If you are alarmed by this, you might be a radical.
If you object to this, you might be a radical.
If you read this…
Poisoned Aquifer: Barnett Shale, fracing up our water.
“…He told me not to use it for anything-not for showering, cooking, feeding animals, not even for watering the grass.”
and are concerned, then you, too, might be a radical.
If you don’t want to live like a third world country, you could be a radical.
If you think this is wrong…you radical, you!
If this scares you…
If you don’t want water that burns…
If you think your house wouldn’t look good with this kind of coating…
If you want better than this–WAY BETTER…
If this
or this
or this
makes it hard to breathe,
And, don’t think you can care about Fort Worth if you live in another area because that will make you a radical.
I guess I’m a radical! How about you? Are you a radical too?
Are we all Spartacus?
This week, we read an email response posted on a radical anti-drilling website from Julie Wilson, Chesapeake’s Vice President of Corporate Development in Fort Worth. Wilson was responding to a smear campaign being mounted by radical opponents of urban drilling against Chesapeake over a proposed drill site in east Fort Worth. Wilson noted in her email that the company had “received many responses from residents” but went on to emphasize that “Many of them are not from Fort Worth residents – one was even from San Antonio — and most of them are inaccurate. Although we understand the concern of constituents in the immediate neighborhood, we want to make sure you and residents have correct information about our plans there.”
Again, while the residents of the immediate neighborhood have every right to protest and say their piece, we find it disturbing that outsiders who have no stake whatsoever and are often ill-informed somehow think that they have the right to influence public policy. These policies could result in the minerals owned by law-abiding citizens not being developed, in clear violation of the law of the State of Texas.
In these United States of America we are granted freedom of speech and freedom to assemble. However, in our opinion outsiders who have no legal stake in an area and often don’t have all the facts have no right to try to influence public policy that only impacts someone else. Not in My Backyard is everyone’s right. Not in Someone Else’s Backyard however, is absurd and cannot be tolerated.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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As I recall, Tommy Lee Jones is also NOT a resident of Fort Worth. Public policy is best made by the public, not a private corporate entity scraping millions of dollars off of our communities. The suggested use of eminent domain should only be used by governments and for strictly public uses, not some make believe “utility” that is no utility at all.
Tossing incendiary names such as ‘radical’ at you is a technique to deflect responding to the facts presented to them. I’m Spartacus! I want to know what’s going on and hold these people, and the politicians and bureacrats who are supposed to be working for the public good, accountable.
Sharon is not a gladiatrix.
She is Super Woman.
“I’m Saprtacus”
Take that!!!!
Um, right, so what’s radical about working to protect the environment, workers, drinking water, clear air? What’s radical about wanting drilling done in a responsible way — a responsible way in which companies are held accountable to the public? What is so radical about wanting to ensure that future generations of Texans don’t live in a polluted, industrial wasteland? Radical, indeed.
Chesapeake PR is just typical O&G BS. They blame everybody except themselves. Also, they only want close proximity people to complain-this is typical RRC procedure and landman type comment to cut down on the number of people complaining. Interesting procedure–buy into it if you are stupid!! Now I'm not complaining about what is going on up there in FW–but I am complaining because of what this same operator is doing near ME. Keep up the good work on this web site.
If Sharon is a radical, then count me in! As a USAF military brat born in Austin, lived all over the world but came home to roost in North Texas I say, WE NEED MORE SHARON’s IN THIS FIGHT! While UTA, Carrizo Oil and Gas, Chesapeake and its henchmen and women, Julie etal pound at our residential doors demanding our property, threatening eminent domain and statewide spacing rule, WHERE are our protectors? WHO will join our ‘radical’ fight to simply exercise our right to save our property and homes from dangerous drill sites and huge gas pipelines? Chesapeake, Barnett Shale “Newsletter” Editors and hired guns, be ashamed for calling your fellow Americans ‘radicals’! Chesapeake and the rest of you operators are simply hell bent for profits at the cost of OUR neighborhoods’ quality of life. You’re damn right NOT IN MY “RADICAL” BACKYARD!
If we only care about what happens in our own back yards, why are we liberating or bringing democracy to Iraq?
This planet is getting smaller everyday. If oil and gas can’t drill without polluting or wrecking people’s lives, then we need alternatives SOONER and not later.
Chesapeake believes in free speech….but only if you live in certain neighborhoods?
Water tables don’t respect property lines, even if Chesapeake seems to think so. But according to them, protesting corporate actions that might affect anything other than your own patch of ground is “absurd” and “cannot be tolerated.”
Chesapeake, American citizens have a right to say whatever they want about whatever they want without regard for geography. If I don’t like something that’s happening in New York or California or Dallas, I have a right to say so.
If you want to stop these “ill-informed” comments, its really simple. Provide absolute proof that BlueDaze is wrong.
We’re waiting.
As for the label “radical”…. let me name for you some people who were so “radical” that their comments put them in risk of being captured and hung…George Washington, radical. John Adams, radical. Thomas Jefferson, radical. (Heck, George III and his fat cat pals called them rebels and traitors.)
Proof, Chesapeake….
…..still waiting!
Well, Sharon, you ARE a radical!!
In a good way!
*ROFLMAO while gritting my teeth*
“we find it disturbing that outsiders who have no stake whatsoever and are often ill-informed somehow think that they have the right to influence public policy.”
ohh, so like our ohhh sooo well informed President Bush who has never had to worry about how to pay the bills or fill up his vehicles? So he shouldn’t be allowed to influence public policy? Well shit, somebody get on the phone and notify DC!
