I just got home from the well attended informational meeting in Corinth tonight and found out that Corinth Cares was live-blogging from the meeting. the information is limited but still…way to go!
Apparently the rumor is out about me because The Thunder From Down Under, who organized the meeting, was quizzed about the “radicals.” I wonder who they’ve been speaking with. Of course, you never know, as you learn more about the drilling process and how it’s poorly regulated, you too might find that you are a radical.
The Barnett Shale’s Newsletter Calls Me a Radical
I don’t know about you, but I think
- drilling close to people’s homes is fairly radical
- allowing
emissionstoxins to boil into the air when they can be prevented is radical - spreading potentially toxic waste on farmland is certainly radical
- pumping lethal chemicals into the ground without even disclosing those chemicals is radical
- allowing industry to self-regulate is recklessly radical
The list could go on but I’ve got to get to work. But first just one more thing: As I’ve said many times, if you find anything on this blog, recently called a “radical blog” that you think is incorrect, don’t hesitate to let me know. If I research and discover I’m wrong, I’ll admit it and correct the misinformation. I did that recently when I made a mistake about one of the Corinth variances. That is a standing pledge on this blog because I want people to have accurate information. I’m betting the BSEEC, who makes quite a few mistakes on their website, won’t make the same pledge.
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Is it true that you are paid to be a radical activists targeting the Barnett Shale? How much are you paid?
Why in the world do left wing radical envirnomental activists try to stop drilling in the USA because of climate change? We drill using the best technology to supply energy needs for our country. Everyone needs fossil fuels.
It is revealing that stoppiing drilling here while purchasing fossil fuels from other countries that do not care about global warming, is shooting ourselves in the foot.
A true envirnomentalists wouldn't do that, so the agenda is political and you are a paid political operative!
LOL! Thanks for your comment.
guess i'm a radical too then. guess i know a whole lot of radicals these days.
These industry apologists have a pattern of making personal attacks using their Glenn Beck talking points because they can't deal with the facts.
I just hope the Corinth Council and Mayor pay attention to the residents and do the right thing. A lot of people are watching and I'm pretty sure things won't go well for them if they grant the variances.
There is no need to drill that close to people's homes and there is no need to allow industry to go unregulated.
It's obvious that the current methods of extraction increase global warming because of all the methane that is escaping. You do understand that methane is 25 times more powerful than CO2 as a GHG, don't you? Any one who cares about the environment, air quality and the future and overall health of the planet would be advocating for common sense drilling reform like Sharon is.
What, exactly, is your problem with Drill-Right Texas?
It's obvious that the current methods of extraction increase global warming because of all the methane that is escaping. You do understand that methane is 25 times more powerful than CO2 as a GHG, don't you? Any one who cares about the environment, air quality and the future and overall health of the planet would be advocating for common sense drilling reform like Sharon is.
What, exactly, is your problem with Drill-Right Texas?
I am so sick of all this fake flag waving and placing our hands over our hearts to pledge allegiance to fossil fuels. Human ingenuity is such that if given a chance we could move away from our dependence on antique energy forms and then we would be truly independent of volatile political agendas. And give me a break about boosting our economy too. Barnett Shale accounts for about 3 % TOTAL of the economy in North Texas. At its heyday, during the frenzy of 2008, industry predicted that it might reach about 9% of the economy. Somehow I bet that was inflated too. Tell me, where are all the "millionaires" that Julie Wilson of Chesapeake bragged about on CNN?
Why do you hate America?
Anonymous first post: Once AGAIN, you're simply not paying attention. There very few people that are opposed to drilling. I am not opposed to drilling, I am, however, opposed to being poisoned. I asked this same question of nearly 300 people last night, and there were about 10 that were opposed. All was against being poisoned. Imagine that.
A paid political operative? That's a new one. No one is getting paid, sponsored or representing anyone except ourselves, friends and neighbors.
But let's explore this paid political idea for a moment- even if I was, does this change the facts? I t does not. With a glut of natural gas on the market, energy companies aren't making money off of drilling right now. If anything, they are ramping up production for no other reason to get ahead of the regulations that soon coming. Why else would they be drilling and capping and moving on to the next site? If it costs about $2 Million to drill, any idiot can see they don't make any money until the gas hits the market line. Not a dime. So the energy companies are drilling like mad because we really need the gas? I think not.
And by the way, there's no gas to be had in the middle east, only oil, so I'd love to hear how increasing gas production even begins to reduce our 'dependence on foreign fossil fuels'. I like the way you didn't say reduce our dependence on foreign GAS.
It occurred to me that I should have pointed this out in my talk last night- When the Corinth Mayor was painting me as being in a much different situation than Corinth because we have a different operator, or the fact that we're on well water and Corinth is not, think of it this way-
Everything that has happened to us and on our property is a great example of what would likely happen in Corinth (or anywhere else) when the operator doesn't have ordinances to follow. Aruba has performed in a manner that is consistent when the operator starts out not having to follow the rules, because there are NO RULES where we live. We're in the unincorporated area of Decatur, so Aruba can literally do whatever they want and whatever more they think they can get away with because of this. And they have.
The only rule Aruba has to follow is that the well head has to be 300 feet from a house or barn or lease line, and that's because of state law. There are no other rules. So what would (or will) XTO do if they are granted the variances?
