Aruba Petroleum’s Barnett Shale operations are highlighted in a NY Times article.
Fears of Pervasive Air Pollution Stir Up Politics in Texas Shale Gas Country
August 2, 2010
FORT WORTH, Texas — For nearly a year Christine and Tim Ruggiero have battled the powerful Texas oil and gas industry and the inertia of regulators responsible for protecting air quality and public health.
Tim & Christine Ruggiero’s Ordeal with Aruba Petroleum
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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"Requiring disclosure is tantamount to outlawing fracking, Perry asserts, and would "shut down the oil and gas industry." — I cannot believe he made this statement, he all but admitted that he knows that once the chemicals are known, the public will not stand for this any longer.
Perry's quote was not his own but straight from the gas drillers propaganda machine. He will repeat whatever faux mantra they tell him to say, but with a little Texas redneck bluster to satisfy the Tea Party psychopaths.
I'm really proud to see the Ruggerio case getting 4 pages in the most widely read paper in the world. Great quotes in there, Tim. Well fracking done! We are all helping to drag this state and it's crooked pols out of the dark ages and into the light.
Governor Perry's Oath of Office:
I pledge allegiance to the interests of the United States of Hydrocarbons and to the Corporations for which it stands, one tyranny, indivisible with intimidation and injustice for all.
Ok, trying to lump the Tea Party in with this is a little bit of a stretch and broad brush for me. I happen to not like government overspending and I also dislike corporate greed and reckless behavior. We all started this with plenty of people on both sides if the traditional political aisle, it would be nice to finish it that way. I know I have adjusted my own opinion of many "liberals" in many regards.
Although I've only been in this fight for 9 months, hardly a day goes by that I don't learn something more about this dangerous Industry. I've also learned that virtually everyone I've dealt with in the Industry are cowards, and all one needs are a few facts reduces them to name calling and other juvenile behavior. Amazing how that works.
Aruba picked a fight with the wrong two people. Y'all are just gonna LOVE what we do next!
I can't wait.