From an email:
The scoop on that grab bag of misfits known as “Energy In Depth Marcellus” :
78149419/Fracking-Shills-for- Hire-Energy-in-Depth Their “How to be a shale shill” presentation – courtesy of my pal Texas Sharon :
According to EID, Kate Sinding and Robert F. Kennedy drank the Kool Aide
Then barfed it back up.
And Josh Fox is the demon spawn of Barbra Streisand and Paul Newman.
Imagine that.
Kindly forward without discretion
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Thanks Sharon
Check out
Thank YOU!
Thanks for Posting. Very informative. I did not get a sense of military tactics but just a straight forward review and how to approach it when dealing with Sheep’s led astray.
How do you ever expect any sensible person to identify with your position when you use labels like “misfits” & “shale shills?” What are you trying to promote? Do you think that attracts intelligent discourse? Why do you suppose oil & gas folks won’t try to approach you? You seem to immediately dismiss anyone who brings facts or any position that is contrary to yours. I don’t respect that and I believe most Americans are a lot better educated & open minded than your narrow perspective. We need to make some TOUGH decisions as a nation to start formulating (finally) a national energy policy that makes sense. It will be a LONG transition during this coming century to move away from fossil fuels as our base source of electricity generation & motor fuel. We are a lot of R & D and technological development away from implementing sufficient scale electric cars & compressed natural gas, hydrogen fuel cells & solar as reasonable alternatives to begin a major move away from oil & coal. Bio fuels (especially) & wind power just don’t make much sense if you look at the FACTS. Therefore, natural gas & coal, along with domestic oil resources if properly & safely developed, make sense as “bridge fuels” until we further develop nuclear and (ultimately) fusion as a lasting & clean (large scale) power source. I am not making this up. You can deny it, but like gravity, it’s just the LAW of physics. I suggested to you (already) that you need to read the book “Power Hungry.” It should be required reading for all Americans so we can begin to understand the MATH. Learn the facts and the real challenges we face. All the rest of this is not helping anyone in the long run. We are wasting time. Energy, like so many other issues (i.e health care, entitlements) needs an HONEST & OPEN debate. Anything on the extremes, whether it’s the enviro-extremists or the “drill baby drill” crowd does our nation a terrible disservice. MODERATE voices need to be heard to make good choices and solve complex problems. You can’t say I have not tried to reach you. Don’t complain to me when gasoline is $15 a gallon and the entire U.S. power grid is one big “rolling blackout” and our economy & any reasonable lifestyle has gone completely BACKWARDS. Sadly, we will have done it to ourselves with a lack of compromise and prudent discourse. That just seems very short sighted & UN-AMERICAN to this citizen…
Are you talking to me? If you are referring to the above blog post, why don’t you put your diatribe on the site where it came from? You know, click the link to the source.
Did someone say oil and gas folks won’t approach me? That’s news to me.
You keep dropping that “Power Hungry” link on my blog like you get some royalties or something. I have that book and I find it extremely biased with many factual errors.
Thanks for trying to “reach me.” No, really, I appreciate it. I just don’t agree that we need to allow industry to run roughshod over us, declare war on our communities and use PSYOPS agains us. I think they need to clean up their act.
Drill Better. Suck Less. Then you won’t have so much opposition.
Thanks for the rant. Enjoyed it.
Well, call it a “rant” if you like, but you make my point. You are incapable of seeing this in any type of objective or rational fashion. I get no “royalty” from “Power Hungry” and I highly doubt you ever heard of it before I mentioned it, let alone discovered any factual errors. Since you seem to like links, try this one:
The late Senator Daniel Moynihan said it best. “You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own FACTS.” If trying to get people to understand FACTS and REAL choices in energy and trying to promote understanding and a spirit of COLABERATION makes guys like me and responsible folks in my industry SUCK, GOD help our country…Don’t I won’t waste any more of my time (with you).
Well, then… I guess you must be right. Because I do not agree with you, I am irrational. It couldn’t possibly be that I have a different set of facts or that I find making sacrifice zones of our neighborhoods reprehensible. Nope, I”m irrational.
And, I’m sure you’re right. I probably never heard of that book before you mentioned it. Never mind that it’s been out for well over a year now and has even been debunked. And I bet I had my fingers in my ears when Matt Pitzarella of Range Resources recommended reading it at the industry conference I attended last November.
Listen, it’s been great! Really, I’m bowled over by your intellect and impartial links.
