This important action request comes from Brooke:
Despite what you may have read in the newspaper,
this battle is not over.
Steve intends to keep fighting it through the courts but at this point, all it takes now is for Judge Sprinkle to sign the Judgment that was handed to him by Chesapeake’s lawyers at the court hearing last Thursday.
Now is the time for Judge Vince Sprinkle to hear from Carter Avenue supporters.
His Bailiff told me that is ok for us to contact the Judge and that regular letters mailed to him are the most effective way to communicate.(The Judge may or may not read his email):
Judge Vince Sprinkle
Tarrant County Court at Law #3
100 W. Weatherford Street
Fort Worth, TX 76196-0240
We have a very limited amount of time to do this. The Judge can sign this Judgment at any time.
Please join us in writing a respectful letter AND in sending an email to the Judge. (Brooke’s letter is below.)
Consider making the following points:
- Mr. Doeung’s easement is not now “necessary” for this pipeline
- Address the legacy of soon-to-be-retired Judge Sprinkle
- Eminent domain abuse
This has been a long hard fight but our spirit is still strong.
A very special thanks to those who have taken on this fight that is not in your own backyard. Thank you for your continued interest and support of Carter Avenue.
Brooke Cooper
Here is Brooke’s letter to use as an example:
Judge Sprinkle,
I attended Mr. Doeung’s hearing on Thursday and witnessed the delivery of Chesapeake’s final Judgment into you hands.
The reason for this email is to implore you, Judge Sprinkle, to please not sign the Judgment.
As a homeowner on Scott Avenue, I am extremely concerned about the possibility of multiple high-pressure gas-gathering pipelines so close to our residences,
Fortunately, after a large public outcry and pressure from State lawmakers, it appears Chesapeake has now found an alternate route for this pipeline.
We are very thankful for this turn of events. We never thought this could happen but, thank God, it appears to be a real possibility now.
The only reason for Chesapeake to continue their push for Mr. Doeung’s easement now is because it may be needed for a “backup” in case there is a problem with the alternate route.
Again, Judge Sprinkle, I respectfully implore you to not sign this judgment.
This easement is no longer “necessary” for the construction of the Thomas to Hickman pipeline.
I undertsand that, under current state law, gas corporations are given free reign to seize any property they wish.
But honestly, we must draw the line when it comes to running dangerous industrial pipelines underneath our residences.
This is eminent domain abuse of the highest order and we hope to get some relief from this situation in the next legislative session.
Surely you can understand our deep fear that Chesapeake may not be sincere in their efforts to run this pipeline along the alternate route.
Surely you can understand why we suspect that Chesapeake seeks Mr. Doeung’s easement so that if a “problem” arises with the alternatve route, they will have ready access to Carter Avenue.
Please understand that the Fort Worth City Council has not even given Chesapeake the right to cross City streets with this pipeline, something that should have been done before ANY of the homeowner’s easements were seized.
Until that time, any of us living in Fort Worth are vulnerable to the same situation as what almost happened to Carter Avenue.
Please do not rush to sign this Judgment now.
Citizens from all over Fort Worth, Texas and the rest of the nation are looking at what happens in this matter.
You are retiring soon.
Let your legacy be that you spared Carter Avenue and did the right thing for the most vulnerable of our citizens.
If this judgment is signed and Chesapeake lays this pipeline under Carter Avenue, I hope you never open a morning newspaper to find that an explosion or accident horribly burned or vaporized children and adults while they slept in their beds.
There is no urgent compelling reason to obtain this easement at this time, Your Honor.
Let Chesapeake continue on with their alternate route and then, if problems arise, this eminent domain case can be revisited.
The case has already been in court for a year and a half.
If legally possible, please wait at least until Chesapeake has made a good faith start on the alternate pipeline route.
Thank you for your time and your consideration of this matter.
Brooke Cooper
Scott Avenue homeowner
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Good luck to Steve and the people here. Be careful when talking to Texas Judges. I talked to the crooked 14th in Houston and many bad things happened which were caused by the judge. Threats, acuzation(sp?) came along. Court is highly influenced by a rich family with cooperaton of the crooked DA down there. Be careful with Texas judges.
I can appreciate what the commenter pointed out about judges and their being tainted by money and power. However, like any abuse (power, physical, political, civil/human rights, sexual, etc.)the perpetrator's biggest weapon is the isolation of the victim and secrecy/lack of knowledge. I believe old Steve's no longer isolated like his predators had wanted to keep him and now many people know the real story and truth about what's been going on. And when enough good decent people know about a wrong AND then DO AND SAY SOMETHING ABOUT it, goodness tends to prevail and the people regain some of their power back. Rise up, say something, do something folks because not only are local people watching THE EYES OF THE NATION are watching. Is this modern day Alamo going to be a repeat? Whatever happened to "Never again" and "Not under my watch"? What will history say about us?
"Old Steve" as you call him, has inspired us with his courage and intellect.
Oil and Gas Accountability Project and Earthworks, funded by George Soros, pushed for anti-oil and gas legislation in New Mexico, driving a number of oil and gas firms from the state; including Key Energy Services, which closed its Farmington, New Mexico natural gas operationsin 2008, leaving 700 employees without a job.
OGAP agressively campaigns to destroy oil and gas development by recuiting victims to testify for legislation.
This information is being sent to the Wise County Messenger.
How dare those "victims" speak out! They should shut up and take their cancer like the rest of us.
Really! Perspective is everything. Let's not forget what the real problem is here-and it's not people speaking out about what has happened to them.