XTO Energy, Inc. and Fort Worth Energy kicked in $25,000 to Friends of Tillery Park toward their park revamp.
XTO’s NET profit for the first six months of 2007 was a mere
XTO and oil and gas drilling companies are ravaging Fort Worth and getting filthy rich in the process. When they toss what amounts to $.25 out to the peasants, the peasants pee down both legs with excitement and release 100 balloons into the air so that they can fall to the ground somewhere and cause pollution.
People, People, People!
When your children are too sick with cancer from drinking water laced with benzene and from breathing all the diesel fumes, that $25,000 for your park won’t seem like much at all.
Take a lesson from Winona County.
Ask Phyllis Glazer, who now has brain cancer, how many children have died. Look at pictures of the children they call
Or you could drive out to Panola County to the town of DeBarry where the ground water was so polluted by a Basic Energy injection well that it burned their skin when they bathed in it.
I lived in Fort Worth all my life until 11 years ago. Fort Worth has always been my favorite city and I love the friendly people there. But I thought you folks were a lot smarter than this.
“Wasted Babies®” photograph by Tammy Cromer-Campbell copywright
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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We are smater than that, missy. Smart enough to know that your tired tactic of raising hysterical claims based on scenarios that do not compare to the facts of the Barnett Shale in Tarrant County are irrelevant. Do you think that we don’t have children? Do you think that we don’t breath the same air and drink the same water? Do you really think that you are so intellectually superior that only you can assess the facts about these issues rationally and reach a rational decision? Do you seriously think that only you can see the truth and anyone who doesn’t reach your same conclusion is nothing more than an ignorant, money grubbing boob? Sadly, that is clearly your tired elitist view. Sorry, but I can’t say that I’m are sorry to see you gone. I just wish the web didn’t give you the continuing opportunity to reach out and meddle in the affairs of others. This Barnett Shale is tricky enough to deal with as it is, but the hysteria folks like you enjoy fomenting is just such a nuisance. And, no, I’m not in the O&G business or anything related to it. In fact I’m confident that I’ve worked more to preserve and enhance our neighborhood and the surrounding community than anything you’ve ever done or hope to do with your little rants. Enjoy your keyboard. The rest of us have a park to build.
Well, don’t you think you sold out a little cheap there, Dude. It is OK if I call you dude, since you called me missy.
I think I would have held out for more money from a company that’s making a killing of your community. Oops! I didn’t mean to say, “killing.”
Also, dude, are you so naive as to think that these chronic polluters will not pollute in Fort Worth because you live there? What is your plan to prevent their pollution? Get a clue, dude: They don’t give a rat’s ass about you or your park or your children.
txsharon, thought I’d add a different kind of comment. Fort Worth, is, indeed my favorite city, and the “awl bidness” gives me many mixed feelings.
Good reposts to the one who was ahead of me, BTW. I happen to enjoy your keyboard.
You are sadly mistaken mister…I am educated, experienced in all aspects of business and a mother of three daughters to boot. I am experiencing the very same problems in east texas and it is amazing what big oil gets away with. The TCEQ and RRC do nothing and actually in my case, they have to consult with their in house counsel to see if they possibly can go against the big oil companies (speaking specifically there of the USEPA). The RRC is forced by the “powerful men” (quote from an investigator of the RRC to me)to let go of violations of statewide rules in this case to do with dumping over 4 million gallons of polluted stormwater onto my property. I could go on and on about what is going on in East Texas but I do not choose to rant about anything.. I plan to actually do something about it…I will not let this rest. You go txsharon …that is what is wrong with our country everyone is just concerned with their own little world and turn their heads while the big oil companies pollute with the blessings of the RRC, EPA, TCEQ etc…
I am also on well water…imagine that dumping 4 million plus gallons of pollution on my property right on top of my well…nothing done by the RRC….elitist? get a life!