Oh the irony!
Thank you gentle reader.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Do ya think the hospital will be around in thirty years, ya know…once the Benzene has kicked in and revealed it's ugly head?
I sure the diesel fumes, carbon disulphide, & benzene will do "wonders" for the patients there. To say nothing of what a sour gas leak will do.
Just like in Booger County. Drilling all around the school in the Capital of Booger county. Lots of dangers and pollution.
Money for the gas AND for the treatment, now that is what I call a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I think you're being incredibly unfair. Those polluters are just trying to put food on their table, and provide for their families. As one commenter ripped into me recently, I'm just trying to shut down the Barnett Shale and put all these people on welfare!
Until the many regulatory exemptions this industry "enjoys" are rightfully lifted and it becomes a level playing field in which we actually have some true idea of the risks potentially posed to our families and communities, the questions will remain…
At what point have they gone too far? At what point is this a State Created Danger?
What is the body count needed in what perimeter and in what time frame, and who is needing the results of that count before something meaningful is done?
It is true that meaningful change requires a body count. I think the "who" that needs the body count is the general public. I talk to people every single day who are completely unaware there is any problem at all. They don't even know they are breathing air that will possibly kill them.
In Denton, you certainly can't blame the ignorance on the media because the Denton paper does an excellent job of informing people.
I wish I knew the answer.
Everyone might want to go out and look at your license plates to remind you that you live in Texas. Where on the bottom right hand side of the plate features two oil derricks. Texas has been know as the oil and gas state since Capt Anthony Lucas discovered the Spindletop oil field in Beaumont, Tx on Jan 10, 1901. That's a lot of Texas history.
So? Living in Texas means we have to allow industry to run rough-shod over us and give us cancer???
Maybe our next license plates should have a bunch of bald children leukemia victims.
Where are they? By my count that's 109 years since the oil boom started. And oh by the way, people have been drilling for oil starting in Sichuan, China approx 2,500 b.c. Still waiting to see the pictures of the bodys…….
Industry folks have a hard time admitting the harm they cause. Take those dollar bills out of your eyes so you can see better.
One good place to look for the bodies is in Norco, LA. Read the book "Night Fire" some time about the toxic they have from these industries.
Also, Red Adair had to have cancerous spots on his skin removed. No doubt they were caused by exposure to O&G chemicals. It's in his book.