Ad Hominem means”against the person.”
Ad Hominem attacks are an attempt to reject an argument, or in this case facts, by using irrelevant/untrue statements against the person making the argument or presenting the facts. Here’s how it works:
Statement one:
TXsharon is a left-wing lunatic
Statement two:
Since TXsharon is a lift-wing lunatic the facts she presents mean nothing.
Or an Ad Hominem attack might try to cast doubt on mental capacity, or motives. …time and again.
Some of the problems with Ad Hominem attacks include:
- An attempt to call character into question has no bearing on the argument or facts presented.
- Ad Hominem attacks only work when people aren’t capable of critical thinking.
- Critical thinkers are not fooled and will question the motives of the person making the Ad Hominem attack
Motivation for making Ad Hominem attacks might include:
- fear of lost income if public learns the truth
- jealousy due to belief that good is limited therefore one person’s success will take success from another
Here are some common forms of Ad Hominem attacks:
- personality, traits, or identity:
- “Are you going to agree with what that racist pig is saying?”
- “Of course she’s in favor of affirmative action. What do you expect from a black woman?”
- affiliation, profession, or situation:
- “What’s the point of asking students whether they support raising tuition? They’re always against any increase.”
- “Oh yeah, prison reform sounds great–until you realize that the man proposing it is himself an ex-con.”
- inconsistent actions, statements, or beliefs:
- “How can you follow a doctor’s advice if she doesn’t follow it herself?”
- “Sure, he says that today, but yesterday he said just the opposite.”
- source or association for ideas or support:
- “Don’t vote for that new initiative–it was written by the insurance lobby!”
- “You can’t possibly accept the findings of that study on smoking–it was paid for by the tobacco industry.”
Edit: I decided to allow the comments that were held in moderation. Like the comments made by this same person on Texas Kaos, much is revealed with each keystroke.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Unfortunately, critical thinking and reasoning skills just are not being taught in our schools.
I would really love to see more public discourse based on facts and interpretation of fact rather than faction.
Personal attacks mean that you’re winning the argument, though you’ve failed to persuade the other side.
You put yourself out there on the frontlines and you take a lot of unfair shots. Those people who call you communist/crazy/whatever will never be convinced by your arguments.
Keep doing the work you do. Hang in there. Don’t let the rabble get you down. You do good work and it makes a difference. Please continue.
whosplayin: Critical thinking is one reason I homeschool my son. He is so much better at critical thinking than most adults.
I’m not sure that I/many others haven’t persuaded the other side. Many people in the industry and people who work for the RRC have expressed deep concerns. Any thinking person would be concerned but some are letting their greed override their good sense. When it directly affects them or their families they will sing a different tune.
Steve-O: Hey there! Thanks for your comment. The rabble doesn’t get me down, in fact, I find them amusing. If I were to quit this fight (highly unlikely) it wouldn’t be because of them.
You folks are luck in N Texas. Jobs, paychecks, royalties to mineral owners, Reputable companies doing business, RRC rules just for your shale Field to allow minimum interference with property owners, advanced technology allowing directional targets, an undetermined boundary on the reservoir, towns quickly developing inside city ordnances, NO saltwater, clean burning gas with minimum emissions. You will never know how lucky you are until it’s gone. Being oilfield trash, all I want to do when I get home is to get the oilfield BS off my body. If in the process I contaminate you dirt, well I am sorry.
I’m sorry Oilfield Trash, the message trying to be conveyed is that we are all victims here, including yourself because we are ALL being lied to. I find that the approach used by this blogger to be a bit abrasive and it appears that she is against all who are in and associated with Industry, She is not nor are others fighting for fair play. I think she has even said that before on this very blogg. She was at one time also willing to lease her mineral rights. We all understand the benefit of Alternative fuel sources other than crude oil, but more diversity is needed to make it a balanced and level playing field. What needs to change is the monopolies and greed that corner the market for this same energy resources. True Capitalism comes when you have diversity. That diversity then becomes competive with a trickle down effect to the rest of us. Don’t you ever question the PROFIT MARGIN (not Gross) of industry leaders like Devon Energy and Exxon Mobile?
Tracy, I get it that you no longer like me but aren’t you being a bit hypocritical here? 😉
So what exactly did I say that was an ad hominem attack? Closest thing that I can see is that I said you hadn’t accomplished anything by not leasing. You on the other hand said I was inbred (& another poster) & used a bunch of acronyms & curse words. Who is the more mature poster? Who is attacking who? Why can’t you answer the questions I have posed about risks/minor annoyances that other industries have like railroads & aviation?
Dear Neighbor, I was not referring to you because it’s obvious that you are completely innocent and without fault.
Oh gosh, your questions have been answered before on other forums I’m sorry but asking them repeatedly won’t produce a different answer.
Thank you for informing us about both the definition of ad hominem attacks and most importantly, for the rationale that drives such attacks. Your child is very fortunate to have been home schooled. Keep up the awesome work, TXSharon.
Why did you change and edit my comment to look as if I was attacking you?
FYI, I do not have the ability to change comments. I can delete comments but not change or edit them in anyway. Even if I could edit comments, I would never do that because it would be extremely dishonest of me.