The TRRC is coming to Allison to test the water in a pond near a well site, that my cows drink, but I dont own the land. I will hopefully be present. What should I ask them or what info. should I find out so that I will know if my cattle is ok. I'm having a very difficult time trusting anyone in the industry.
I would not rely on a test from the TRC. I highly recommend some private testing as backup. I believe the EPA would be interested in this pond because run off goes into the Denton Creek water shed.
I have attended events at this "Christian" center before, but will no more. I've read/studied the Bible for over 14 years of my life and I have never seen a scripture that would suggest treatment of neighbors in this way, and never when money was the only upside. If this is the way "Christians" treat others, how many people will view the Church favorably? The energy independence argument is bogus, buy all of the foreign oil/gas at a cheaper price and when we are the only ones left with resources, WE will be the new Saudi's.
Is it radical that you are so anti drilling yet you burn gasoline in your car?
Aren't you also responsible for poluting the environment? Maybe your fumes are healthy…if so you could pipe them into your own home instead of into our atmoshpere…
…point is, clean up your own act before you start cleaning up others..
I'm not anti drilling. I'm a mineral owner who advocates for Drill-Right Texas so no one gets hurt if I reap the rewards of my minerals.
So, let me get this straight: Your argument seems to be that because I drive a car–economy car–I cannot advocate for safer, cleaner, industry practices that respect landowners and our air land and water?
Is that that best argument you have?
where do they get this argument that they use over and over and over? that must be a talking point given out by eddie ire-land and it's either the only one they have or the only one they can remember.
i guess that means that if you drive a car you should shut up, get cancer and let them put a drilling rig right through your living room.
Its OBVIOUS that "Tim" in the above post has no idea what he is talking about, so "He assumes" and then precents that as facts to readers…Hey Tim, Iran has more natural gas then we do….and guess what,they vent it off to get to the oil in many instances BECASUE pipelines arent available.
As to "Drilling companies wanting to get the jump on new regulations", you also have no idea. Companies are drilling now to hold leases..you see ,in a contract a drilling company has a certain amout of time to drill a well on a lease…if lease expires and no well, then the driller has to pay the lease again…IF the driller can drill 1 WELL per section, then that section is considered HBP or Held By Production…which means the lease does not have to be paid ,again…so much of the rush is to get expiring leasehold HBP before it expires.
In the case of Chesapeake Energy-they have an 8 year lease on over 100 rigs…regardless of if they are drilling or not, they still have to pay…So if you have to pay for the rig regardless, wouldn't you also be drilling with it?
Here is another news flash for you.."Fracking Wells" has been around for over 60 years and thats not going to change either…you see, the same fracking technology you are complaining about being unsafe has been happening probably before you were born and has been proven safe.The only difference today is it is used in a horizontal well instead of a vertical well…same thing Tim…and thats not going to change…want to know why?
1st-Because it is safe &
2nd-Because there is not a single well being drilled in this country at this moment that would be viable if it was not fraced…That's the facts man…others are spreading misinformation to a media that is largely uneducated to the subject, in an attempt to frighten people into action.
Like it or not, those are the cold hard facts…
Every indusrty on this planet needs to be policed, every gojvernments citizens protected. Lets face it, despite the best in regulating-stuff happens. Mistakes are made,cover ups occur, etc and its great to see folks that care enough to keep industry honest, but somewhere along the way, those with the best intentions started spreading misinformation because "They read it somewhere" and that is hurting the industry and America.
Thanks, for regurgitating those "facts" fed to you by industry.
I've got a news flash for you, buddy: horizontal fracking has not been around for 60 years. And I'll be happy to wager that things will change. Want to know why? If people have to choose between energy and water, I think the choice is obvious.
Looks like you better get busy on finding some safer frack fluid.
You're correct about a few things- I surmised and offered my opinions. I'll say the same thing I did last night to the concerned people in Corinth- I'm not an expert in gas and oil. And, although I cannot always keep it straight which one is the mouse hole and which one is the rat hole, I also don't give a flyin' shit, either. I AM, however, an expert in gas well drilling operations that are done by brain damaged fools that have set up the pollution machine in my backyard. I know more about this dirty business than I ever wanted to know.
As far as the middle east, I find it difficult to believe they vent because they don't have pipelines. Maybe they should think about putting some in. Unless, of course, there's some Islamic law that says no to pipelines.
Every industry does need to be policed and regulated to a degree. I strongly believe the worse your performance, the more regulated you need to be.
How many traffic tickets can I get before the state yanks my license? I don't know, I do know that eventually, they will. How many leaks, spills and high levels of dangerous emissions must an operator be cited for before they get no additional permits granted? Apparently, as many as they want, because we're some damned desperate to get off of our dependence of Iran's natural gas, we're willing to steal as much land as we want, pollute the hell out of it, and leave wonderfully attractive and leaking condensate tanks and piping behind. Having those has done absolute wonders for our property value.
I can't wait to bring my documentation to the county appraisal office to re-evaluate our property taxes. So much for supporting the schools, police, sheriff, clinics and road repairs, etc.
Maybe you could chip in the difference since you're obviously one of the people causing the problems, or at least fully supporting those that do. Sure as hell ain't getting the same amount of taxes out of me.
Sorry TXSharron,
Fracing has been around over 60 years…you can yell all you want to the public ,its not going to change the facts. I KNOW what I am talking about because I spent 20 years as a part of it…not a soccer mom on a vengence.
"Horizontal Fracing" is new BECAUSE horizontal wells are new.
