This is a classic case of environmental justice.
Como is an historically African American neighborhood, an economically depressed area on the edge of the affluent West Side of Fort Worth. What better spot to put a high-impact well site? CHK offered residents who live within 300 feet of the well a one-time payment of $7,500 and residents who live within 600 feet of the well a one-time payment of $5,000 in exchange for signing a waiver.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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this is revolting! that $7500 won't even come close to covering their health care bill from breathing all those emissions. 300' from their homes!!! i can't believe ft. worth would allow this even as rotten has cowtown has become.
Someone needs to go door-to-door and warn that community! 600' is way too close and 300' is insanity.
Chesapeake is the most predatory of all the drillers. They are the least respected BY THEIR OWN PEERS! I cannot tell you how many times representatives of other operators have come up to me to apologize for the behavior of CHESAPEAKE.
Of course, Chesapeake preys on the poor. They are the least able to fight back. Of course, Chesapeake contaminates our air and water. Their entire corporate strategy is to exploit the capital structure of Wall Street by mining for dollars rather than mining for minerals in a responsible way.
Of course we all know that Chesapeake would prey on a poor African American community. That's the kind of company they are. Someone needs to alert their stockholders
The wealthy people in Ridglea want the royalties but not the drilling health risks. So they shove the drill site off on the poor black folks. Same shit, different day, same preditory company.
I was in a meeting with high level FW officials involved in gas drilling. One of them made the comment that "all the problems come from Chesapeake". But still, they don't hesitate to jump into bed with them.
I live in East Fort Worth in the Sunrise Edition. About 2 months ago a man came to our house asking us to sign a waiver to allow Chesapeake to drill 18 additional wells (the already knocked down a field of trees and put one of those rigs up). He acted as if it was nothing. My mother didn't sign it. He came back everyday that week to get her to sign this. He finally offered us $1000 to sign it. We still said no. We talked to one of our neighbors and he did the same thing to her but only offered $500. The house across the street from her a guy offered $750. We figured something was up. There are 8 of us (on this side I think) that are within 600' of this thing, which is why they need a waiver. We decided to all get together so that these people could speak with us all at the same time. They seemed pretty reluctant but finally did. After a few months they decided to offer us $3000 apiece. I didn't want to do it but my mom thought that was good enough. Before we could all sign it, my mom looked online and found out that they gave the people in Como $7500, so we didn't sign it. Now we get a letter today saying they are applying for a Multiple Gas Well Pad Site Permit . It would allow them to go to the City Council and bypass our signatures!
What should I or we do?
They come in our neighborhood. They start bulldozing all of the trees in this wooded area that have been there for as long as I've been alive (I'm 22). They took down soooo many of these trees in less than two or so days! It's like there a bunch of bullies or something. They come here destroy the environment around our homes and then throw us a couple hundred bucks ("Here, go buy you something nice.") I don't know what to do.
I live in a predominantly African American neighborhood. There is low income housing everywhere. Most people here don't make a lot of money and are much older than me. It's like there trying to take advantage of us or something. If you offer most of the people here a couple hundred bucks and tell them to sign a paper, they'll do it not knowing what they're signing.
Another thing. They want to give us $3000 dollars and then sign something else saying we received nothing. ???? And why didn't they state an offer in the initial letter they sent like the letter they sent to the residents in the Como area?
Is it just me or are they trying to get over on us?
I told my mom, if they are trying to take advantage of us, we should do the same. I know that there are potential health risks involved with this drilling: air pollution, benzene. What about our property value (or the little property value we have). It's not all slum around here for God sakes!! I told her we should be very well compensated for this drilling they are doing so close to us. $50,000?That ought to cover any trips to the hospital and overnight stay from suffering with "sudden" asthma or what ever other ailment we mysteriously get.
During these economic times, we definitely do need the money, but I can't seem to put a large enough price on our health.
What can we do?
P.S. I'm glad I came across this sight. My thoughts of Chesapeake have been confirmed.
I'll be visiting your sight again for any responses and more information. -Ben
Good for you, Ben, that you got your neighbors together and called Chesapeake on their tricks.
I don't know how to advise you on this other then to tell you to have a lawyer look over anything before you sign it. Unfortunately, the city is on the drillers side right now so you probably won't find any help there.
If you have any documents, I would sure like to see them.
Your property value will definitely decrease the closer you are to a well. Your health could very well be compromised.
I'll send your comment around to see if anyone has any suggestions.
Ben, email me. AT I have help for you.