Have I mentioned that Texas needs a Surface Owners Protection Act (SOPA)? Oh, maybe just a few times. Well, here is another example of why we need a SOPA in Texas. This is what a 200′ setback looks like to a homeowner/landowner. The operator is XTO.
This gas well was put on Willis’ property. It takes up about 4 acres (pad & all), of a little 16 acre track on the home place. The house where the kids were raised sits right next to the property. His brother & wife are living in it & the family visits there regularly. We did NOT want them to drill it.
They put up this gas well about 230 feet from his brother’s (the home place) house. It is also about 200 feet from the house in the photo, which is his brother’s son’s home. (See the scared little dog.)
They started drilling before Christmas 08. They had to endure that horrific noise all through the Christmas Holidays.
Not only did they mess up the small track of land, they also went in and added a pipeline across it. Now, a big part of our cattle pasture is gone, there is that THING right near two houses (Home Place), and the remaining property is ruined for any future building prospects. If a family member wanted to build there, they could not because of all the crisscrossing pipelines.
The mother signed the lease back in 1972, when there was one well for every 600 acres. Now, the wells are placed 200 feet apart. The natural wooded wildlife refuge and farm land is being ruined. It is a tragedy and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
Hope somebody can figure out something to help the property owners. Thanks… From Freestone County Resident
Helen and her family live in Freestone County, Texas and I have quite a few pictures from that area to share with you.
If we’re going to drill up all of Texas, let’s try to Drill Right! Texans like Helen and her family need a Surface Owner Protection Act. The Oil and Gas Accountability Project assisted New Mexicans in passing the precedent-setting Surface Owners Protection Act (SOPA).
This is why we need Texas OGAP.
We need your help to make that happen.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Where do the children play? I don't see a fence to keep children & wildlife out! An attorney at the RRC told me that the 200' set back was out dated and intended for vertical drilling, but that rules had not kept up with the horizontal drilling. Are they waiting until we have loss of life or are we just collateral damage?
Hello greenfrog, The children can play in the front of the house, but the fumes from the flare & loss of pasture land, are unwanted.
Also, right across the country road is yet another well. Our children will grow up, (hopefully they will, after all the toxic exposure) thinking a couple of wells in their yard is the norm..
I am VERY INTERESTED in what you said about the comment from the attorney at the RRC, saying the wells set as close as 200 feet from a home is not intended as common practice. Is that correct?
We despirately need that brought out as that is common practice here in Freestone County, TX.. I'll be looking for your responce.
I met with Colin Lineberry and Carrizo Oil & Gas last February for an "informal" meeting to see if we could work out our problems. Carrizo assumed a pad site that is elevated 6 feet above my back property line & is about 254' from my back door. We live adjacent to a creek & 100 year flood plane. The pad re-directed storm run-off & is flooding my home & neighborhood. Mr. Lineberry told my neighbor & me that the 200' set back rule is out dated & was put in place for vertical drilling, not horizontal. We have got to call & write our state reps & the Texas RRC to get this changed. We are not in city limits & are working to get uniform reasonable set backs for everyone, not just people living in city limits. Operators flock to the ETJ & plop rigs down on top of homes out here. The drilling mud fumes are horrible. we have had two hearings so far on the Denton County Whitespot well, have spent thousands in attorney fees just to protect our home & mineral rights. Look up the well & see how many times Carrizo has changed their P-12 and acreage,it has set a record at the RRC. Sharon has my number, you are welcome to call me.
Very helpful! Thank you.