Same thing happens TXSharron-The formation is fracured and propant is added to hold the fractures open. Sure, In the new horizontal fracs this is done in more stages but its the same thing.
Dont forget the wellbore is encased several times in steel to protect the water supply-same as it has been done for over 60 years!
Heck, I was just reading over a post here thats concerned about the poison H2S gas thats present in the Barnett Shale….and you don't want Drillers Polluting this pristine formation with frac fluids that are 99.9% fresh water?
How crazy is that?
News Flash-Steel Casing protects surface water on ALL OIL & GAS WELLS everywhere..peroid. It's worked for nearly a century without problems and it will keep working long after a bunch of misinformed, misleading activist are laid to rest.
Just the other day in a news report-The water of Oklahoma City (Countless wells drilled in and around) was found to be above the national average in purity…
The earthquakes you guys are having…well we have them around OKC also…but we just blame them on what they are from…million year old fault lines…Not horizontal drilling…seems now they are having them all around the Pacific Rim…only the rest of the world accepts them for the natural event they ARE.
Like I said earlier TXSharron…its good that people choose to responsibily police the environment, but when they overstep these responsabilities and and intentionally mislead the public to create hysteria…then they become worse than the polluters themselves.
Sorry TXSharron,
Fracing has been around over 60 years…you can yell all you want to the public ,its not going to change the facts. I KNOW what I am talking about because I spent 20 years as a part of it…not a soccer mom on a vengence.
"Horizontal Fracing" is new BECAUSE horizontal wells are new.
Same thing happens TXSharron-The formation is fracured and propant is added to hold the fractures open. Sure, In the new horizontal fracs this is done in more stages but its the same thing.
Dont forget the wellbore is encased several times in steel to protect the water supply-same as it has been done for over 60 years!
Heck, I was just reading over a post here thats concerned about the poison H2S gas thats present in the Barnett Shale….and you don't want Drillers Polluting this pristine formation with frac fluids that are 99.9% fresh water?
How crazy is that?
News Flash-Steel Casing protects surface water on ALL OIL & GAS WELLS everywhere..peroid. It's worked for nearly a century without problems and it will keep working long after a bunch of misinformed, misleading activist are laid to rest.
Just the other day in a news report-The water of Oklahoma City (Countless wells drilled in and around) was found to be above the national average in purity…
The earthquakes you guys are having…well we have them around OKC also…but we just blame them on what they are from…million year old fault lines…Not horizontal drilling…seems now they are having them all around the Pacific Rim…only the rest of the world accepts them for the natural event they ARE.
Like I said earlier TXSharron…its good that people choose to responsibily police the environment, but when they overstep these responsabilities and and intentionally mislead the public to create hysteria…then they become worse than the polluters themselves.
Oh, and to "Tim The Expert" Natural Gas is imported here from all over the world…It has to be chilled in a multi billion dollar LNG facility…amazingly we do not have a LNG export facility in the lower 48 to super chill the gas…
Curse all you want..you either don't know anything about the drilling industry or you just are out to misinform…if either are true,then you should not be addressing ANY GROUPS ABOUT THE TOPIC.
Thanks for letting me debate this on your forum TX…even though you are wrong on much of what you believe, it shows courage to allow a dissenting opinion.
Hey Anonymous Dude, if you’re going to use my name, would you please try to learn to spell it correctly. And you might want to slow down a little bit so you can comprehend what you are reading. Below, I’m going to copy and paste the text from my comment above:
horizontal fracking has not been around for 60 years.
Notice the word “horizontal” before the word fracking. That would be your hint that I’m NOT talking about vertical fracking.
Also, do not make assumptions about me. I am not now nor have I ever been a soccer mom. When you are condescending and right it’s one thing. When you are condescending and wrong you make a fool of yourself.
Horizontal Fracking is a more invasive technique and, since this fairly new technique has been employed, there are hundreds of cases of water contamination.
I know about the wellbore and the cement jobs and you might like to read the industry study that I posted yesterday where industry admits they have problems maintaining the integrity of the wellbore due to heat and movement from the earth.
Regarding the H2S gas, that is another example where you need to slow down and comprehend what you are reading. The concern was not for contaminating the formation containing the H2S gas, the concern was for the water well that was contaminated with H2S gas as a result of the fracking.
You talk pretty tough for a guy who hides behind anonymous but you’re right about one thing: I have boatloads of courage.
Ok, lets talk about horizontal fracing…please tell me in what way it differs from vertical fracing? I am not asking about directions (Up & Down,or Left & Right) I am asking the process and the effect on the shale-materials used..etc.. If there is a mistake in what you believe the differences are then we should resolve that now…maybe then we can address the issue intelligently.
We can talk about water contamination sure, I would ask to see any instance where fracing was shown in any study to contaminate the water supply…an isolated instance may be recorded but I have never read it and would appreciate the opportunity to read it and educate myself.
Please tell me how Horizontal Fracing is "More Invasive" then Vertical Fracing?
So now you are going to say "Chemicals" …sure…everyone does..Well, "Chemicals" are also used in Vertical Fracs and in very small amounts.Have been for 60 years.
Some mild acids are involved and being the dilution to water is 99% you can imagine it is slight…ever use 'Limeaway" in your bathroom? Well there you have it! The shale formations also contain Carbonates (Lime)..if this Lime can be dissolved then this creates an extra trail through the shale that natural gas can follow to reach the wellbore.
