I can’t understand why CHK is still pursuing Steve Doeung’s easement if they no longer need to put the pipeline down Carter Ave.? Is this a trick or do they have something even more sinister than a high pressure pipeline planned for Carter Ave?
The following is a letter from Steve to his representatives.
Please let me make clear what CHK/TMGS’ legal team focused objective is for the court hearing that is scheduled in just a little over 48 hours from now: they are asking the court to give them the easement on my property, which would remove the final obstacle in the gas pipeline route coming through Carter Ave.
This clear intention (included in the legal petition) on their part appears to run counter to whatever good-faith discussion and negotiation that you and your staff, et al. had put great time and effort.
Y. Steve Doeung
This is happening on Friday!
100 E. Weatherford (where Main St. t-bones it) on second floor of the grand old Court house; County Court-at- Law #3/Judge Vince Sprinkle.
Friday 12/18/09 at 8:30 AM.
And a previous letter states
I received a letter today from the Court Coordinator for Judge Vince Sprinkle of County Court at Law No.3 acknowledging “that we have received your Motion for Continuance, et al.
A hearing on the above matter has been scheduled Friday, December 18, 2009 at 8:30 a.m. along with the other Motions”. “The other Motions” refers to CHK/Texas Midstream Gas Services’ Motion to Dismiss, which seem to be mutually exclusive. However, I am by no means an attorney “trained in the science of the law” (Supreme Court Justice Black).
A reasonable conclusion is that my “Motion for a Continuance” on the hearing and adjudication of their “Motion to Dismiss” has been essentially denied since there will be an actual hearing on the very exact “Motion to Dismiss” that is the subject of my petition. I know enough about how closely the legal team for CHK/TMGS works with the court to conclude with a high level of certainty that they had indicated to the court their rejection of my petition (cf. copy sent on Monday 12/07/09) and their determination to finish me off.
This recent development combines with the troubling statements and “answers” given at the 12/02/09 “community meeting” to cause alarms to go off in my mind. These are just continuations of alarmingly consistent attitudes, behaviors, and tactics that run counter to common sense and common decency.
Just some interesting notes: there are a number of neighbors who reported and showed me evidence that there were various irregularities related to the signing of the “permanent easement contracts” in 2008, including (1) signing a contract and then receiving a xerox copy of the contract with a clearly “fresh” notary seal and signature;
(2) either not ever receiving the Landowner’s Bill of Rights and/or no letter informing/asking for survey permission;
(3) one instance of an elderly and disabled couple being misled into thinking that they were simply signing a release for survey work but to only find out later that they had signed the legally binding easement contract;
(4) several of the elderly/disabled and immigrants with very limited English skills were told that they were one of the last remaining property owners to voluntarily sign the contract, with condemnation lawsuit presented as a very real and imminent option, and found out after that they were actually one of the first ones to sign and were “justly compensated” at a fraction of what others who are younger/healthier or spoke better English received; and
(5) one property owner, who is a shift worker with pretty good English language skills, reported clearly his being pressured into quickly signing the papers handed to him by CHK/TMGS’ “uniformed” (i.e. slacks and polo shirt with official-looking logo) agent who had somehow found out where he worked and showed up at his work with the papers unexpectedly eventhough he had already spoken with this agent at his home and had expected to only meet with the agent at his house. These are just a sampling. I won’t get into the role/s played by the City of Fort Worth.Thank you for your concern and considerations, Senator Davis.
Y. Steve Doeung, 2616 Carter Ave., FW, TX, 76103
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Sadly, this kinds of behavior in Right of Way easements frequently happens. There is no direct oversight of fabricated reasons to sign.
Oh my, I'm very sorry. It seems that the interstate concession was just a ruse to get you guys to let your guards down. So, from what I read, if the judge awards the easement to Chesapeake, then the pipeline on Carter Ave is a go? Have I misunderstood? And EVERYONE who cares and is concerned about the pipeline best be at the courthouse this Friday?
Actually, we don't know why they still want the easement. Maybe they want to do something worse than a pipeline or maybe they just collect easements.
CHK said they would use an alternate pipeline route if one presented itself so surely we can believe them because we know they are always straight up and truthful
Didn't CHK already tear down a house for the Carter Ave pipeline?
No, that was in the Wescliff area of FW. On poor Carter Ave., they don't deem tearing down a house worthy of their time since they can just put the pipeline/s as close as several feet (as in less than ten feet) from living and sleeping areas. What the City and the Star Telegram don't want the public to know is that there are several city-owned lots right along the proposed route at the crucial west end of the route. The mayor on down have said their hands were tied and that they had no power to influence CHK at all. Common sense says when you own several contiguous lots at a critical location–you have legal standing and LOTS OF POWER AND LEVERAGE TO NEGOTIATE WHATEVER TERMS YOU WANT. But only IF you want to do so. Plus CHK-City don't want to encourage activism on the part of the citizenry who would be encouraged by this major victory for the people. Dictators want to squelch any sign of people power and this man and his fight seem to be too risky to let stand.
Bexar CO. TX. Resident:: If the court allows this to go in the gas co. favor,it could happen anywhere!!!
Bexar CO. TX. Resident:: If the court allows this to go in the gas co. favor,it could happen anywhere!!!