It’s not my birthday or Christmas or even close to Valentines’ Day but today I received a love letter from Monte Besler who works for a fracking company called FracN8r that operates in the Bakken Shale. As Upton Sinclair taught us, “It is difficult … [Read more...]
Search Results for: fracN8tr
Monte Besler, owner of FRACN8R and fracking debater makes front page news
It's not my birthday or anything but I must be the luckiest girl in the world. Monte Besler, owner of FRACN8R. Remember that guy--the gift that keeps on giving. He wrote me a love letter because I did a blog post about intimidation tactics in the … [Read more...]
Monte Besler, Hohn Engineering principal and owner of FRACN8R challenges us to fracking debate
Monte Besler has been "Cracking rock in North Dakota since 1981" or so says his card or license plate. He owns a company he named FRACN8R and also is a principal for Hohn Engineering. He says he knows a lot about fracking and he challenged us to a … [Read more...]
Bakken Shale and Barnett Shale fracking chemical detects and intimidation tactics are the same
UPDATE: This just in from Gas Briefing Daily: Over 35% of Bakken gas flared due to capacity issues More than 35% of North Dakota's natural gas production is being flaired/not marketed, due to insufficient pipeline and processing capacity, the … [Read more...]