Wahoo! Or dare I say it? YEE HAW!
Major damage points for industry. Activists for clean air and safe water advance to next level.
Drilling Down
Regulation Lax as Gas Wells’ Water Hits Rivers
Published: February 26, 2010
You know…the health effects are the same in all the gas patches across America. At some point they have to stop saying the evidence is anecdotal and say instead, “the preponderance of the evidence…” It’s just that simple.
Clean up your act!
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Lake Arlington had to be tested for water contamination when a Ft Worth drill site had a spill last July. The admition of this "event" can be viewed on The replay of the afternoon session:
Talking about Lake Arlington starts about: 41:50
first mention of a spill event: about 43:25 over by 44:23
confirmed it was a spill event one evening on FW side, and it took a bunch of staff time to conclude that water was safe.
Mel talking about the FW exectutive summary (air quality) occurs about 1:08 – 1:09.
At the evening session, I tried to correct Mel LeBlanc on his spewing about how clean the Ft Worht air is based on…well hear it for your self. I tried to tell council that 2/3 data was missing, but our fine mayor TURNED OFF MY MIC…AGAIN! He said I was otta time. Spread the news about this hushed spill to everyone!
I just read the entire article. Well done by the NYT. My takeaway message: Gov. Corbett of PA should be jailed for his complicity in this unnatural disaster.
A very good post. Excellent and informative article from the NY Times. I agree with it. As I've said before, because of all this shale gas drilling, a lot of stuff is gonna be glowing in the dark!
I just read the Ft.Worth League of Neighborhoods report. They talked about the lax regulation here in FW. Looks like it is pervasive. Same idiots everywhere supposedly looking after our best interests.
Incredible article from the the NY Times.
I just found your blog, and love it! We're not in Texas, but where we live the gas companies have moved in big time. They own all the mineral rights, and so don't have to give you a dime. They can drill up to 200 feet from a residence. And they can cluster drill–up to 4 wells within a quarter mile radius of the first well. It's just so awful, and the state politicians are all in the gas companies' pockets.