So, the Big Boss of the Big Gas Mafia, Dave Lesar, Halliburton president an CEO, had one of his employees drink frack fluid at a conference to prove it is safe.
What a brave man JACKASS!
Drink it yourself!
Drink it Dave!
Gas producers need transparency to regain trust on fracking: EDF head
In this video, Aubrey McClendon, CEO of Chesapeake Energy says: “You don’t want to drink frack fluid.” He compares it to drinking Draino.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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How stupid to ask an employee to drink the poison!??! They are really living in that creepy, weird Halliburton bubble to do something like this.
And shouldn’t he have let somebody (Sharon or Tim or Calvin come to mind) observe the taking of the sample from the fracking fluid truck? And let Sharon/Tim/Calvin pick the location and truck and tell him to meet them there?
I can’t help but wonder, too, what kind of liability releases that poor employee had to sign, and what incentives he was given to do something that stupid.
I want to see a documented frack fluid sample given to that Halliburton CEO and see him drink it and tell how wonderful it is. Telling your employee to drink it to prove it’s safe when you won’t get near it yourself? This is outrageous!!!
That employee has a suitcase or several full of cash.
Thank you for smoking.
I suspect that Halliburton fluid used for drinking was NOT a typical fracking fluid mixture. There was a woman on the film “Split Estate”, who claimed to have held fracking fluid in her mouth.
Hydrochloric acid, Phosphoric acid, Sodium Hydroxide (also known as Lye or drain cleaner!), diesel fuel, vinyl compounds, etc., show up on a number of published fracking fluid ingredient lists.
A “rigged” demo, likely, that would probably also flunk any FTC & CPSC test if the stuff was sold to the public.
Where was OSHA for that one?!?
Maybe I’ll call them…
I want pretty hair like Christine!
You do have pretty hair like Christine.
That was Cathy Hall of the Colorado Oil and Gas Association on Split Estate.
She received so much flack over that she had to resign.
I am writing this mail for CEO Halliburton Dave Lesar.
I am chemical engineer and couple of months ago I completed my 4 months internship in Halliburton Islamabad.I tried a lot to get job at Halliburton but I was not much lucky.I want to inform you about hidden truth that an electrical and mechanical engineers are working as a petroleum engineer there and looking after the cementing processes t Rigs.I was shocked to see this strange thing.
This is just happening because of Favoritism.An engineer whose Father is working in Halliburton,s client company is able to get job in Halliburton.no matter what type of degree he has or which type of education he had.
During my internship at Halliburton,HR department hired engineer just because his Father belong to OGDCL Pakistan.
Please be aware of these illegal happenings.