I am deeply ashamed for all Texans that we have such a sorry Senator as John Cornyn. I don’t know how much lower he can go. While Texans die in Iraq, he wastes time in the Senate over a newspaper ad. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS condemn a newspaper ad.
Here are the things the Senate didn’t condemn:
- Manufacturing and manipulating intelligence to lie America into war.
- Not providing adequate body armor.
- Outing an undercover CIA officer.
- Spying on Americans illegally, then lying about it.
- Torture.
- Unleashing a sectarian civil war that’s killed half a million people.
- Firing honest United States Attorneys because they refused to be political hacks.
- Shooting one’s friend in the face and then obstructing the investigation.
- Turning a male prostitute into a conservative reporter and then planting him in the White House press corps.
- Ignorning a Presidential Daily Brief that warned of a coming domestic terrorist attack.
- Ignoring the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.
- Ignoring the recommendations of the Baker-Hamilton Commission.
- Trashing the service record of a deocrated Vietnam combat veteran.
- Sitting on one’s ass while a major American city was drowning.
Please, for the sake of our children’s futures, donate to Rick Noriega NOW. We need new leaders before it’s too late! See Noriega’s statement here.
My dear friend Testvet weighs in: The Senate pissed this NCO off today Move On my ass There are some excellent comments from Iraq veterans and from soldiers in the field.
And it wasn’t Move On that invented General Betrayus, it was the troops themselves.
I’m so mad I’m going to give Move On money right now!
And I’m not finished yet.
Here’s an excellent idea! In fact, this is the best idea in ages. NotOneRedCent
The simple fact is that we were just stomped on and thrown under the bus. Over 20 Democrats agreed with a unified republican caucus that you and I and 3.2 million MoveOn members are dirty scumbags for questioning a sock-puppet of a general that spouted lie after propagandistic lie. Repeating: our friends just punched us in the gut and kicked us in the nuts.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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How did I know my DINO Senator Bill Nelson would ONCE AGAIN jabrone out and vote for that STUPID resolution condemning MoveOn.Org, THAT’S MOVEON.ORG, http://www.MOVEON.ORG“ REMEMBER TO CTRL D BOOK MARK IT EVERYBODY!
Oh please, a resolution! DON’T BUST ME UP!
And for WHAT?! Condemning THE TRUTH?!
You ASSHOLES! SHAME ON YOU ALL who voted for that CRAP.
Oh and a super special FUCK YOU to all who voted against Jim Webb’s HORRIBLE COMMIE PINKO (sarcasm!) amendment to *GASP* give troops the SAME AMOUNT OF TIME AT HOME AS THEY HAVE IN WAR! Sickening. Absolutely freakin sickening.
Those sorry bastards. This is my country and they work for me and it’s about time they found that out.
And what REALLY boggles my mine is how Jim Webb VOTED FOR THE CRAP TO CONDEMN MOVEON! WTF?! Dude, that is WARPED. We really live in Bizaro World through the looking glass.
Oh and I was listening to the reply of Thom Hartmann last night, and him and his guest were talking about the ultra rich and how they were taxed 91% UNDER EISENHOWER–A REPUBLICAN! And stuff like that, and I got to thinking, yeah it’s OBVIOUSLY about the MONEY…but, what the hell can ya do with $2 BILLION or some OBSCENE figure like that?! Spend it all?! Oook! What all this redistribution of wealth is REALLY about is CONTROL. They need to CONTROL the money. Gods forbid if the middle class comes back like it did oh you know around 1879 or the 1960’s/70’s, and PEOPLE RISE UP!!!!!!! *THAT* is what TRULY scares the living shit out the ruling class. And that is what they are going to find out very soon that 90% of Americans have (I HOPE!) wook up and realized and aren’t gonna be too happy!!!
Make that 1789! NOT 1879! Nothing like a little lysdexia from yours truly Lu Ficer!!