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They have no respect for private property.
They are also venting Billions of cubic feet of methane into the air. So, why is that guy smoking? Oh wait! That’s his flashlight in his mouth. I guess it takes two hands to urinate in public.
To see more about Aruba click HERE
Cheap Tricks and Costly Truths also posted about Aruba Petroleum’s illegal discharge of fluids with a song and graphics.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Oh, wow…could we ask for some decency please! Not to mention, they've got to put with methane gas, the noise and now this?!? That trailer that the ARUBA employee was pissing behind was probably the facilities, huh? Guess since ARUBA is used to discharging toxins into the atmosphere, why wouldn't the employees think this would be OKAY as well. JERKS.
The Porta-potties are on on their side. Tim thinks they might have dumped the contents in the pit which is a fairly common cutting-corners practice with the smaller producers.
Gee, now it all makes sense! The porta potties were out of commission! That is so GROSS and UNSANITARY!
This is outrageous!!! I encourage Tim to get a spotlight to shine on these cretins while videoing them so that we can see it better. This video should also be shown to the County Commissioner of Tim's district, and a public scene should be created so that the Commissioners will try to get this stopped.
When politicians think they may be voted out of office you will begin to see results.
I sure would like to see a copy of thier "good neighbor" policy.
Would it read,
"knock down their fences when no one is home, threaten them, pump tons of diesel exhaust into their air, spill drilling mud all over their land and don't report it, oh, and then urinate and vent methane where their daughter used to play for good measure."
What the heck!? I mean, really? That's just insult to injury. What an ass-hat move.
Is Aruba a "small producer?" It doesn't even matter, let's go pee on their property (Plano isn't that far!) and see how they like it! We'd probably get sued for defamation of private property. Can someone sue THEM over this!? HAHAHAHAHA! I can see the headlines now:
Aruba Pisses Off Landowner and Gets Pissed On.
That would actually be pretty hilarious. If we had a big bus full of people… They would arrest us of course but it would be worth it.
He seemed very close to venting
gases. Thought there would be NO
SMOKING signs around. Maybe, he was
preparing for a spark? How nasty
and primitive.
There ARE 'No Smoking' signs – posted by Abooba right on 'their' entrance to 'their' property.
Aruba's old corporate motto: "We Don't Care…We Don't Have to."
New corporate slogan: "We Don't Care..We Don't Have To…So Piss On You".
Has the man in the video been confirmed as an employee of Aruba Petroleum?
Must a distinction be made between those who are actually Aruba employees and those they sub-contract work to? While 'urinating in public' is 'only' a misdemeanor, the larger point is is that it just shows the indifference and extreme lack of respect the gas companies and their respective employees have for everyone else.
Aruba Petroleum cut down my fence. They welded on what may very well be radioactive piping onto MY fence. They took over and completely ruined over 4 acres of property. They polluted it with their drilling mud, grease, oil spills, sewage dumping and God knows what other chemicals were poured all over it. They set up large diesel generators that pumped massive clouds of diesel exhaust at our home, our neighbor's homes and into the air we ALL breathe. They may have very well contaminated our drinking water. The definitely created the great potential for water contamination by drilling through it and pumping carcinogenic chemicals through it with only a concrete barrier between our drinking water and their poison. The TRRC decided not to fine them for spilling chemicals all over my property and my neighbor's property because Aruba did not intentionally spill dangerous chemicals, and they did a pretty good job of cleaning it up, and they weren't really given an opportunity to report it, even though the law says IMMEDIATELY. I guess TRRC's definition of 'Immediate' is at least 2.5 hours.
So, do I know if the guy urinating on my 'surface' is an employee of Aruba? I don't care.
Our neighbor contacted us while at work on September 16th to tell us that our fence had been knocked down, our horses not contained, and our pasture bulldozed. When we arrived home that day, one of the requests we made was to be provided with the names, employers, and background checks of everyone that would be working on the “site” 400 feet from our home and where are daughter plays.
This request was refused.
Prior to the surprise bulldozing, we had placed a sign on our property to protest the drilling that was occurring on our neighbor’s property about 400 feet right in front of their home. Someone trespassed onto our property and spray painted it with “UR NXT” and crude drawings of male and female genitals.
You see, between the lack of notice prior to trespass and the vandalism, I feared for my daughter’s safety given how close this was all occurring to her home and 200 feet from the barn where we kept her horse, but the request was refused despite my communicating this to Aruba Petroleum.
Aruba Petroleum refused this request, and though ultimately responsible for the behavior of individuals on their site regardless, this refusal only compounds their responsibility.
We are not allowed on the site 400 feet from our home, but given the proximity, it is difficult to avoid witnessing what occurs, and when it potentially affects the health and safety of our child, we refuse to avoid paying attention to what transpires.
I'm now 90% SURE he's smoking there, look at the spark fall off the cigarette/cigar at about 0:36-0:37 seconds! A flashlight won't do that.
Great, millions unemployed in the US, and Aruba holds onto employees smoking around dangerous facilities, and urinating out in the open, needlessly, on the job.
I could forgiving him if he had to take a leak out on something like a pipeline Right of Way 10 miles from the nearest outhouse, but this is disgusting. And, compunded with dangerous.
I think I finally figured it out. It's a stogie!