BREAKING NEWS: Apparently the air testing in Flower Mound that supposedly showed no toxins in the air never happened or never happened to the degree that citizens were led to believe. It was just reported on WFAA by Chris Hawes.
If you don’t test for benzene, then you have ZERO chance of detecting benzene. …funny how that works.
Here’s the video:
From an email:
Chris Hawes led the 6pm news with revelation that no actual testing for benzene or any other hazardous air pollutants was ever tested “they decided not to take any air sample, so nothing was analyzed”. It looks like the City and mayor have not been truthful.
Hawes showed a video of the Flower Mound mayor discussing the testing and naming all the chemicals that were not found. This gave citizens as false sense of security. When most people think of air testing, they think of a canister sample and a complete analysis. This could have influenced the vote last night.
The TCEQ used the IR camera and an “inexact instrument” that does not tell the specific chemicals in the air. TCEQ had the wrong equipment to take air samples so it was decided that no samples would be taken. Someone from the town was present and knew that no samples were taken.
This from the Town of Flower Mound:
The Town recently received a summary of the air quality monitoring activity conducted in Flower Mound on January 13 by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) officials. The summary details the locations and times in which monitoring occurred, the types of tests and readings, weather conditions, and equipment utilized. While additional TCEQ air quality testing is scheduled to occur in the near future, the preliminary analysis produced results indicating no detectable concentrations of VOC (benzene, toluene, methane, etc.) exist in Flower Mound. Additionally, infrared cameras did not detect emissions from the compressor engines and heater units other than those associated with normal operations.
The TCEQ Summary is HERE
It seems they used an “inexact instrument” called a TVA which, I believe, detects VOCs. From that they deduced that there were none of the chemicals that the mayor listed present in the air.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Does anyone know when or if this video of the broadcast will be available online? I looked and didn't find the story yet
I'll post the video when it's available, probably after the 10:00 PM news.
what is going on? i am getting readdy to buy a house on the south end of flower mound, how much concern should I have? This is scary
When I finally sell my place, I don't think I'll ever by in Texas again. Even if you get the mineral rights, they can force pool you.–82455747.html
*this is getting out of hand
I'm starting a TCEQ dictionary:
1) Immediate. ĭ-mē'dē-ĭt. Occurring sometime within the next 30 days, or whenever I finish my report.
2) Various. vâr'ē-əs. Being more than one. Two, actually.
So, how do why challange Levenick's vote on thursday. Anyone drive down Shiloh past the proposed centralized wastewater site. Looks like they started it to me. How do we legally look into all this.
You are the 4th person to say that about the CCF site. I don't know what to make of it. Williams does not have an approved permit for this yet. So why are there tanks and land being cleared. Tony Silvestri from Williams was very relaxed at the Jan 21st meeting, even leaning against a wall dozing off. He didn't seem anxious to hear the result of the vote. Maybe he already knew the outcome
Citizens can organize and form a "Bucket Brigade" where they test their own air and take back their community from polluters. The organization is out of Louisiana but people from any state can participate. Google LaBucketBrigade….the concpet looked impressive to me.
I've posted about the bucket brigade several times. It's a great idea but fairly expensive. I think it's about $5,000 to get started.