The playground bullies are threatening Calvin Tillman, Mayor of DISH, Texas. Using a page straight out of Big Tobacco’s play book, this threat from Big Gas is designed to
- Intimidate Mayor Tillman and shut him up
- Drain the Town of DISH dry so they can’t afford legal fees.
In Calvin’s own words:
Many of you have told me to let them know if ever needed your help. Well, I could use your help at the moment. As you may have noticed I have become a lightening rod for personal attacks from our friends in the natural gas industry. The latest is that they are accusing me of not providing the information that they asked for in a public information request to the town of DISH. Please know that I completely cooperated with their request. The only thing that I questioned with the request was that they were asking for personal medical information from the citizens of DISH. Of course they only wished to use this information to vilify the very citizens that they are poisoning. So, I questioned the legality of their request, like any good mayor would do. However, from the latest letter they are threatening to file suit against the town and file a complaint with the attorney general. However, we have been more than cooperative with with those in the Texas Pipeline Association, who made this public information request. What they are trying to do is come of with frivolous allegations, to run up the legal fees for our community. As with everything that I have done thus far, I am only trying to protect the citizens of this community, and I will not back down. I have long ago quit worrying about myself, and now only worry about my family and my citizens. I would ask that each and every person who supports what I have done and what am doing, please call the following people and ask them to clean up their mess in the town of DISH, and to LEAVE US ALONE!!!! Please see attached threatening letter.
I plan on calling these bullies first thing tomorrow morning and letting them know that this behavior won’t stand! I hope you will join me in this important action.
Patrick Nugent 512.478.2871,
FAX 512.474.1129
Celina Romero 515.472.8800
Calvin Tillman
I did place a call to Mr. Nugent’s office and received an icy cold reception from his assistant. Loose transcription of conversation follows:
First she said the letter was not from Nugent it was from the lawyers. I said Nugent’s name was on the letter and he hired the lawyers.
Then she said they did not request any medical records but that’s not exactly true.
“…any other documents or lab test results reflecting any public health concerns of any former or current resident … and any documents reflecting or concerning any communications, opinions or conclusions drawn by any health or other professional from the review of such questionnaires, surveys, lab tests or other health condition documents held by the Town of DISH.”
So, they aren’t asking only for the completed surveys. They are asking for anything health related, even if it’s personal test results that a citizen may have provided Calvin for his information. This is against HIPPA which is a FEDERAL law.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Do you really think that they care what you have to say?
I'll answer that for you.
They probably don't care but if enough people call and protest it might get there attention. Mayor Tillman has been to all the meetings speaking regarding problems with gas well production and obviously the city leaders did not care. I think we should show him the same kind of support he has shown our communities. The gas and oil industry cannot continue to ignore the problems we just need to let them know that we know what the problems are and we are watching and documenting. Plus as I told them by asking Mayor Tillman to disclose medical records they were asking him to commit a federal offense know as the HIPPA law. The only way he could disclose those records is if each person signs releases saying Mayor Tillman can give those medical reports to the pipeline company. I bet they care about breaking federal laws.
They don't care about people's health, or lives, or property, what makes you think they give a flying f*** about the law.
Scubawithdogs above. You are correct–the Mayor can't disclose medical records. I think the Romero dude who signed the letter and the lawfirm may have already committed somekind of crime!
Care or not, Big Gas is threatening the DEVONIAN LAYER of G-ds planet. I suppose as halliburton pumps radioactive waste miles below the surface our planet will become a tropical paradise, of course that does not bode well for the SALT MINES as the 36 states who have introduced heat along our eastern seaboard draw the salt near, and well, I guess being a geologist pales in comparison to being a limnologist.
Have fun watching your offspring drinking your gaseous oil because that is better than radioactive water; tell it to your grandchildren the NEW INDUSTRY IS RADIOACTIVE WASTE FILTERS. BYE BYE HALIBURTON LOVERS.
Big oil and gas do not care about people's health, lives, or property but breaking the laws brings other agencies in to look at their action.
You know they could not convict Al Capone for murder but they sure could put him in jail for tax evasion.
Use whatever laws they break to bring attention to their unethical business practices. They think they are above the law here in Texas so show them they are not. Mayor Tillman should sue them for asking him to break the law!
I know HIPPA seems petty but federal agencies take it very seriously.
I contacted them to remind them of that little law which protects people's health care information and they were going to get back to me on that. SURE THEY WILL. I bet they leave Mayor Tillman alone though because they were gravely wrong in asking for medical information.
These crooked lawyers, their law firm in Austin and TPLA should be sent to the GALLOWS!
Here's the Health Information Privacy page:
How To File a Complaint page:
"If you believe that a covered entity violated your (or someone else’s) health information privacy rights or committed another violation of the Privacy or Security Rule, you may file a complaint with OCR. OCR can investigate complaints against covered entities."
Keep up the good work Mayor. We are on your side and your test results are GOOD!