Well, you have not produced a single FACT yet that makes any sense. Plenty of “rhetoric” with phrases like “sacrifice zones.” I doubt VERY little of Robert Bryce’s book has been, in fact, de-bunked and ofcourse, you have NO constructive alternatives to the propositions forwarded. Just EMPTY and LAZY. Must be a strange place to live when everything is so black & white. Not an intellectual place at all. Bowling? Yep, that is about right. Seems pretty bitter and limited, really. BIAS? It appears to be your “mantra”..Good luck with your “spew”….
And you’ve read my entire website so you would know that I’ve “not produced a single FACT yet that makes any sense.” I know you haven’t read much here because you said, “you have NO constructive alternatives,” Okay, if you said it, it must be right.
Are you the same person who said: “How do you ever expect any sensible person to identify with your position when you use labels like “misfits” & “shale shills?” What are you trying to promote? Do you think that attracts intelligent discourse?” and then you call me EMPTY and LAZY? Nice. =) Thank you.
I love how Bryce’s book is so very friendly to the oil and gas industry making claims that there is no need for regulation blah, blah. How very convenient.
You doubt the book has been debunked? Here’s an idea: Google it. Go ahead, you don’t want to be called LAZY do you?
If you perceived my use of the word “lazy” as personalizing this, that was not my intent. I’ve been at this (energy) for a long time. I understand regulations & the challenges we face every day I show up for work. IT’S not ALL BAD when it comes to oil & gas. There are TWO sides (or more) to any issue. You are STUCK with fossil fuels for a couple more generations. We did not get here overnight and we won’t extract ourselves from the need for hydrocarbons for a long time. I don’t make it that way anymore than I control GRAVITY. Any creditable scientist, researcher or energy analyst will tell you the same thing. Think big picture. Explore avenues where we can work together with all viable alternatives in our energy mix. That’s just sensible & SMART. That is a way forward. You can have the last word, but I won’t apologize for suggesting a rational approach to our nations energy challenges. I suggest the proposition, anyway. Thank you for your time.
So, if we are stuck, as you say, then you will understand that I must push like hell to make your industry be more responsible. You know it has to happen and I suspect that is the real reason for your hostility. The more you drill the more angry people there are and the more pressure builds.
Of maybe your company is all into the PSYOPS thing too and we are just pesky insurgents who live in areas that need to be depopulated.
Well, I took your advice. I DID Google Robert Bryce’s book (Power Hungry) and spent some time today looking at the various book reviews & literature availabe on a number of sites. Lots of info out there. Funny thing was, a vast majority of the results are quite the contrary to what you suggested. Rather than being “debunked” as you claimed, it was highly recommended by the PhD’s & scientists for it’s factual content & keen insight. I’m not LAZY, I just know a sensible read when I see one…
Are you telling me you couldn’t google up any of the debunking? Hmmm…I don’t think you tried very hard.
Your boy came out with a blatantly pro drilling piece just today. It’s really hard to dispute that the guy has a distinct bias.
Might be misspelled. It is the act of taking complicated problems & merging divergent opinions and working with facts & reasonably (together) to find the best solutions. If you don’t recognize the concept, I can understand. Seems to be a LOST ART in America. That is my definition, any way…
oh. is that what you are doing here?
until you acknowledge the harm you are causing and mitigate, i don’t think you will get far with the COLABERATION.
OK, well then you & TX Sharon can have your way. All the oil & “gasholes” can disappear. All we do is HARM, anyway. Convenient, but you’ll probably miss us when we are gone. Maybe we can call it “A Day without HYDROCARBONS”. You’ll have little consolation in your victory. As in little electricity, motor fuel, plastics, cosmetics, paint, building materials, medical devices & the myriad of other materials which YOU, ME & everyone else enjoys in modern society due to oil, in particular. It’ll be quite an adjustment to our lifestyle. Basically, we are “spoiled” and you can check out the website at Good film. Lots to contemplate. I hope it’s a huge success. We need intelligent debate & exploration of ALL alternatives. We need RESPONSIBLE development of oil & gas. If the companies you are dealing with break the law, then they should be punished & criminally prosecuted if applicable. Sad thing is, we might just find that we have a lot more in common than you’d imagine. As a long time industry professional, I still have hope that we can get this thing right. We’d better or America is not going to be better for it…
is that not a totally black and white answer, randy? rather than acknowledge harm and mitigate you take your ball and go home? are these are only choices, a. bend over and let you have your way with us or b. you go home? i don’t recognize that as intelligent debate and exploration of ALL alternatives.
One last thought. I am NOT hostile. I am DISAPPOINTED with the lack of courtesy & respect being interjected into the debate by the “extremists” on both sides. Whether it’s an industry representative & this PYSOPS nonsense or an environmental terrorist who burns down buildings. NONE of that is constructive and beneath the dignity where this discussion should lead on our energy future. With that, I’ll close it out on my end. Thank you again.