I’m a blogspot blogger and believe me, comments cannot be changed in any way. I recommend proof-reading.
is this why you “deleted” my earlier post? Just in case it doesn’t get deleted again, here it is:
No I don’t need a blog, I leave it to the Professional Media to report the issues so it would be better received by the public. Blogs are viewed as opinions. Important issues like the Barnett Shale activity should most definitely be reported by the professional media alone for the fear that we who are fighting for justice will be taken seriously and it won’t be based on just opinions. Now don’t assume that I feel all web sites informing responsibly about these issues are bad, I have seen some that are well prepared and very responsible, this particular blog is discountable because of the way it has been used. Accountability and responsibility should be the main focus of any web based format and a lot of times they are misused and abused. Therefore, discountable. The real media should be ashamed for not reporting about it and that’s part of the reason many people remain uneducated and refuse to see the truth. Bernie, I have learned far more about the Barnett Shale and drilling practices than you and everyone else on this blog will ever know. I and others like me have spent YEARS trying to change the world and educate to the truth and consequences of drilling. The very phone calls Sharon brags about and “changes in policy” that you thank her for are the same phone calls that have been made many times over and have resulted in the same lip service with no real change. I have risked a great deal more than any of you will ever know and am very well aware of the tatics used by your glorified blogger when she needs or feels threatened about her small realm of knowledge. I am thankful that Sharon has brought some attention to this issue but she refuses to shed the conceit and take advice from those who have earned respect because of the knowledge they posses and the Blood, Sweat and MANY TEARS and FEARS they have faced fighting the industry polluters. Shame on you TXSharon and all the others who degrade me for being in the know and fundamentally on the same side. For all of you and Sharon, it’s not about the victory of the fight, but the fight itself and that will never change. In order for Sharon to make any real difference, taking advice from experience would do her some good. That knowledge should not only come from one source, but several and sometimes being in the spotlight should not be the main focus or agenda. As far as knowledge or qualifications TXSharon has a lot of catching up to do, but congratulations on the effort and willingness to try. My unsolicited advice to Sharon would be to use caution when making revelations about the RRC and O&G Industry on such an important issue that effects so many lives. Painting the sky with opinions leads to swift boating and we all know that swift boating can be an effective tool when arguments for/against are lacking. Just ask Karl Rove how well that worked out for him and “W”. Leave the reporting to the professionals, make note of those reports for a blanket coverage of happenings and abandon your conceit for the greater good.
Now email all your friends Sharon and let them know that somebody has disagreed with you so they can Swift Boat me now.
Tracy, since I started blogging, I have only deleted one comment EVER and that was a racist comment rant made last year about Muslims.
I feel very sad for you. =(
Tracy Smith:
This Blogger comment feature doesn’t allow for comment editing. By Anyone.
You may have this blog confused with another Blogger blog that utilizes Haloscan, which allows the admin to edit comments.
In any event, your comments suggest that you need to ask Santa Claus to bring you a clue or two.
Maybe even a life.
I thought you might say something like that.
Why must you persist on using somebodies name when they choose to post Anonymously?
You have no ethics. You blame others for things you post, when you are wrong, you spin it and play the victim and I feel your sympathy is unfounded. Shouldn’t you be feeling sorry for yourself? You can call me a coward for not wanting to expose myself, but it is you who allow Anonymous comments in the first place, and If you aren’t willing to expose yourself to the critics, then maybe you shouldn’t be in public running your face and portraying yourself as the victim with superior knowledge.
Correct me if I am wrong, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck….How can SO MANY be SO WRONG about the poor beat up and misunderstood Sharon Wilson!
You’re paranoid. And approaching dangerous.
If I were Sharon I would not tolerate another single one of your threats, anonymous or otherwise; I would alert the authorites and get a restraining order against you.
It is time for you to go away. Now.
I have never made threats and If you only knew the Physical Violence Sharon Is capable of or the Stalking she has done you would not be asking for Sharon to be getting the Restraining order. You have a very narrow view and knowledge about this person, most people keep their peace because she is insane. She has taken a fight that is very dear to me that has far greater risks involved than you will ever know or would be exposed to in your neck of the woods. Her diplomacy is lacking and her attitude is destroying the credibility of the cause. She is alienating those who could and would help us. Maybe you Perry should fix the problems in your backyard before you begin to throw around insults in which you have only one side of the issue on.
Nice Swift boating Perry. Do you need a job in the White House? I heard one might be available.
WOW! You can edit comments??!?!
Could I have fun with that!
But, alas, Perry is right. It is not possible to edit with blogsot.
I see, you will only allow comments that support your agenda. What happened to that Free Speech thing you so love and carry on about and professed that you never DELETE posts. I have never cused or threatened you, I have only added my opinion and am willing to debate it. You have refused to post my two comments left before this last one and did so without any provication. Alas, you will never see the fault and never admit defeat and say you were wrong for thinking so much of yourself and will never be willing to work towards a bipartisan agenda. You can’t work well with others. While I don’t exactly see eye to eye with “your neighbor” on his stance about drilling practices, I do agree with his/her 5:02 comment when it comes to yours and some others posts. You are incapable of a good debate for fear that you will be proven wrong and somebody will see it. Go see the new movie about some great Debators this weekend. You might learn something.
Some people are just stupid Sharon…you left that out I think.
Since I do KNOW you and have MET you, I feel that you (SHARON) are an incredibly intelligent and well spoken/well-written woman and a truly good human.
So anyone wanting to attack her…just go find someone who NEEDS to be attacked.
These are all ad hom comments with no substance. Still no one has presented any evidence that this blogger is wrong in her facts.
The potty-talk comments at the Texas Kaos link should be an embarrassment to the person who made them. Funny that the person mentions not playing well with others. lol! Do as I say not as I do? I have not seen this person do any debating. Only ad hom & that’s not debating.
This blogger is well thought of all across the internet which is very large. Don’t be so small.