Update here
Small earthquake rattles Cleburne
That makes about 7 earthquakes in the last 8 months.
UPDATE for my loyal Devon Energy reader:
U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 096-03
Earthquakes also can be induced by the injection or withdrawal of fluids through wells, as was illustrated by the earthquakes caused by injection of waste fluid from munitions production at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in the 1960s
From UCLA – According to UCLA one of the big concerns during earthquakes is pipelines! Ut oh! Some slides from a UCLA presentation on induced seismic events and safety:
Keep in mind that a category 5 earthquake will do some damage to property. Think about who will ultimately pay the price. HINT: it won’t be the Devon Employee who made a comment on this post.
Drilling Possibly Caused Earthquake
Barnett Shale Earthquakes – Part III
Barnett Shale Earthquakes
Barnett Shale Operators Deny Drilling Activity and Earthquate Link
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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check this out:
Induced Earthquake Bibliographyz
Newspaper & Magazine articles on Induced Earthquakes
No mention of the fact that it could be fracking. Could it be? I think so.
I think the tsunami in Thailand was also due to barnett shale drilling. There is quite a bit of shale production in Oklahoma too, so I'm sure that's why there are so many tornadoes up there. It's a well known fact that most "natural" disasters aren't really natural at all. In fact, big oil has actually caused them all, but paid corrupt industry officals to cover it up. Go get 'em TXSharon!
Don’t be an ass.
Anonymoass- I know the industry told you frac water is safe but maybe you should stop drinking it you might regain a FEW brain cells Then again based on your post —–NOT!
Dear Devon Employee disguised as Anonymous poster at 12:03.
Drilling induced earthquakes are a fact and while most of the time they are only a nuisance there have been occasions when a cat 5 earthquake caused damage to property. I think it's an important consideration in viewing the overall picture.
If you think I'm such a joke, why do you spend so much time combing my blog?
I'm sure you are pissed that the air study results have now been confirmed and that Wise County air quality has been proven as the worst in the Barnett Shale, but that's your own damn fault. You had the chance to do the right thing and you chose a different path.
The anonymous drilling industry shill who wrote "I think the tsunami in Thailand was also due to barnett shale drilling." is probably unaware that you can see where the comments are coming from.
The industry is busy trying to solidify their propaganda campaign regarding the earthquakes in the Barnett Shale, a place where history records practically zero quakes before this predatory industry showed up and started their drilling, fracking, and fluid injection.
It is so obvious when one of the gas drilling companies posts. They care not about either the land, or the people who live on it. Once you start triggering earthquakes, there is no guarantee given by mother nature as to the size.
Clean pure water will be, with our growing population our greatest resource in need of protection. The drilling company execs. would be the first in line for handouts of clean water after they ruin what we have now! When they stop playing God, who will they pray too?
A sarcastic, fact-free, ludicrous comment on a factual post–like it or not, Anonymous, there have been a series of earthquakes in a region with no previous earthquake history–is less than credible.
If you have some real information to add to the discussion, fine–but at least have enough integrity to share real information, and the courage to post with a face! Such anonymous posts are both lame and cowardly.
I love comments like "predatory" regarding the riskiest and yet most important industry in THE UNITED STATES. YES, I dare say it, but petroleum products are EVERYTHING YOU OWN!!! NOTHING about the way we live today would be possible without this industry. Name it, medicine, education, transportation, technology…etc. Not to justify any damages done to the earth or the surface interest owners with no mineral interests, but the energy industry brings local, state, and federal governments BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars every year as well as all the mineral owners. You act like the industry just comes in and wrecks everything with no care or concern, but that is simply NOT TRUE. PEOPLE work at these companies, its not just an automated machine that is indifferent to the problems it creates. You IDIOTS are probably the same people who want to not only have cheap energy, but also want it not to come from foreign nations. WELL GUESS WHAT? This is a relatively cheap, productive, and DOMESTIC operation. Boo hoo that for the life of the petroleum industry, you haven't had to have drilling in your area while the rest of the country with productive areas covers your butt with what YOU NEED. Its YOUR TURN to make the sacrifices necessary to FUEL OUR NATION. Quit crying.
– Fort Worth Basin Native
I don't care how important you think the oil & gas industry is, it's not more important than clean air and safe water!!!!! I get so sick of you apologists with your same old line.