I hoped it would never get to this. I don’t mind that there are many who disagree with me. I welcome corrections if I should post something that is incorrect. I don’t even mind being called a left-wing-lunatic, etc. However, coming into my own living room to slander my character and make malicious accusations regarding my motives is something I do not have time for, and don’t have to tolerate.
Feel free to get your own blog and disparage TXsharon at will.
Edit: So far, I have allowed all the comments because I believe the comments on this blog and the ones here reveal more about the commenters than they do about me.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Sharon Wilson is a loose cannon lunatic. I feel sorry for all the left wingers out there that she gives a bad name to.
The truth is an absolute defense to any slander claim. You post links to your blog in the newspaper & then complain about the attention you get. What happened to “bring it”?
Huh? If there are links to my blog in any newspaper that’s news to me.
Please “bring it” in regards to helping me get the facts about the high impact drilling methods used in the Barnett Shale and the damage it causes our environment and vital natural resources.
Yeah just keep supporting Mr. 20% and the DICTATORSHIP he wants, meanwhile you’re stuck making LESS AND LESS (assuming you’re not some troll who works for a right wing “think” tank, hahaha what a TRUE oxymoron!) and where will YOU be when BU$Hitler enacts Directive 51 (look it up)(also google Operation Northwoods, 9/11 Truth, and anything else you have question about, it’s call LEARNING, try it some time!) well?! Where will you be?! Fighting to keep America FREE?! Or sucking balls to the Nazi Brown-shirts?!
10:49 huh?
Your neighbor is probably refering to the many pats you’ve given to yourself on the many blogs set up by area newspapers. (ie: Ft. Worth Star Telegram Barnet Shale Blog) No newspapers would give YOU any credit for real research like they do a real reporter and give you your own column. I think you have to go to college and have a degree for that nowadays. They teach you laws and how to stay credible and unbiased when reporting on the news. All a blog does is allow you the freedom to give your opinions when you can’t get them to publish it. As I recall, you once said on this blog that if you wanted to see your name in print you would just write something and post it. But I think this is what you dislike the most is, that as a blogger, you will never get that respect as a “news” reporter and having something in print does not mean on the internet.
blah, blah, blah…
… See now I credible because I am in print too.
I read this blog a lot because I live in Krum . I need the information I get here. Your comments against TxSharon are petty and dripping with envy and hate. You seem to think you are all knowing and smarter than anyone else. I see you doing the things you are accusing TxSharon for.
The thing is that TxSharon can write well and blog and make sense. You can’t.
Wow. Interesting comments posted by some folks who have been sadly and grotesquely misinformed and manipulated by a morally corrupted W. loving media.
I suppose such outcomes are predicable given that our schools in Texas are ranked 2nd to last nationwide. What a sad and humiliating indictment of our state’s performance and commitment to education.
Some of you may be unaware that the Texas Republican Party is a national joke b/c of the corrupted “leaders” we have sent to D.C., like bumbling and disastrous Mr. 24% W., his hack Rove, who will likely be indicted for corruption after 2008; Tom Delay who ushered corporate special interests and lobbyists into our lawmaking process over we the people; and Alberto Gonzales. College students nationwide, by the way, have purchased T-shirts with SHAME written on the back in order to protest and turn their collective backs on the so-called ‘Attorney General” for the people when Gonzo shows up for highly paid speaker engagements.
Do you get it? The Texas GOP is all about money for themselves, folks. They don’t give a rat’s derriere about you or me.
Do we enjoy serving as a target of national contempt and sick jokes because we have Taliban type suck ups that pander to ideological agendas? Are we proud of our 2nd to last in the worst performing schools nationwide?
TXSharon is providing us with the facts and information that our rather uninformed, dazed and confused local media fails to. Instead of beating up on TXSharon, hold those who represent you accountable for their actions. Blast the media for failing to deliver the facts and truths as revealed on the Internet and in the blogosphere.
Miss TXSharon serves up the truth. She is doing us a great service.
We should be very grateful.
OO Anonymous, you are misinformed about bloggers. There are many bloggers who give commentary on the news and talk shows. News papers quote bloggers all the time.
Small mind, small person.
Some political campaigns pay people to post slanderous comments about the opponent. Maybe this person is paid by the oil and gas companies.