Ok..lets take another "Secret Chemical Ingredient" thats in the magic potion…its called "Corrision Inhibitor"…Everyone yelling about this 1 also…guess what..its been used in the drilling fluids that are used to DRILL THE WELL and has been since fracing began 60 years ago.
The H2S Gas we spoke of…well..corrosion Inhibitor protects pipe (Drill Pipe OR casing) from the effects of corrosion…you dont want the pipe that protects the water suppy rusting in two do you?
Bottom line is this…a typical well is cased off from the water supply with redundant strings of casing.The water supply is protected in Horizontal wells in just the same way as Vertical Wells-Peroid. Been done this way over 60 years- The water supply is protected
(Naturally fractured coalbeds have been seeping methane into water supplies long before drilling and in places where drilling has not even occured-so please dont try and blame fractured shallow coalbeds on Drilling)
I am curious-do you have any idea how much natural gas escapes through the ocean floor everyday from untapped formations? Natural Gas has been slowly working its way towards the surface for millions of years and will keep doing this for as long as it exists…
Look, here is what I have to say…you have some legit gripes about drilling and I agree with that but all this Fracing propaganda should not be a part of it because its misleading at best and an outright lie at worst.
I agree that drilling should not be so close to housing…we got the technology to rig up a mile from houses and directional drill under them-if the well is viabale enough they should do this-if not then the drilling company should move on.
I agree you have legit environmental concerns over the open pits on locations-if properly lined,maintained then disposed of then they are safe. Many times this is not the case…
I think the entire climate change arguement is a joke-I think the politics involved are a disgrace to both sides and I think the lies used by "greenies" that have scared the American people are a crime.
Sorry about registering as anon. I have tried several times to use my Google account but it wont go through…so I have been using this option. My name is Curtis and I am a 48 yr old man in Oklahoma.If you need more let me know
Of course horizontal fracking is a lot more invasive! It fractures a much, much greater area of shale.
Show me an impartial study that was not influenced by industry. Surely you cannot–if there is even one honest bone in your body–believe that all the many, many, many occurrences of water contamination that have almost identical events shortly after or during fracking is coincidence.
In Texas, you can claim that no water has been contaminated but that's just not true. First, no one is routinely testing. What is true is that it's almost impossible for ordinary citizens to prove anything against Big Gas just like it was almost impossible to prove that smoking caused cancer…until we finally did.
Just like smoking and cancer we will prove that fracking contaminates water and harms people's health. Too bad that your industry is so reckless that you won't reveal your fracking chemicals and start using green fracks now.
Saying that something has been done for 60 years is NOT a good argument. We used DDT for a long time too.
Ahm, you and your chemical comparison to Limeaway is totally inappropriate. I'm not stupid and I don't normally use thousands of pounds of limeaway in one day.
Listen, you are not being honest and that's me being really a lot more polite than I want to be right now.
Bottom line is: if your process is so damn safe, why do you need a loophole.
I really don't have time for you and your utter bullshit. I'm an extremely busy woman.
Get ready for regulation because it's coming sooner or later.
Anonymous Industry Expert- if you're so proud of yourself and profession, why not tell us your name? I've listed and use not only my name, but freely offer my address 415 Star Shell Rd Decatur, TX and openly invite people to stop by anytime they want if they want to see what gas well drilling is really like when incompetent jackasses like Aruba get themselves a permit.
I'm surprised you didn't take the opportunity to remind us what Good Neighbors your beloved industry is. Aruba said they are TRYING to be my Good Neighbor, and they introduced themselves to my family by waiting for us to leave for work before taking cutting torches to our pipe fence and bulldozing the land.
What's your response to the the multiple citations Aruba has been given just from this one site alone? Is that me spreading 'misinformation?' How about all the FLIR videos, testing results, air emission samples that show as high as 59 ppbv of BENZENE 300 feet from my 10 year old's bedroom window?
Why is Aruba behaving this way? Why are they such a crap operator? Why do you continue to defend their 'right' to pollute our air, our soil and water?
If the industry is so protective of our health and welfare, why are they EXEMPT from the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act? Why do they need all these exemptions? More 'misinformation' on my part, right?
Those other Good Neighbors, XTO, are looking to drill two wells in Corinth. They are asking for variances on all 10 ordinances to drill 2 wells on 24 acres. They just can't seem to do it without having those exemptions. Aruba can drill 2 wells on 2 acres, I would think XTO can drill 2 wells on 24 without needing to violate the ordinances. Who's spreading misinformation, now? XTO is. Because we all know, yourself included, that they intend to drill a helluva more than 2 wells. Not to mention the fact that once the City Council falls for this stupid pet trick, every other operator is coming into Corinth, and they will also get the variances because the precedence has already been set.
There's absolutely no reason to drill near where people live. None. I could care less how much oil we import, what gas has to chilled, and who has to pay for what and other industry headaches and problems.
The mineral right owner, my other Good Neighbor, saw fit to EXEMPT 50 acres around his home from gas well drilling and pipelines. 300 feet for the rest of us. Not to mention the 300 acres he has as his personal property. We had 10, now we have 6, thanks to the careful thinking by people like you. They only care about making money and nothing else.