I’m Spartacus!
Julie Wilson is a fracking VP paid in charge of development. What is she supposed to say?
In contrast, Sharon is a normal responsible citizen who can see with her own eyes and document for everyone what the lazy, greedy, irresponsible company Julie represents is doing.
Can anyone look at these pictures and say everything is all right, Sharon is just a radical communist trying to disrupt things?
Only if, like Julie, you are paid to say them.
By the way, since Julie is trying to throw stones at Sharon’s supporters who live elsewhere in Texas, I think a proper question might be are all the owners and shareholders of the company she represents citizens of Fort Worth?
Do they all have pools of oil, odors, and ignitable gasses drifting across their homes and contaminating their water?
Would Julie herself like to live next door or even on the same property of one of these sites for a year?
I think Julie and Chesapeake are the radicals who don’t care what they do as long as it makes money in someone else’s backyard and they don’t have to be responsible for how safe it is and what damage it creates.
Julie and Chesapeake are the not in my backyard radicals here.
This line “Not in Someone Else’s Backyard however, is absurd and cannot be tolerated” is asinine. The last time I checked this is the UNITED States of America and we all are collective participants in a democratic government and republic. What we have learned over the past two centuries is that we are not living in isolation. The Clean Air and Clean Water Acts were written precisely because what happens in say, Fort Worth, can and often does affect people in rural areas such as Wise County. And not only that, it’s our state and we DO and should have a say about what happens especially if it is a detrimental process that is negatively affecting the “commons”. Classic tragedy of the commons. You’d think we’d wisen up with all this supposed wonderful education we have….It’s sad sad sad that people are so focused on material gain that we are letting our country via the environment and social justice go down the tubes.
Wendee, that’s a great comment, but I have to remind you that the oil and gas industry enjoys broad exemptions from our federal envieonmental laws. =(
Don’t let the bastards get you down. You’re doing some of the most important blogging that going on, and I’m proud of you.
P.S. I’m Spartacus, too.
I am a firm believer in our free enterprize system; but, this ramshod, unbridled unslought the gas drillers have wrought on the ordinary citizens of TX must be made to come to a big screeching hault. Out worthless TX politicians must get up off their duffs and impose some good old fashioned ‘regulation’ on these gas drillers!! They ran us out of our home! Keep up the good work on this site.
Now you know you’re getting to them. Way to GO!
I’d say that having Chesapeake target you like this pretty much proves that you are winning the arguments on the merits.
First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you.
Then you win.
This is only the start of the war. We are going to run these pirates out of town. Julie may learn that she’s throwing gasoline on a fire and preaching to the wrong choir
1) I will not ever see another Tommy Lee Jones movie, or anything with him in it. If he can claim to love Texas but endorse such a shitty company that treats my home state like it’s a giant garbage dump, then he’s nothing more than a greedy SOB like the oil tycoons.
2) Hey, Barnett Shale? How come my gas still costs me almost $4 a gallon when you’ve been drilling holes under my home and polluting my water, and poisoning my lungs for nearly a year now? I’d love to benefit from the damage you’ve caused to this FORT WORTH CITIZEN. (Yup .. I’m NOT exempt. Although I do find it shitty to try and say anyone not living here needs to butt out.)My Mother, Step-Father, Brother, Sister-In-Law, Nephew, Grandmother, Son, and friend all live in Fort Worth as well. Thanks for killing them too! Can’t wait to see what kind of cancer and diseases we get to die from in 10 years!! WOOHOO!!
3) I have fibromyalgia. You know what that is? It’s a disease that basically has no real “cause” or “category”. It’s the unknown category of disease because it has so many different symptoms and various in severity. People used to call it the hypocondriacs disease until Doctors started seeing actual scientific and medical proof that it’s not a “made up” disease. It’s real. You know what else? I grew up in Pasadena, Texas for 14 years, right next to Shell Refinery. Yup. The OIL REFINERY! Those wonderful people who pump out pollutants into the air 24/7. They even blew out the windows of my school once when I was a child. I wonder if all those migranes I had as a child after playing outside had anything to do with all that shit put into the air? I wonder if my developement of Fibro has anything to do with pro-longed exposure to polluted air?? Nah .. must be my imagination. I wonder why more and more people are turning up with this “uncategorized” disease? I bet if a study was done on all the people with Fibro, they’d find that they were exposed to some form of pollution. So allow me to express my gratitude for helping us to live a better tomorrow by sacrificing today, and our health as well.
Bite me Chesapeake and do us all a favor and go pick on someone your own size. TxSharon is way to big for you. Try Exxon instead.
Chesapeake can just suck it. They are the OUTSIDERS. Last time I checked in Texas, we are all Texans and anything that happens anywhere in our lovely state IS in our back yard. And as far as that goes, anything that is so incredibly disruptive as this crap is to our environment and health affects us ALL, regardless of what state you happed to live in. What a completely idiotic statement for her to make. Wonder if she knows that she sounds like a complete and total moron???
“Not in Someone Else’s Backyard however, is absurd and cannot be tolerated.”
…cannot be tolerated????
Is that a threat? Sounds like a threat to me.
Not in Someone Else’s Backyard???
As a former Energy and Oil industry worker, I know what companies in this industry are capable of. Very bad staff, believe me, I know!!!!