I am NO fan of MUCH of what TxSharon spews. I find her approach to be vitriolic thus off-putting. However, EVERYTHING she posts has been well documented, though not always well vetted. If she provides a link to her blog that allows someone the opportunity to read MORE of her propaganda than good for HER and good news for THOSE who want to read it. As for you petty haters; GET A LIFE of your own and IGNORE the link to her blog if you do NOT want to read her opinions.
You haters claim to KNOW TxSharon’s intent but the REAL question is… WHAT is YOUR intent?
You haters need to get over TxSharon being TxSharon and get on with you being you.
One more thing…
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate Christmas.
Happy Holidays to those who do NOT believe in Christmas.
If anyone would know vitrol, It would be you, MzChief. My detractors are mainly from the oil biz and, they use ad hom because they can’t dispute the information. They wish I would shut up but I just want clean water & air for everyone, even them. So far, I’ve allowed all the comments–I find them amusing and telling.
I’m impressed that they KNOW my intent. They must have some amazing super powers because I learned in Mental Health 101 that no one can KNOW another’s intent except God.
Since you are Libertarian, and I am a Populist Democrat I wouldn’t expect us to agree on many issues.
To TxSharon…
I have NEVER understood how soooo many people can take soooo personally the dissenting opinions of other people, especially the opinion of a random stranger on the Internet.
There are ALWAYS three sides to every tale; their side, my side and somewhere in between is the truth. As with most truths that depend on objectivity it is the perspective of the viewer that skews what they BELIEVE is the truth. Since you and I have entirely different perspectives on the role politics should play in the lives of U.S. citizens, you are ABSOLUTELY correct in stating there is little hope of us agreeing on MANY political issues. However, I will defend your right to express your opinions AND will always defend YOU due to the fact you are one of the FEW people who makes the effort to substantiate your opinions with FACTS, albeit facts gathered at times from VERY biased sources, as is typical of people who are intent on furthering THEIR cause.
Unfortunately, I find you to be much like Rush Limbaugh in that you beat the same drum and sing the same tune of how absolutely disastrous to the world is the side with which you disagree and how perfectly correct is the side you support. The tack you and Limbaugh employ is the reason I have difficulty buying into any issue either of you support. You and Limbaugh are mistaken in your approach because no side is ALWAYS wrong just as no side is ALWAYS perfectly correct.
Since there are countless raving, right-wing Religicans (my word…feel free to use it.) and just as many loony, left-wing Demobrals (another one of my words) there will ALWAYS be an audience for you and Rush Limbaugh.
Incidentally, my alias is “mzchief” not MzChief, mzchief is an adulteration of mischief. The alias “mischief” was unavailable when I acquired a Blogger alias.
Sorry about messing up your handle, mzchief. I had a feeling that I was getting it wrong.
I make no claims of objectivity. This is a blog where I blog my opinion so none is required. When I have written for other sources, I try to be more objective, although not completely objective because that is impossible and undesirable. I’m currently working on an article for publication which will be more objective than my blog. 🙂
“As Marguerite Duras said:
“Journalism without a moral position is impossible. Every journalist is a moralist. It’s absolutely unavoidable. A journalist is someone who looks at the world and the way it works, someone who takes a close look at things every day and reports what she sees, someone who represents the world, the event, for others. She cannot do her work without judging what she sees.””
I am not a degreed journalist, which was kindly pointed out by another commenter. I’m a BLOGGER. However, you don’t have to be a journalist to get your writing published. I have been published although, not yet, to a large degree.
In regards to oil and gas production, I present both facts and opinion and I try very hard to get the facts from reputable and respected sources because I know that the oil and gas operators are watching what I say very closely. That is why I have asked repeatedly for help from them in making sure the facts I present are correct. So far, all I’ve received are ad hom attacks.
What some of the commenters don’t know is that my blog is read regularly by people in the industry and people with the RRC who agree with me and share my concerns. They let me know if I make a mistake.
There are some HUGE differences between Rush Limbaugh and me! Rush lies. OFTEN. He makes little attempt to present factual information. I try very hard to make sure my information is factual. Rush gets paid a lot of money for what he does. My motivation is from concern for our water supply and air.