I'm glad you pointed out how careful operators are to protect our water-what's left of it, after using MILLIONS of gallons that are forever contaminated. I guess they must use the type of cement that doesn't crack or split or just simply erode over time, they must use the type of steel that doesn't rust and they are careful only to drill where the earth never shifts or moves. I'll sleep better tonite knowing how safe we are thanks to your industry and the great care they have taken to protect us.
see..now you both sound like radical idiots…I use the word radical as a polite substitute for lunatics…you both talk alot and you think because you say it..it makes it true. Sorry folks-normal people can see right through this.I think your need to curse in your posts expresses your ignorance of the truth.
Have a nice day, I think my work is finished here
oh, that curtis has some high morals.
poisoning water is good.
saying bullshit is bad.
If the lime can be dissolve it can create extra trails so the gas can reach the wellbore. That is some smart ass gas to reach the wellbore without the extra trails. From the picture of fracturing the shale I have seen there are many small crack created so "how do the gas know where to go"
Natural gas has been slowly working it way to the surface for millions of years. I have pictures of flaring and trust me natural gas is not slowly doing anything. Your statements are biased by an industry which is rich with corruption and self preservation.
Please bring your children, grandchildren, or whatever mammal you hold dear to McKenna park in Denton Texas at the corner of Bonnie Brae and Scripture and let them breath the air. I think Range will be fracturing in 2 to 3 weeks followed by flaring so don't miss that time frame and if you forget your inhalers not to worry the hospital is right across the street. When trouble breathing occurs if is not far to go for help.
The toxins in our air increased by 50% during the last fracturing and flaring so the summer is something this neighborhood is looking forward with great anticipation.
Anon you are nothing but a talking head vomiting up information which is fed to you. We are living with the consequences of your greed everyday. What you are saying may look good on paper but from my back porch it smells just like what Range is pumping out, CRAP.
I enrolled in college majoring in Petroleum Engineering in 1966. Hydraulic fracturing was well underway and being taught at the university level and I have the copyrighted text books in my garage that will prove it. Anyone that says fracing(the original spelling) has been a recent development is either ignorant, an intentional liar, or too lazy to research for the real facts. I sat on my first frac job prior to 1970, and I have never had a frac job that
affected anyone’s fresh surface water. You anti drilling pin heads exaggerate to invoke fear to further your misguided cause. Just the simply truth. Basically you are guided by a bunch of NIMBY’s that have must use misinformation because you couldn’t possibly achieve your goals on the basis of truth and intellectual integrity. I know for a fact that fracing was done quite a bit during the 1950’s and 1960’s. The whole Sooner Trend Mississippi drilling boom adn the first Spraberry trend development was driven by this new fangled idea back in those days. The sad part about it is that most of the 30 and 40 year old petroleum engineerings are damn confused themselves as to when fracing was started. Those Sooner Trend Mississippi River fracs were dang near identical to the Barnett Shale frac stages of today. I started out as a teenager pulling a cotton sack and living in a house without electricty, gas, or indoor plumbing. I am damned proud of the affordable energy that we have developed in this country as to the general living standards of the nation and of my own offspring being able to elevate themselves to being doctors, lawyers, and engineers. I’m quite sure the general practices the industry follows are safe and generally beneficial to generally all of you and eventually when the time is right we will transition through technology to an even better energy system.
I don’t really give a flip when vertical fracking started. I know when horizontal fracking started because I was living in Wise County. Horizontal, slick water, high pressure hydraulic fracturing is a very new technology.
We all know why Texas doesn't
fall off in the ocean.
Sorry to get off the subject
Hey Anon on to the next blog, right. I feel so enlighten by your knowledge and think you have changed by mind. Gas well drilling next to my house is good maybe they will put in a collection tank in my backyard. The animal shelter could just bring the animals they want to euthanize here to drink the water and save the city some money.
Do the gas companies pay you by the hour?
Cursing it is what we do in Tcxas when civil conversation and logic bring an ignorant response.
Go bother someone in OK. OK!
I like the fact that out of all the FACTS I stated and again wasted my time explaining reality on the ground to him, he only managed to glean the word JACKASS out of what I said. Saying JACKASS makes me a lunatic?
As ALL the other industry fanatics do, they run away when presented with real facts, not just BULLSHIT spin the industry generates.
Well, I've certainly been called worse. Aruba called me their GOOD NEIGHBOR, which I STILL find highly insulting.
And, by the way, Curtis, one of the JACKASSES from ARUBA in a GOOD NEIGHBOR gesture towards me, has been running around trying to get my neighbors to sign an affidavit stating they can't smell anything from the massive amounts of gas pumping out (both visible and invisible) around their homes to discredit me and my reports from the TCEQ.
When I'm wrong I'll admit it. I was wrong in an earlier post. I said the highest level of benzene tested at 59 ppbv. It was an actual reading, but not the highest. I have a report that shows 120 ppbv of Benzene. there, all better, now.
so many requests I cant keep up and wont bother with many..
As to your request for an impartial study as to drinking water safety and fracing…It was conducted by the EPA 2 years ago and they found no threat to the safety of drinking water!
Ok..now we have a new administration of liberal democrats in office and they want the EPA to conduct another "Unbiased" study…because they believe the last 1 was biased…Guess who is conducting it…The same EPA…
Anyways there is your study…now time for you to share yours…please show me a proven instance where fracing has contaminated ground water supplies? For all the loud garbage you spew here about how drilling for oil and gas in america is killing us all…surely you can provide some sort of study?
