive than hauling it to injection wells. I guess they'll dispute your source and invalid. ha
one thing is pretty clear these days: public opinion of big oil and gas has plummeted.
dude! seriously, someone needs to tell me the socks and red shoes do not go with the capris next time! Getting up at 4am is not something i want to do everyday! Worth all the missing sleep though.
Gee, some O&G types said reclaiming produced water was too expensive.
Someone needs to post some permanent signs, warning of entry into High Dog Cancer Zone.
That should get some attention.
Did you see Williams cut down those 300 year old trees? Kelly Swan said they would not cut down the big trees. Williams is a big far liar and Swan is just a paid liar!!!!!
I know a group that might help you especially since there is some abuse of power involved. Check your email.
Who the hell would believe anything Kelly Swan says anyway?
Energy companies have been spinning tales for over 100 years. You'll notice their mouthpieces have plenty to say on their own, but will not answer even the simplest of questions. If they are "working within the law" and earnestly believe what they are doing is the right thing, why will they not answer a few questions?
Seems Kelly might need a charm school refresher course. His charm has worn pretty thin around North Texas.
stinks to high heavens, this deal does. i think the attorney general's office or the texas rangers should look into this.
Kelly went to CHARM school in order to distract and distort the facts that Williams and the gas mafia are doing almost everything possible to HARM the people and planet. Did Williams buy that house or pay those people enough to move b/c the property is no longer residential but part of a heavy industrial zone. Williams' execs could live there just to show us the terror of our ways.
Love your way with words
Charming Kelly said, "Where we have done recycling, that’s where we have connected multiple well pads via pipelines laying on the surface, in very rural areas, where we bring that into a centralized water recycling center. "
In PA, there are no water recycling centers. What passes for recycling does indeed involve long lengths of pipelines that dump into a very, very large impoundment "pond" (more like a lake), that may or may not leak. There it sits in the open and rots in the sun offgassing all sorts of VOCs and noxious fumes until they need to squirt it back down a well. The pipelines are small, unsecured, unmarked, easily damaged and prone to leaks. Thus "recycling" is GasMan-speak for spreading the pollution around over a larger area.