Maybe you could try modeling some of that courtesy and respect.
Sorry you feel that way that I have not conducted myself properly. Might it be possible that it has a lot more to do with my position rather than my manners? Any way, I enjoyed visiting your blog and believe it or not, I respect the opinions expressed whether I agree or not. Good luck to you and I hope you consider a few things I’ve said. TA TA
ENERGYINDEATH has no reason to exist other than to create propaganda and misdirection. They are classified as a propaganda mechanism. Their agenda is subversive insurgency. Their focus and intent is to counter any and all facts produced by environmentalists with lies, deception and misdirection. Given the full nature of my background I am uniquely qualified to speak plainly and honestly about the nature of their business and motivation. After a number of years a site like EID needs to close down because they don’t have enough new arguements to keep it fresh. A new site can pretend to be the new kid in town and the old retoric is all new again and that is the way it works. I know for a fact that there is a group of people that are actually baiting the EID people into producing a rediculess amount of wasted wordprocessing in an effort to waste their time and tie them up. The ones doing it don’t have a name for what they are doing (I do). They are just “making EID and PIPELINE earn their paychecks”. I watch it all from a distance and laugh because the gas men want it to be easy and the environmentalists don’t. If there is a score card, the environmentalists are winning. At my age, I enjoy watching other people making things harder than they have to be.
Be honest. Propoganda is being waged by the environmental “edge” every bit as much as the super pro industry types. From my perspective, this isn’t about either side “winning.” It’s about responsible resource development and making sure folks have electricity to run their computer and “weigh in,” regardless of what side of the debate they are on…
Seriously? We are held at a much higher level of scrutiny than industry with there millions in PR money and their paid shills. Jeezus! There is no comparison’
Yikes! Typos! Damn auto correct.
Come spend two days in my office and you’ll see what “scrutiny” looks like. I really don’t care at this stage about all the “policy wonks” and who can outspend who on the spin games. I am looking for constructive solutions out in the field where the industry can do a better job with the public and foster better relations & job performance. But, the public has to be realistic (too). Development of oil & gas will continue to be a work in progress. To get real progress, we all need to work together.
One side editorial note. Given some of the names of the operators you are dealing with, I believe I can understand your frustration in the Barnett. Some of these companies are not real good with industry partners either. Not much consolation, but an admission. It is, what is is…
I think we finally have the root of the problem. You can’t stay in an office and really know what it’s like living with this stuff day in and day out.
I think most people were totally fine with drilling, even close to their homes–I know I was. Then they saw the reality up close and personal. That will turn the most avid drilling fan into the dreaded activist.
Here’s an example: I was sitting at a kitchen table full of community members in Argyle. I started to smell this perm smell but with a burned smell to it. I kept looking from person to person to see who might have a brand new perm. Nada. The smell grew stronger until I finally said something. The others smelled it too but they thought it was the dog or various other things and didn’t want to mention it. Suddenly we were overwhelmed with this cloying odor so we jumped up and slammed the windows and door shut. Several people had burning eyes that turned red and noses that ran. Everyone got a sore or tight throat. Another woman and I had heart palpitations. Have you ever experienced that? It’s NOT fun. I broke out in blisters on my arms, which were bare and another woman had blisters on her neck.
The people at the meeting deal with this on a weekly basis. Thankfully I moved out of the Gas Patch.
This was a Williams facility. The drillers in our area are Chesapeake, Williams, XTO/ExxonMobil, Encana… you know, wimps like that.
None of the companies are responsible. NONE.
I get to the field a lot, but I don’t live right next to a well, although I have relatives in Winnie, TX that are close to some locations. I can’t explain everything that goes on out there in the field and your experience as described certainly was not pleasant. All I know is the outfit I work for tries very hard to be a good neighbor. I am very proud they are supportive of a full compliance effort (here).
One thing I saw today was encouraging. Folks up here in the Denver area are calling for industry, local governments, citizens & agency personnel to sit down ahead of upcoming development. As a guy who has helped design & permit all kinds of oil & gas projects, that up front planning & community outreach is critical. The industry can’t get too far ahead of itself. I think that is a great initiative for everyone.
I am not making excuses for anyone. It’s a tough business and industrial activities are not an “easy mix” when it starts getting entangled with urban areas. I have learned that in South Texas first hand. I just hope that certain operators will be more mindful of their obligations and continue to improve as needed. I also hope that industry can earn the public trust down there. I’m suggesting moderation on all sides as these resource plays continue to develop across the country. Best of Luck to you…