Lets see..I just read a study ..out of 94 monitored wells in the Barnett..2 showed elevated levels of Benzene! It didnt say dangerous levels..it didnt say toxic levels.. it didnt even say levels outside what is considered safe…it just said "elevated levels"…and thats the best misleading spin you liberal greenies can put on it?
And to the dude that does all the cussing, then denies it in the next sentence..Debating a point with you just wastes my time and insults my intelligence..
You are all fear mongers…bred by fear mongers to spread misinformation and lies. Not a single link to all that you say is happening…you guys and girls will not win your battle to regulate because your tactics of spreading fear with outright lies is well known.
you know, arguing with these kinds of people is like trying to teach a pig to sing; you end up wasting your time and annoying the pig!..
Oh and TXSharon…we also know why its so windy in Oklahoma..sorry also off topic
Quote from above
I have seen there are many small crack created so "how do the gas know where to go"
Dude gas migrates the path of least resistence… you know…you empty the annulus of fluid and everything comes rushing in…dude if you cannot understand the most simple 5th grade concepts of jow a well works, how can you come on here and preach this science to others?
Thats the sign of being a lunatic
I thought you were through. Stop wasting your time because it is getting on my nerves. That you have an intelligence to insult really insults my intelligence. WE WILL WIN and not because we are fearful but because we are educated, informed, and organized. Slow down on the Bud man you are starting to sound a little sloppy. If I ever see your face I will slap you for calling my father a fear monger. He was the bravest man I have ever met and he only spoke the truth. You might want to look up truth in the dictionary I am sure that is something you are unfamiliar with. You have earned you paycheck now go away I am through being amused at your biased and insulting statements. Can't you find someone in OK to harass or they all eating the garbage you are dishing out?
Wow, thanks for the evening's entertainment! It is really amazing that you get so much industry backlash just because we want them to use best practices, Drill Right. Can you imagine how much more industry lobbying & propaganda there would be if we were trying to prevent any drilling at all? Obviously Sharon is making a huge impact or we wouldn't be seeing the personal attacks. I think I have a solution for tonight's drama, maybe anonymous from OK can take a short road trip & we can sit down to a nice steak dinner (maybe some land farm beef or some from the freezer in Louisiana), a big pitcher of ice water (or some sweet tea with that water), & if the Ruggieros will have us, we can sit by the Aruba site(also known in Wise county as the 4 acres that the Ruggiero family own & pay taxes on but can never use again) & have a nice fire with the bubbling water. Sound like a plan? Jana DeGrand, Argyle, TX
Sounds like a plan to me. We had a lot of fun lighting those bubbles but I was VERY sick the next day from having my face so close to all those escaping toxins. That's the second time I've been sick after being out at their place. They other time recently was when we were in that plume in Flower Mound when we were doing the methane mapping.
Dude,I am not an industry supporter-in fact I loathe much about the industry and that is why I have quit it!
I have conceded their are legit issues with drilling and the environment…
I dont believe drilling should be allowed so close to your homes…
I dont believe you should have to smell the smells of the oilfield, just like I should not have to smell the smells of stockyards…
I support the rights of people on these issues and believe industry can and must do a better job…
Its the fear mongering over fracing that pisses me off…because until its proven as unsafe to the environment it should be left alone.
Americans have the right to ask for new studies-that is being a responsible citizen. What is not being a responsible citizen is scaring the crap out of people with lies on how hydraulic fracturing is killing everyone!
Hydraulic fracturing has been going on for 60+ years and not a single prokven instance of it EVER contaminating ground water! Until you have an instance or a scientific study that PROVES otherwise-you are just a liar and a fear mongerer- As for slapping me…hehe…you might not want to do that…as I dont slap in return and I carry a knockout punch.
Do you people even post changes the industry is making on their own in an atempt to console you and your misguided beliefs?
I read a few months ago where Chesapeake Energy agreed not to drill on its leasehold in a New York watershed in the Marcellus Shale…They paid millions for this property , followed all the laws and guidelines and now they are out millions of dollars! Do you think those they paid the millions to for the leasehold are going to give their money back?
Have you read where Halliburton and Schlumberger are experimenting with new ways to kill the bacteria in frac water? The Biocide is the most concerning chemical in the mixture-although safe from getting in the drinking water-they still are trying to find a "green" way around it to satisfy public concern
Here is a link to that article…
I am a proud American like many of you..I have 2 boys ages 4 & 6 and I want the world to be a better place for them…A SAFE PLACE…just like you…
I dont want them drinking toxins, I dont want them killed in a war against terrorists that WE fund because of what you advocate here, which would increase our dependence on importing energy which would funnel more funds to terrorists.
IF a REAL study shows a problem with Hydraulic Fracing…then we need to find new answers, changes need to be made…until then I am anti fear mongering over what you are using to create fear in the American people!
I think , to give your group needed credibility you need to concentrate on specific violations on a location by location basis and force these folks to clean up where they have made mistakes…and continue to ask for additional studies where you have legit fears…without spreading lies and misinformation.
Do you feel like I am asking for to much?
You know what pisses me off, Curtis? Industry apologists who somehow think it is okay to inject large quantities of lethal chemicals into the earth near ground water and have the #@%&* arrogance to think their man-made system is infallible. All man-made systems fail!!! It further pisses me off that industry has the audacity to keep that witches brew of chemicals a top secret and compare it to Coca-Cola.
