Could it be all those emissions are from that Barnett Shale “clean energy” natural gas production?
Video taken within 5 miles of Greenwood, TX, population 75.
Some background:
Long-Term Ozone Exposure and MortalityNew England Journal of Med article on ozone and higher death risk:
Long-Term Ozone Exposure and Mortality
Michael Jerrett, Ph.D., Richard T. Burnett, Ph.D., C. Arden Pope, III, Ph.D., Kazuhiko Ito, Ph.D., George Thurston, Sc.D., Daniel Krewski, Ph.D., Yuanli Shi, M.D., Eugenia Calle, Ph.D., and Michael Thun, M.D.
Conclusions In this large study, we were not able to detect an effect of ozone on the risk of death from cardiovascular causes when the concentration of PM2.5 was taken into account. We did, however, demonstrate a significant increase in the risk of death from respiratory causes in association with an increase in ozone concentration.
Low-level ozone exposure found to be lethal over time
An 18-year study shows an increased annual risk of death from respiratory illnesses, depending on the pollution level. It goes beyond studies that linked brief ozone spikes to short-term effects.
Peer reviewed study: Emissions from Natural Gas Production in the Barnett Shale Area and Opportunities for Cost-Effective Improvements
Study show smog from drilling is more than all the cars in the DFW area!
Barnett Shale Air Quality: Errors and Misstatements by Texas Oil & Gas Association
Video: Smoking frack in the Barnett Shale? Source of N. Texas Smog
Barnett Shale Drilling Rig Environmental Impact Equals City of 4,000
There are over 10,000 Barnett Shale gas wells in North Texas with thousands more permitted.
Video: Hydraulic Fracture – Barnett Shale Gas Well
Video Shows Emissions From Barnett Shale Drilling Rig In Denton County, Texas
Groups Sue EPA for Letting Big Oil Violate Clean Air Act
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Thanks for showing this in such a graphic and disguting way, Sharon. It’s tragic to let this beautiful countryside be ruined and people’s health risked so that a company can enrich its executives and stockholders.
this is really tragic! i’ve been to greenwood to eat the burgers at the greenwood gro. and it’s such a lovely place. i have noticed through the years that the air quality is getting really bad out there.