I wish I could believe that the increased monitoring of my blog by housegate10.house.gov, IP Address: did not mean something sinister. But experience tells me they are likely trying to artfully construct some kind of case against Dr. Armendariz for the upcoming inquisition before Senator Inhofe and the industry funded GOP political machine.
Someone is paying an intern or staff person who has spent the past few weeks combing through every single blog post I have ever posted on the EPA or Dr. Armendariz. This person has gone over and over the same blog posts.
The industry supported political machine will craft together a case against the EPA and Dr. Al that is similar to the motion to compel the Range Resources attorneys crafted against me. They will ignore the real-life suffering of their constituents documented in those blog posts and the comments from their constituents under the posts.
Watch for Rosie the Riveter moments because, like the motion to compel, it may be artfully put together but when deconstructed it will look something liks this:
- She knows him
- She knows her
- She hates fracking
- She has the audacity to help landowners document contamination on their property
- She is part of a conspiracy
Smart people don’t need bullet points to deconstruct the manufactured fairy tale of this industry supported political machine.
Smart people will remember the FACT CHECK that EPA regulation was tougher under Bush than it has been under Obama.
The Range settlement has more nuance, a fact Loftin hoped he could ignore but the smart people who voted in that election didn’t.
Political machines that are not supported by constituents and out of touch with constituents will not last.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Something wrong with this? CONSPIRACY! You think they are out to get you? I think you like the spotlight…beats a real job to have enviro hacks paying your salary to blog. And there’s nobody looking over your shoulder to checkthe accuracy and validity of your content. So you grew braver…toed the line…pretty soon that line got too blury. Thats when you wound up in court. Whats next? A congressional hearing?
Please fact check me all you want. My readers look over my shoulder and they help me fact check so please have at it.
Mr. Larry,
It’s been my experience that “activated” readers of blogs such as these are merciless upon the editor should false or misleading information be posted. It is in the vested interest of the readers to keep the editor honest as their reputations’ are at stake as well due to their association with the blog site in question. One can assume that we are reading each blog post with a skeptical eye, some more and some less, but for the most part each doing their job to keep the other’s posts honest.
“CONSPIRACY!” you thunder, but perhaps not in actuality. Rather, I perceive an atmosphere of escalating harassment, both of complainants and the editors that document their complaints for all to see. I grew up in a state where “copper was king” and witnessed first-hand the impact of those that dared to testify in front of the EPA against the proposed mining projects of the reigning copper companies at that time. “Leftist, hippie-type, pinko fags” would sum up some of the invective spewed forth concerning those that asked for responsible stewardship of the land.
The “blurriness” of the “line”, in my experience, tends to resolve itself into a more focused image when the facts begin to come out. Once again, in my experience, I’ve found that the line is usually a lot closer to the persons doing the perceived transgressions than it is to the persons documenting them. In addition, an editor/blogger being drawn into court is more a badge of honor than of shame, as it is usually a sign that the editor/blogger is beginning to shed more light on the subject in question than the perceived transgressors would like to become illuminated.
Please note that a Congressional hearing is not necessarily a bad thing. As a general rule, both sides of the issue at hand can testify personally and/or submit written testimony as well. The important take-away from the hearing process is that both parties testimony goes down in writing for later examination. Electoral campaigns have been won or lost based upon Congressional testimony.
As for a “real job”, in my humble opinion, Miss Sharon’s (using the Southern United States’ formal vernacular for her name as a measure of respect) her present vocation is far more honorable a pursuit than mine as it is she that is leading the troops and taking the initial arrows. The odd thing is that she’ll build more of an “army of the righteous”, by leading the charge and speaking the truth, than those issuing forth personal invective and obfuscation.
Not that what I’ve said here will ever change your mind, but know that Miss Sharon has yet another “troop” in her “insurgency” and that this “troop” is quite scientifically and technically competent. She won my allegiance by leading the charge, taking the arrows, and speaking the truth. For it is by my age that experience lets one discern more rapidly whom is the more trustworthy person and whether their cause is just.
Sharon would be the first to tell you that she and I don’t always agree. She may even recall a time in a phone conversation she got so pissed off at me, she hung up on me. I’ll be the first to say that she’s right 99.9% of the time, she does not exaggerate, she does not lie, and she believes in her cause-which is really about helping others, not herself.
She’s also a lot more eloquent and gracious, if not much more patient than I would be with some of the moron drillers that post on here. For example, I would have just told you to PISS OFF. Sharon’s not like that.
She’s also right in telling you to fact check her. Go ahead, Larry, fact check everything and anything you want on here. Please keep us posted as to what you find out that is incorrect.
For real? I hung up on you? Whoa, that was wrong. I’m sorry.
may be the good guys searching for the truth.
Good guys?
Darrell Issa is eager to investigate the Obama administration, but he’s got plenty of skeletons in his own closet. In a lengthy profile, the New Yorker dredges up a series of scandalous allegations from the House Oversight Chairman’s criminal past. Among them: Issa has been accused of burning down a building and arrested for carrying a concealed weapon (he paid a fine, got 6 months probation) and stealing a red Maserati (case dismissed). http://www.newser.com/story/109882/darrell-issas-criminal-past-back-in-the-spotlight.html
Why would you post the IP address? Are you taunting them? I just don’t think it helps you’re case- it makes you look guilty. Did you ever think maybe its someone in Congress trying to help you?
Google the IP address and housegate10.
Someone in this Congress is trying to help someone? We need names.
Do not trust our gubment now-a-days. Do not trust it at any level including all 3 branches!
All I know is that ever since I started reading Texas Sharon’s posts…I at first lost sleep thinking about the pictues and videos. Then I started emailing everbody and their dog and eventually I started my own blog and the blog is now more of a log/copy of the letters I write to the local, state and feds begging for help…..today I took home some beautiful Texas produce from a farmers market…I understand that they use ground water to irrigate and I understand that drilling is in their area, and so I will probably be losing sleep tonight wondering if I am feeding my family fracked up produce. The farmer said he hasn’t tested his water well in a while….here is the video of that beautiful produce shown at the end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Waw_xV40Txg
Living in fear is no damn good. Stress, worry, lack of sleep, all can be devastating to one’s health. Somehow, you need to get past this for your own well being.
Besides, the rest of us need you, You’re awesome.
Instead of showing them your fear; try showing them your fearlessness instead. They have no answer for one like you. All the oilmen, and all their attorneys, in all their suits – have no answer for one like you. Let them be the one’s losing sleep.
You’re lucky to have access the gorgeous produce, I’m super jealous. You might wash it off, to remove potential pesticide residues, but you should enjoy that food, and the nourishment that it brings.
Here: Try me out on this one.
When you go back next week to the farmer’s market, I’m betting that the farmer breaks into a very large grin immediately upon seeing you.
It’s just a hunch; but If I’m right it proves my point. You’re unstoppable, and you need to go a little easier on yourself.