I took this today on FM 455 in Wise County.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Has anyone noticed the amount of people that have had the great misfortune to build a house right next to where the only available gas is? In addition to us, I'm seeing more and more homes with drilling rigs right outside their homes.
Any of you critics, mineral rights owners, and frac fluid drinkers think that small building is something other than someone's home, note the chimney (not too many barns, tool sheds, etc. I've seen have those) and down in the left edge of the roof line…a satellite dish. Even fewer of those where we keep our chickens, horses, pigs, etc.
Any idea who the gas company is? I'm betting it's those warm-hearted, good-natured, people loving folks over at ARUBA.
I think I found the permit:
API 497-36913
They're all Aruba.
That is someone's house there on the left???? Oh, my gosh!
You have got to be KIDDING me? This, my darlin' is incredulous!!!
If you zoom in you can see the chimney and window unit AC and the satellite dish. Looks like a little farm house. I've seen people driving in and out the driveway going about their business. It's not too far from where I live.
Wait, I'm being unfair to the good people at Aruba. Maybe, just maybe, the homeowner doesn't really live there right next to the Big Giant Pollution Machine, maybe he's spoiling his livestock with satellite TV? Happy cows produce more milk, or something like that?
Yeah, we wouldn't want to be unfair to those sorry, rotten b*st*rds
Why does it have to be so close? Is this their way of intimidating people?
The drill MAY be 200' away from
home, but equipment looks about
20' away. Rural folks do not have
the same set-back laws. Our home
was about the same distance from
drill, however they brought in
many truck loads of sand? to hide
the view of 'mancamp'.
I don't think any gas company sets up a gas well that close to intimidate, I think they set it up that close because they CAN. Any intimidation that occurs as a result of this is just a side bonus for the bullies.
It's purely a business decision. It's about money.
Uh Oh, BROG, one of the worst. Known as the SS–Secret Society!