Berman isn’t saying that the major shale players — companies such as Chesapeake Energy, Devon Energy and Houston-based Petrohawk Energy — are wrong, but he’s skeptical that shale gas will be the domestic energy boon that the companies claim.
“I’m saying it’s a bubble,” Berman said. “They’re creating an illusion.”
It’s an awful lot of destruction, devastation to our planet and compromising health and safety for some very short-term gain.
This is fueled by Pickens a pretender who only wants to line his own pockets.
John Royall, president and chief executive of Gulf Publishing, said he didn’t receive any pressure from gas companies. World Oil serves a global audience, and gas shale is largely a domestic issue. Berman had written on the topic for a year, and Royall decided that was enough.
“Art had an interesting take on shale gas,” he said. “It was interesting, provocative stuff, but it was time to move on.”
Berman doesn’t come off as obsessed or paranoid. He simply believes that the industry has abandoned caution when it comes to shale, wasting millions drilling wells with a lack of scientific analysis.
“All of my instincts say if you approach it this way, it’s just insanity,” he said.
If he’s right, the insanity could affect us all. As Congress discusses carbon capture and environmentalists champion converting vehicles to run on natural gas, the prospect that gas supplies could be far less than we think could have a profound economic impact on the country.
“My message isn’t ‘this is bad,’ it’s that we need to practice some caution here,” Berman said.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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I take issue with the statement, "… environmentalists championing converting vehicles to run on NG…" I've been at the forefront of opposing Barnett Shale drilling and I'm plugged in to many groups. We are nearly unanimously AGAINST NG in vehicles. I'd like to know who told the reporter otherwise.
Speaking of Pickens – he is not only lining his pockets because of natural gas as a part of his energy plan, but because of all the subsurface water rights he own. When all our subsurface water is contaminated and millions of gallons being used per well, he will be getting paid on that as well. Double money$$$$$
It's the pretender environmentalists who are calling for n.gas not the real ones. You know how Williams Petroleum calls themselves the environmentally friendly drilling company? It's those kind.
NG for vehicles is just another BS thing. NG is nothing but just another dirty 'ole fossil fuel. It's kind of like a few years ago Propane was the "answer" to vehicle fuel. Turned out to be just BS. We now have exhorbantly high propane prices subsidized by the RRC–set up by the politicians in Austin.
The bubble effect scares the begeezus out of me. A great example of a non environmental threat was the housing market bubble in Colorado 10 years ago. People were paying exorbitant prices for houses, pawning all their belongings to make down payments, jumping on the housing band wagon. The job market was great, salaries were inflated and all in all…things looked really good. Go to Denver now…thousands of abandoned and foreclosed homes, hundreds of closed businesses, property values rock bottom, job market all time low, lay offs & downsizing…all due to inflated speculation.
If humans don't make some major changes in the way we live, our children won't have much of a world. There comes a point when growth is no longer possible. We would do good to try and hold steady and forget about growth.