Anyway, have a wonderful holiday.
Oh, and… I think very highly of you mzchief even though we don’t agree on politics. If all Libertarians were responsible, kind and generous, as I believe you are, then I might be more inclined to that perspective.
It is amazing that TXSharon doesn’t see Ad Hom attacks she asserts towards others.
mzchief is right.
Far right has Rush, Far left has Sharon.
Neither do their Parties any good.
lala 11:10
Still an opinion expressed by Bloggers, they still have a long way to be taken seriously. I’m not sure that Sharon gets her opinion expressed well enough for a credible peice to be published.
Tracy, if you say it is so, then, of course, that is the way it must be. Everyone knows you have often pointed out your self-professed superior intellect, your self-professed but undemonstrated ability to remain objective and work well with othters.
We all know, because you have told us repeatedly, that you are the only one who is qualified to speak about environmental abuse by the oil and gas companies and because, well, it means so very much to YOU.
I could say a lot of ugly things but I will refrain from expending that energy on you. I will just echo what another poster said:
It must suck to be you.
I haven’t seen any one by the name of Tracy posting here TXSharon. How do you know that somebody named Tracy is posting to your blog anyway if they post anon? Seems a bit unethical that you would disclose a persons identity because you don’t like them. Is it that impossible to think that maybe others think you are insane too? It appears you are the one making a fool of yourself by naming/blaming others for your character.
Why do you continue the dialog since you allow the comments? Why would you disable comments and then allow posts that directly conflict the character you wish to play? Seems a bit like you want to be the victim so others would come to your rescue.
Keep barking at the moon and making up imaginary names of people you can blame for your unethical tirades. Especially those who seem to have nailed your character. I could tell from the what you post that you are a bit off your rocker.
I read the comments in your Edit Sharon and you are wrong. Face the fact and move on. I fear for the opinion I have now posted will be disected and misunderstood.
It doesn’t suck to me. I am happy and I have Heat!
Hi Tracy. =)
We’ve already told you, Tracy, I can’t edit the comments–no one can. I can’t even edit the time or make my comments appear between the three you left this evening.
I have never revealed your last name, Tracy. You can’t say the same.
I really must suck to be you.
If you’re so happy, why are you spending so much time posting on my miserable little blog?
Sucks to be you, eh?
Oh and, Tracy, “others” have told me to remember that you don’t speak for them when you are “mouthing off.” =)
Lots of “others.”
I see in your other Blog post you have diabled the comments. Typical that you throw daggers and run.
You play the victim/martyr so well, but you again misread the comment. It was meant as a euphemism for the fact that is was cold outside and I was happy to be warm. Your confessions about you having no heat is misguided and your statement that only a few know of your situation is untrue since you post about your poor man’s syndrome all over the internet. Geesh, get a life.
Definition of a Martyr
1. a person who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, principle, or cause: a martyr to the cause of social justice.
2. a person who undergoes severe or constant suffering:
3. a person who seeks sympathy or attention by feigning or exaggerating pain, deprivation, etc
I think #3 suits you Sharon!
Dear Tracy,
If I were trying to be a martyr or victim I would have blamed the cold, cruel world for my situation, but I didn’t do that. I admitted that it is my choice for which I, and I alone, bear responsibility.
Here is a definition for you, Tracy:
Why do people bully?
The purpose of bullying is to hide inadequacy. Anyone who chooses to bully is admitting their inadequacy, and the extent to which a person bullies is a measure of their inadequacy. Bullies project their inadequacy on to others:
a) to avoid facing up to their inadequacy and doing something about it;
b) to avoid accepting responsibility for their behaviour and the effect it has on others, and,
c) to reduce their fear of being seen for what they are, namely a weak, inadequate and often incompetent individuals, and,
d) to divert attention away from their inadequacy – in an insecure or badly-managed workplace, this is how inadequate, incompetent and aggressive employees keep their jobs.
You seem to have a pattern of writing things that don’t make sense and of sticking your foot in your mouth then blaming others for it.
You are the one who needs to get a life. This is my blog.
BTW, you misused euphemism and remember that proofreading and spell-check is your friend.
Those who can do, do.
Those who can’t bully.
I’m done with you and no one is reading this pathetic crap. Go somewhere else to spread your bile.