What ever happened to prudence? Did we not learn anything from the DDT disaster? Did you know that fish are still hatched that have DDT in their tissues carried down genetically from their parents? Are you willing to take that kind of risk with your children? Are you THAT CERTAIN that fracking has never contaminated groundwater?
Go watch GASLAND and then tell me fracking hasn't contaminated groundwater.
There is no "you people" here. It's only me and what my readers post and pass on to me. Of course I posted about CHK not drilling in NY. They did not make that decision willingly. Aubrey McClendon said, "it's not worth the brain damage." An unfortunate choice of words.
I'm very busy today so I may not have an opportunity to publish your comments immediately so please try to not get your drawers in a wad about it.
NEVER accuse me of anything to do with terrorism. Getting off fossil fuels is the only way we will ever be energy independent and I fully support that even though I am a mineral owner. However, we will never be truly independent because there are many elements our current society requires that we do not produce here. Are wars over manganese next?
Furthermore, never accuse me of lying!!! You show me one lie and give me the proof that it's a lie and I'll make the correction but I'm not going to buy your industry supported bull that comes straight from Big Tobacco's playbook.
Oh and when you show up and call my husband a "dude" I will laugh my a** off at the outcome….lol
I would like to reserve a ticket to that event. The Ruggieros can ser up lawn chairs in their methane seep.
Curtis- one of the many things you do not know about me is this- I am NOT opposed to drilling. There some people that I call 'friends' who are. I think we disagree on a few other issues, as well, but we have much more in common than differences, which is exactly why we are friends. I am a die-hard CONSERVATIVE and I drive a big gas-guzzling truck. I have voted straight Republican ticket since I was 18 and voted for Ronald Reagan. Up until this past 6 months, that is. When Dick Cheney (who is also voted for) who convinced George Bush to sign off on making the Clean Water/Clean Air Act-that changed everything for me. Once that started to affect my family and I personally, it changed my entire thought process.
In seeking relief, I sent an email and actual letter to President Obama, the two U.S. Senators from Texas, the Reps from Texas, and every Texas State Senator and Representative. Most simply failed to respond. The few that did respond said that 'We need to balance our energy needs and jobs with ensuring the energy industries do not endanger our water." I also got some other lame excuses about how since they do not represent me, or that since my family doesn't live in their district, they can't help us.- but "If the measure ever happens to cross my desk, I'll be sure to give it careful consideration". blah, blah, blah.
Whatever you do, congressman, don't think about introducing legislation to change things. Senator John Cornyn sent me a note 4 months later stating he was fighting the much bigger issue- Healthcare, and simply didn't have the time to take this on. Thank you for contacting my office, and by the way, I hold 'coffees' on Tuesdays at 10 am every week with citizens, so if you happen to find yourself in D.C., fell free to stop by." He apparently has time to cash the campaign contribution checks from Industry, though.
The Governor of Texas also did not respond, but along with the Texas AG, decided to file suit against the EPA for it's decision to classify carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. "Millions of jobs will be lost, our economy is in great danger" he hear from his office. Blah, blah, blah.
Al that said, I want to run an analogy by you, Curtis. Let's say we've known each other for years. Over the course of time, you've come to find out that I'm not always truthful, forthcoming and sometimes just flat out LIE about some of the most mundane things. Certainly, over this period of time, you'll start to question just about everything I say, and will likely believe that I lie, distort the truth, embellish or simply make things up. If I do this more often than not, even when I do tell you the truth about something, you'll be skeptical at best.
I just described the relationship between Aruba Petroleum and my family. I can PROVE they LIE, have distorted the truth, told half-truths and simply make things up. They often choose political answers such as "We are unaware of any ground water contamination in the Barnett Shale". What they didn't say is that they are WELL AWARE of ground water contamination in the Marcellus Shale. So, with this in mind, when Aruba says they have 'Taken great measure to protect my ground water from contamination and continue to explore ways to reduce the emissions", I should just believe what they say? My family's health is at risk, here. Our property has already been permanently destroyed and contaminated with drilling fluid, condensate, diesel fuel, and we can no longer even open the windows of our house to let in fresh air, because we have NO fresh air. We had to use electric blankets in the Winter because running the heat pump simply pulled in the emissions. The inside of our house smelled like a truck stop. I can't wait until Summer gets here and we can't run the A.C. That should be fun. It'll be like camping, I suppose.
Here ya go TxSharon as to your request about publishing lies
your blog title
"Oh no! Some of that oh-so-safe fracking fluid exploded and caught fire in Pennsylvania "
A link to your source
Please show me in this article where it says 'Frac Fliuds caught fire"
All I can find is they had a fire in a pit? In my educated mind I would think that flowback that contained condensate was on this pit seeings how condensate or oil is flamable…
But somehow you seem to think you are exposing some hiddeen truth to the public thats not in the article…that a mixture of 99.99% fresh water caught fire! Nowhere in the areticle does it say fluids used in hydraulic fracing caught fire…you just AGAIN ASSUME THIS IS THE CASE..either to intentionally mislead readers or because you are ignorant of the subject. In my book…this is a lie and still it stands despite your holier than though quote that you will correct mistakes when you make them.
Another question..Why do you keep comparing frac water to DDT? Can you not see the difference that spraying a pesticide on your food and breaking up shale 2 miles below the earth are different?
When you burn methane in cooking a meal do you become sick from toxins?
Whats that all about?
