This is a fascinating video.
He talks about biocides and acrylamides a lot and that reminded me of the psyops conference. He doesn’t seem to agree with Miller.
Brad Miller, General Manager of Regulatory Affairs, Anadarko Petroleumpresentation LISTEN
Tell them biocides are bleach sound bite LISTEN
Hydraulic fracturing – We talk about biocides. Wow, that’s a big word. That’s bleach. So we’ve got to start talking bleach. . . So we need to kind of bring what we put in there down to where people can understand.
Tell them polyacrylamides are ChapStick sound bite LISTEN
—polyacrylamides—Ah, people get really worried when you talk about putting polyacrylamide in frack that they’re gonna pump down a well. What is that? It’s chap stick – so take your stick of chap stick when somebody talks about polyacrylamides. .So we need to kind of bring what we put in there down to where people can understand.
I made just a few notes. What’s in quotes is a direct quotation.
34:20 “The major problem is the mixture problem. And I can’t overemphasize how serious that is in trying to understand what’s going on… The presence of one agent can increase the toxicity of another agent by several fold.”
See list of chemicals detected in a release in Argyle.
35:10 “The question is, how often do you see an interaction?”
More than 1% and less than 10% if you put 2 interacting chemicals together. “…if it’s 1% of the time and you’ve got the list [of chemicals] that I read to you before which is roughly 30 or 40 or 50 chemicals present, the chances that you won’t have an interaction are almost ZERO.”
20% of the people have nosebleeds.
UPDATE: Additional information about risks from breathing fracking chemicals.
Assessing the risks of fracking
New York needs to be diligent where Pennsylvania has been careless
By DAVID BROWN, Commentary
Published 10:42 pm, Saturday, March 9, 2013
My notes:
David Brown is a public health toxicologist with the Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project,
First, take a close look at air.
- air pollution is the more likely pathway of exposures in many cases.
- at least a dozen different sources of uncontrolled air emissions
- Cannot break exposure pathway. People cannot choose the air that they breathe.
- Once production starts, stopping exposures entirely is not realistic.
- Short of relocating entire communities or banning fracking, ending airborne exposures cannot be done.
Second, don’t forget about mixtures
- people are exposed to mixtures of chemicals.
- These chemical mixtures can produce potential synergistic interactions, with new and more severe effects than the effects of the individual chemicals.
Third, physicians typically have little experience with toxic exposures in air or water.
Fourth, there will be accidents, and people will be exposed
…unlike other industries, there is no fence line with drilling and fracking operations. It’s an activity that turns communities into industrial zones.
No one, especially ourselves as public health officials, can assure people who live, work, or attend school near drilling and fracking operations that they are safe.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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If you liked that video you will also like David Brown’s words in the video on this page, “Gas Rush Stories- Part 14-Organic farmers. ( ) WHat I found most interesting about the David Brown video is that he was the first to speak about “food” as being a pathway and he also stated that if you re showering, washing your clothes, etc. in the contaminated water you can absorb just as much as if you are drinking- so if you don’t drink it and use it for cooking you are not avoiding all risks and if you do drink and bathe in it your exposure will be double fold” So when the agencies such as DEP say don’t drink it but it is safe to bathe in, this is not accurate and they are misinforming the public with inaccurate information. My thoughts if I can’t drink it I sure as hell m not going to bathe in it. Case closed.
Biocides are pesticides; and all “pesticides in their pesticidal use” are exempt from regulation under federal law.
Dithiocarbamate “salts” are widely used as “biocides” in industrial boilers of all kinds. EPA has now recognized these boilers as sources of carbon disulfide and carbonyl sulfide emissions.
Aren’t those polyacrylamides the stuff that melts into little contact lense looking things when you hold a flame to your BWSC water?
It’s certainly a possibility.
There is something quite nice about “Chemical toxicology in the fracking zone”. I like the idea. I am impressed by the quality of information on this website. There are a lot of good resources here. I am sure I will visit this place again soon. Here is some information.