The Parents Speak Up National Campaign has produced “Talk To Me.” This public service announcement encourages parents to talk with their kids about waiting to have sex. Click on the image below to see the PSA.
Why is marriage important?
What are the benefits married people enjoy?
If your child is gay don’t despair because they have advice for you too.
What if my son or daughter tells me he or she is gay?
Here are some suggestions for talking about these topics with your son or daughter:
- Think through your personal views on this issue before discussing it with your son or daughter.
- Address this issue in an age-appropriate manner, possibly when you are discussing other sexuality issues.
- State your beliefs and values clearly and calmly.
- One way to discuss difficult issues with children, pre-teens, and teens is to ask them what they’ve heard. Often, young people misunderstand what they hear and an open dialogue can help clarify issues – for both of you.
- Your discussions should take into account your child’s concept of sexual orientation.
If you believe your teenager may be gay, or is experiencing difficulties with gender identity or sexual orientation, consider the following points:
- All children, pre-teens, and teens need to feel accepted and loved. Remember, your son or daughter is probably very scared about having this conversation with you. Accepting your son or daughter can help lead to strong, life-affirming relationships in the future.
- Some teens who question their sexual orientation are at increased risk for depression, attempted suicide, or other problems.62, 63
- Some parents need help in understanding and communicating with their son or daughter. You have made a great step in this direction already by visiting this website.
- Counselors and other health professionals may be helpful for both teens and parents when addressing difficult issues.
Don’t forget that this advice is brought to you by the Bathroom Blow-job party. Let’s revisit the corruption list and then the sexual pervert list (they are hiring extra staff in an attempt to keep up with listing the perverts).
While I do not promote promiscuity, I realize that trying to force your teens and young adults to wait until marriage to have sex is unrealistic. YOU didn’t wait and statistics prove that! In addition, people who are considering marriage should try to know everything about each other. If you try to force young people to wait until they are married you set them up for a few disastrous possibilities.
- With their hormones raging they get married so it will be OK to have sex.
- They fail to know enough about the person they are marrying and end up with Senator Larry Criag or Senator Ted Haggard, etc.
- They substitute other, high-risk behavior
EDIT: STOP SIN! A handy dandy flow chart for times when your young adult finds themselves naked in the back seat of a car.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Ain’t it just unreal how the repukes say they’re for SMALLER government AND getting government OUT of people’s PRIVATE LIVES?! Oh please! Anyone who values privacy, yet still insists upon voring republitard IS BEYOND CONTEMPT NOT TO MENTION BEING COMPLETELY OUT OF THEIR CRACK-SMOKING MIND!!!!!
But, don’t you know? All they have to do is say they’re for smaller government and that makes it so.
Exactly. It’s so amazing how easily duped approx. 20-25% of Americans are.
Me: “Hey, I’m married to both of the Olsen Twins, no kidding!”
22%ers: “Oh really?! Wow! Can you get me an autograph?!”