There’s NORM in the Marcellus Shale. Read about it on ProPublica. Is New York’s Marcellus Shale Too Hot to Handle?
It’s here in the Barnett Shale too, of course.
From the PARCHED Newsletter:
Combined Radium 226 & 228 levels in Aledo have tested above Maximum levels for safe drinking water.
The presence of radiunuclides in the shallow Upper Trinity Aquifer is highly unusual. Aledo did NOT have radionuclides in the 2007 water quality report.
As reported earlier, Diamond Oaks municipal water well in Hudson Oaks (Parker County) was taken out of service after tests indicated the presence of radionuclides. Radium 226, radium 228 and Alpha radiation at entry point 007 tested in excess of the Maximum Contaminant Levels. According to Kristi Krieg, Drinking Water Specialist at the TCEQ, the well was closed after an enforcement letter was sent to the city on May 22, 2009. Krieg said that the affected Hudson Oaks water well is 230 feet deep in the Paluxy formation. Hudson Oaks Director of Operations Patrick Lawler estimated that the well, located near the New River Fellowship Church off Interstate 20, had been in service since the 1980s. The source of the contamination is unknown.
It is unusual for a water well to be closed due to radionuclides. According to Krieg, the City of East Chico is the only other municipal water well to close for radionuclides in the four county Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District area. The East Chico water well in Wise County closed earlier this year.
CITY OF ALEDO WELLS HAVE NOW BEEN IDENTIFIED after tests indicated the presence of radionuclides. Radium 226, radium 228.
Also see:
- Radioactive Drilling Sand
- Barnett Shale Radioactive Waste is Bone-Seeking Carcinogen When Airborne and Has 1622 Year Half-Life
- RRC Has Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy on Barnett Shale Radioactive Waste
- Barnett Shale and NORM – Eye Opening News
See important updates!
Brett Shipp Investigates Radioactive Water in Barnett Shale
More Wells Contaminated with Radioactive Water
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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I live in Aledo and I am wondering what we can do to protect ourselves from these threats to our health from the drilling. A test was just done on the air because of the gasses coming off of the tanks and showed to be toxic. We have lived in Aledo since early 2002 and I battled cancer in 2003. I have had skin cancer removed 5 times in the last 2 years. It is hard to fight the drilling companies since the cities and counties back them 100%
We do not drink the wanter but we shower and bath in it. The problem is only going to get bigger as more and more wells are dug and tanks put up. The all powerful dollar. That is all the gas companies care about. I wonder if they would be ok with a gas tank or well in their backyard.
I'm so sorry this has happened to you and your family. We must all band together. For the past year, I've been working with Texas OGAP. Please join TXOGAP. We will send you updates, important information about legislation and actions you can take with just one click. We are gearing up for next legislative session.
One of our steering committee members, Kathy Chruscielskis, has been working on your water issue. She is the one who found the contamination.
I've been in communication with people in Midland who have CR6 in their water. They were told not to breathe the vapor from their water. That means when you take a hot shower, boil water, dry your hair after a shower, etc. I am no expert on these matters but they were told this is very important. I suspect it's important in your case also.
Sorry I don't have better news. Please email me anytime.