ATTN FLOWER MOUND: What happened last night was a travesty! Please take the time to thank Council Members Filidoro and Hayden who voted against.
I just got home and the meeting continues. We had to stand in line to get in and the Fireman said there were over 300 400 people in attendance. By far the people in attendance are against the proposed Williams facility.
My favorite moment so far was the woman who made the unfortunate analogy of a boat with many holes versus a boat with one big hole and related that to the collection facility. Ahm, either way, the boat sinks.
Mayor Tillman made a great point: Williams uses the latest technology in Colorado because it’s mandated but they refuse to use that technology here because it’s not mandated.
There were many great speakers who made some great points. Shiloh Chris wasn’t one of them.
I just received this in an email from someone who is a former pipeline executive: Under a FOI request, it was revealed that Williams had about 65 leaks per year for 5 years on a stretch of pipe from the Gulf to NY. They all leak folks!
Seveal people have mentioned that Colorado has stronger regulations and those regulations were pushed by the Oil and Gas Accountability Project.
Okay, HELLO? Lady who is for drilling as long as it’s in the country! People live in the country too, so do the animals that you eat. And the food that the animals you eat eats is grown in the country. Our water flows into your water and our air is your air. Don’t push it off on someone else.
Wow! During the questions and answer period for the council there was some major false information given! Pretty outrageous
WOW! It’s 12:45 AM, Tom Haden is delivering a great speech and making some great points and asking important questions yet the mayor was just way out of line in asking him to tone it down. How condescending can you get?
To date: 60 billion gallons of water polluted and wasted in the Barnett Shale.
Unbelievable! They COMPLETELY ignored what the Flower Mound residents want. However, it’s not surprising. It was obvious from the beginning of the meeting that the council members had already made up their minds. Only 2 members of the Flower Mound Council serve their constituents.
WFAA Report
Another WFAA report
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Inspite of all of us showing up at the meeting and expressing our concerns and opposition to the changes the council went ahead and did what they probably had already made up their minds to do. I can't believe it! Can anything be done to stop things from moving forward?
I attended the meeting and we had to stand in line just to get into the building. It was an amazing crowd! It was obvious the council had made up their minds already and it really didn't matter what anyone said.
With the Supreme Court decision yesterday, expect things to only get worse.
I watched every minute last night and I must say your account is spot on..they want us all to believe you make things up.
I heard a lot of people talking about "fear" like it's a bad thing.
When did it become "weak and uneducated" to FEAR ordinance changes being rushed through without due dilligence?
It was pretty transparent what happened last night.. Must have been some good barbecue Williams served up.
I urge all residents to watch a replay of the council meeting on public access.
I am STUNNED at the inaccurate information during the council questions and answer. Just one thing: it is WELL known that the produced water is potentially radioactive.
Mayor Pro Tem Levenick discussed 3 emails she received that contained misinformation. She also stated that if people would stop circulating the emails the google searches on Flower Mound would get better. I've done a lot of google searches on Flower Mound news and it is not misleading emails popping up. I found her comments to be very self serving.
For those who did not watch the rest of the Flower Mound Town Council meeting, there was
an important item that came after the controversial items, it was a road maintenance agreement
between Williams and the Town. The Mayor and Councilmember Levenick, recused themselves from
this vote, likely under the advice of council.
This is key. It was brought many times to the Town attorney that they should have recused themselves
from the vote last night but did not have to because items which are general in nature, i.e. could affect any operator within the Town, could legally be voted
on. The vote last night was only to allow the zoning language so that a SUP (Specific Use Permit) could be applied for, and no doubt will, by Williams.
A Specific Use Permit, by definition is for a specific
plat for one entity. A very important legal distinction
as now for the SUP they would be voting for an item
solely for the benefit of Williams. A clear, better
defined and unequivocal conflict of interest. So the
new question is, what is the legal opinion now?
The vote would likely be a 2-2 vote, and the measure
would not pass. Furthermore, the Mayor and Levenick
get a political "punt", an important thing when you
are up for re-election in the coming months.
I was watching and thought that was most peculiar. Thank you for shining a light on that matter.
Last night's 3-2 votes came as no surprise. We have two council members who take their elected position seriously and behave in a manner that shows they are concerned about the well being of our citizens. The mayor and the other three….not so much.
The elected officials who chose to do the bidding of Williams and not the will of the people have once again shown their self serving arrogance. One can only hope that our citizens who attended the meeting and watched on television remember the finger they were given when election time rolls around. I read that the mayor, for one, plans on running for re-election. She was either not paying attention to what happened in Massachusetts on Tuesday or doesn't care. People want their elected representatives to be responsive to the community.
With that said, we get the kind of leadership we deserve. When we elect officials who behave in an unprofessional manner like the mayor and mayor pro tem with regard to the sexual harassment claim, what can we expect? They have to be told that it's not ok to pinch a police officers ass while at town hall conducting the peoples business. Unbelievable, but the shake voice mea culpa was an LOL moment.
Have we elected a couple of half wits?
If she doesn't like "smear campaigns", then she shouldn't do the act. If it was no big deal, there wouldn't have been a report filed, and an investigation done. No report, no investigation.
Does anyone know who owns the property where the proposed wastewater storage will be? I drove past it and it looks like they are quite a number of storage tanks already, plus bull dozers preparing a large area behind them. The mayor lives VERY CLOSE to this. Across the street is a will leased to a Dr. Bob Smith. I am no Nancy Drew but none of this looks good. I need help sorting this out!
In retrospect I think those of us who are veterans of these fights were ill-informed as to exactly what the issue at the meeting was to be. I certainly was.
This hearing was to consider proposed changes to the zoning code that, if passed, would grease the skids for a specific business. The wording of the proposed language was Williams-specific.
Zoning codes are supposed to be general and used to sort various activities into zoning categories established to provide orderly development and keep dangerous heavy industry away from citizens.
This one was written and designed to permit activities that only Williams fully understands and which are decidedly dangerous.
It's the equivalent of writing case law into the Constitution.