You totally lose me with that lame assed arguement..do you get sick when you heat your home?
You are aware that this Natural gas needs no processing other than adding a "sweetner" so it can actually be smelled…before it is sent out to comsumers arent you?
You also made an earlier arguement that sand and silica arent the same thing…heres a news flash for you-Golf courses in the Dallas Ft worth area experienced huge price increases on the sand they use on their courses..BECAUSE large amounts were being purchased to frac wells in the area…its just sand sweetheart…
and its not going to irritae anybodies lungs 2 miles beneath the surface.
Why dont you just be honest and cut all the crap about being a mineral owner…you are against hydrocarbons in all forms as well as drilling for them.
I am also going to be away from the computer the rest of the day as their is a forrest of trees i want to go destroy so that i can add to climate change..Wishing you all a nice day-Say hello to Nancy Pelosi for me!
I wonder if the same gas industry that is against using vapor control technology lobbied against catalytic converter's? Did Ford and Chevy go out of business because they had to put catalytic converter on their cars? No. Will XTO/Chess/Wiliams/Devon go out of business because they have to use vapor recovery, No. They even get an upside, they get to make MONEY on the recovered product. Oh, I have your attention now, MONEY MONEY MONEY AND Aruba get's to not poison a kid in Wise County. I hate the term WIN-WIN, but I've never seen a better one than this.
I agree with you on this also.
You and your wife and your children have a right to breathe fresh air!
I dont dispute that…I am not familiar with the company you name but I also do not dispute that they have lied to you!
Like I have said, In many instances I loathe the industry!
I don't think drilling should have been allowed in your backyard..I think greater distances need to be set between homeowners and drilling operations. On behalf of the industry I have to say that I also know they have gone to great lengths to sound proof-pollution proof and safety proof their drilling in these ares..Still its been a new approach drilling in urban areas like yours and for the most part, on the part of the people, its been a failure!
My concern or "Reason for being pissed off" here is this arguement over the use of fracing wells…It is a lie that it is polluting ground water in yoiur area or my area… studies will show that as they have in the past and we will keep drilling and fracing wells.
My anger comes from people who have no proof and actually no idea of how ground water is protected from drilling operations standing out on their pulpit telling my wife and my kids that the water they drink is killing them and that its my fault!
I concede that urban drilling has been a failure…
I concede failsafes somethimes fail just like the brakes on your car can fail (But you dont stop driving it)
No industry is perfect and never has been. The oil and gas industries complies to local,state and federal laws and operates accordingly…if you dont like the laws, change the law makers.
As to your continued post Tim…Why didnt you buy the mineral rights to your place?
Did you think you owned them?
Your conspiracy theroy about your neighbors place not getting drilled on is a joke..The state of Texas controls well spacing not the oil companies..
The State of Texas controls permitting…not the oil companies.
Draining a basin of Natural Gas does not require a rig on every parcel of land Tim.
Actually, we DO have a CONFIRMED test that shows ground water has been polluted with benzene in our area…more details to come on that one.
I do not own the mineral rights, not were they offered. When we bought the place, along with all the other paperwork, we had to sign an acknowledgement that we didn't own the mineral rights.
As I've said many times before, if there were some actual TRUTH to this process, then the the title company, mortgage company and real estate agent should have been more forthcoming about the real possibility of what was likely to occur. My bad for not thoroughly researching all of this ahead of time.
Let me ask you this- if at the signing table, the title agent said "Since you don't own the mineral rights, and they aren't for sale, and there's not a square inch in Wise County that isn't subject to gas well drilling, and the law says that any energy company can come on to your property, and take any amount THEY decide is 'reasonable', and that there will be a gas drilling rig brought in, along with dozens of big rigs, three 450 hp diesel generators running at 1600 rpm's 24/7 for months on end, they might install a sound barrier, but the height of the engine is higher than the top of the sound barrier, so it really doesn't do anything useful except help hide the spills, the workers urinating on your property and dumping trash, smoking and giving you the one-finger salute from the platform, spilling frac fluids allover the place, letting their frac tanks leak, blowing diesel exhaust at you 24 hours a day, and the best part is, you still have to pay taxes on the full amount of property you own, but the gas company gets to keep and use as they see fit, please sign here", how many houses you think might get sold?
Gas well drilling is an inherently dangerous business. It's extremely dangerous for the workers, who routinely lose limbs and fingers, if not their lives, completely and permanently ruins property, forever changes the landscape with those so attractive condensate tanks that pump out those so sweet emissions 24/7. But that's the industry's choice, not mine, and those workers have chosen their profession, not me. Why is it okay for the industry to subject my family and my neighbors to these same risks against our will?
When James 'Larry' Poston, president of Aruba or Aubrey McClendon, president of CHK, and Herb Wright, the mineral right owner of 1000 acres and property owner of 300 set up gas wells next to their homes and subject their families to these dangers, maybe then we can talk.
That's it? You condemn me and my years of effort because I use the headline from a news source?
FYI, Google Fumes ignite at gas well. "both the tank and pit used to store fluid…caught fire." It doesn't say flow back tank.
The frack fluid contains HIGHLY FLAMMABLE ingredients. It doesn't come premixed with the water and sand. They do that on the site. I've watched it many times.
I'm pretty sure that I could pour some diesel fluid into some water and ignite the diesel that would float on top of the water, or the menthol.
Bring me some frack fluid and let's see if it will light.