The Texas Progressive Alliance can’t believe that school is finishing up and summer will soon be upon us. Before it gets too hot, here’s a look at what’s been going on this past week.
This week on Left of College Station, Teddy takes a look at the beginning of the campaign for TX-17 between Chet Edwards and Bill Flores. Also, Teddy covers money in local politics by looking at the campaign finance reports of College Station and Bryan municipal candidates. Left of College Station also covers the week in headlines.
TXsharon stepped in DoodyGate this week! It appears Range Resources fabricated a toxic spill to cover up their illegal dump. When a toxic spill causes less hassle than doody, you know the Texas Railroad Commission “regulations” need updating. Will the City of Denton exercise their new found powers?
CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme urges you to tell the Texas Legislature that legalizing drugs will stop the border violence. No profit. No drug war.
WCNews at Eye On Williamson post on the Texas GOP’s ploy to raise taxes next year, if they’re left in power, and try to blame it on Obama – we won’t let them! Dewhurst lets the cat out of the bag.
Help send the Texas Cloverleaf to Netroots Nation by voting on a DFA scholarship.
This week, McBlogger would like to send out a massive thank you to Hank Gilbert for standing up and actually calling out Toll Road Todd for beating up, yet again, on Teh Gays.
Just a few weeks after WhosPlayin wrote a blog pointng out Lewisville ISD’s illegal “zero tolerance” policy, the school board unanimously overturned it. But WhosPlayin continues to look for answers.
Off the Kuff took a closer look at that Rasmussen poll from last week.
The same thing that caused the deaths of miners in the Upper Big Branch mine is the same thing that caused the bursting of the housing bubble, the Lehman crash, and the implosion of our financial system. Read more at PDiddie’s Brains and Eggs post entitled Consumer regulation as coal mine canary”.
There is an old saw which says it is a poor general who blames his soldiers for defeat. With the question of Texas public education still unresolved and hurling toward the latest crisis of funding and quality, lightseeker at TexasKaos takes on a San Antonio Express editorial which proceeds to bash teachers and unions as the overlooked villains in this recurring horror show. Check it out : On Teacher Bashing , or Beating Up the Easy Target on Educational Failures.
Neil at Texas Liberal is pleased to announce that the blog now has a New York City correspondent. Lyuba Halkyn, a daughter of Ukrainian immigrants, will now offer up her views for the blog reading public. This post also has a great picture of a blimp flying over Manhattan in the 1930’s.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Just thought I'd give you a 'Heads-Up' on some of the 'Long Tail' activity. I had followed Bluebloggin years back when I had a now defunct WordPress blog. Continuing to blog news and articles I joined different online communities, quipping occasionally on politics and the environment. So it was no surprise when I spotted articles on Water – a personal hobbyhorse – and Texas Progressive Bloggers.
I can't give everyone the attention their efforts deserve, but I thought you might like to check out a post from Colorado that tells the tale in fine style.
Your blog and theirs are both listed at
That might not seem hugely useful : it is only a seldom used reference. But I make entries at Care2 and Current in addition to the occasional strategic note.
Blogging can be like shouting down a well. It's nice to know one is heard.
Hey, thanks! I know Journey of the Forsaken. Lisa and I are friends. =)