Today, I looked up the location of the 5 gas wells RangeResources plans to drill right next to a neighborhood in Denton, TX.
Click the images to enlarge
And here’s a closer look:
I don’t see any reason why Range can’t flip the 5 wells around and have the pad up to the north. (see update below) They could compromise and move it a little bit away from that other neighborhood–say 1000′–and have the each leg of the horizontal drills end up south where the current pad site is. There is plenty of room.
The only reason I can see for not moving it is convenience: it’s not convenient for their plans and they couldn’t care less about the inconvenience, health and safety risks or loss of property value for the neighborhood.
If you are interested, you can see a P-12 showing the royalty owners HERE, a permit HERE, and 2 of the plats, HERE and HERE.
For more information see:
Rayzor Ranch Neighbors, Here’s What Range Resources Drilling Looks Like
Denton Neighbors Get Tabled Again
Denton Neighborhood Gets Tabled Again
Denton, TX: Stop Gas Well Drilling across from McKenna Park & the Hospital!
Another day, more water polluted by drilling waste
If we had a Surface Owner Protection Act in Texas, this case wouldn’t be an issue. Texans need a Surface Owner Protection Act. The Oil and Gas Accountability Project assisted New Mexicans in passing the precedent-setting Surface Owners Protection Act (SOPA).
This is why we need Texas OGAP.
We need your help to make that happen.
UPDATE: I’m getting some emails that indicate people are confused so I drew an alternative plan for the 5 wells that would move them to a more reasonable location. The only reason I can see for not moving them is Rayzor Ranch has planned their shopping area for that location. SO! MOVE the shopping area!
What I’ve been told is Range claims they can’t move it because they no longer have the land leased. If you look on the plat at the link above, you can see what is called the pool/unit. All the land in that pool–418.8 acres–is leased or it wouldn’t be pooled together. So there really is no reason they can’t move it.
Please see the recent and alarming ambient air quality study to see what natural gas development brought to another Denton neighborhood.
Natural Gas Development Brings “Amazing” Levels of Carcinogens to DISH, Texas
Yet another analysis of air near oil and gas operations finds hazardous air pollutants
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Sure is a very interesting layout. Keep in mind that these RRC maps show ONLY where they intend for the boreholes to go! Where they actually go, is another story–The operator has some 2 years to file a certified directional log showing where the borehole/s actually go–and they can get another 2 year extention on that. So, some 4 years later you may have some idea as to where the boreholes actually go–if you are inclined to believe that data.
Good 'ole RRC. For all you know that bit may be drilling underneath the subdivision!
I had no clue about that! Wow! Our regulators sure make it easy on them.
Another thought, what about the
pipelines? Also they will no doubt be connected to a compressor
station which operates 24/7,
Oh you can bet on that–about the compressors. Lots of noise, including low frequency noise. Bad stuff.
There are reasons for wanting to drill from a certain point and it usually is because of the vast research that has been done to figure out what is the best direction to ultimately produce the most from a well. Now obviously there should be a compromise between the communities and the energy companies, but it doesn't ever seem to happen. Communities usually want to reap the monetary benefits of drilling, but bash every idea put on the table because "oil companies are the devil".
My simple point is, if you want this country to provide it's own energy it needs to drill for gas and oil. Most people want this, just not in their backyard. Wake up and learn you must give to get. Or we could just rely on the middle-east.
Anonymous 10:57PM you should like you've bought into the fear they use to try and manipulate people so they can profit from your misery.
What do you mean "you must give to get?" That statement seems to imply some kind of balance and that the giving will even out with what comes in return. Experience relayed by those who live near drilling seems to indicate that the giving is all one way and the getting is all the other way. Regular folks are getting hurt in the process of industry's insatiable greed.