It’s amazing how far some drilling pollution will go toward creating new environmentalists. Amy Mall has a post up at NRDC’s Switchboard with quotes from some unexpected environmentalists.
“I used to think environmentalists were wacky people that just didn’t want to make money.”
It’s amazing to see read the quotes and the story behind them. These people are only asking for fair treatment not some outlandish, pie-in-the-sky lofty ideal. As Amy points out, the “wacky environmentalists” are seeming less and less wacky by the day.
Take this example from the comments on Mike Lee’s article in the Star-Telegram today, State worried about air pollution near Barnett Shale wells:
Who is wacky here?
scottyc1021 wrote on 11/23/2009 11:45:13 AM:
As a property owner, tax payer and resident myself in the Barnett Shale what I am tired of is the total lies, fabrications, and unintelligent dialoque we continue to get from Don Young and TxSharon. Both of these individuals have tried to impose their will on the rest of us with their constant attacks. One has to ask what are their underlying motives? It seems to me they are hades bent on the constant attention and gratification to their narcistic egos. Somehow I think the only green they are interested in is the green in their pockets. I have never once heard how they intend to supply the energy we all use and enjoy each and every day. Like their hero John Edwards and Obama, no solutions, just tear down and destroy the very fabric of our society.
TXsharon wrote on 11/23/2009 11:56:05 AM:
So, let me get this straight:
Calling for emission controls that are readily available and affordable, that will prevent as much as 99% of the dangerous toxic emissions our children are breathing, and that will pay for themselves with recovered product is… going to “destroy the very fabric of our society.” Is that about it, Scotty?
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Total lies? I saw that exchange. If benzene is so harmless, then why did they reduce the amount of it in gasoline from around 20% down to 1%?
Ah, Texas IS the #1 source for benzene emissions in the US:
Where do the facts that state Texas as the benzene leader come from?